S,I,D,V Flashcards
What is the function of articular facets on vertebrae?
muscular attachments, restriction of movement
What is the only vertebra that does not have a vertebral body?
What does C1 articulate with?
occipital condyle
What ligament runs through the vertebral canal?
posterior longitudinal ligament
What joint is at the same level as the commisures of the mouth?
atlantoccipital joint
Is the spinal cord located in the sacrum?
No, it ends at L2
What indicates myelomeningocele?
the cord and meninges are part of the outpocketing
What can generally be said about the blood supply to the vertebral column?
It is regional.
thoracic vert: intercostal a, v
lumbar vert: lumbar segmental a, v
What are the major branches of a lumbar segmental artery?
spinal branch periosteal branch equatorial branch anterior vertebral canal branch nutrient arteries
all anastomose!
What innervates the meninges, periosteum, bone and ligaments of the vertebral column?
recurrent meningeal n.
What arteries supply the spinal cord?
spinal arteries redicular branches (has anterior + posterior roots)
How many anterior and posterior spinal arteries are there?
one anterior spinal a.
two posterior spinal a.
What is the venous drainage of the spinal cord?
two veins for every one artery
Why is venous drainage and extradural fat important?
thermoregulation–neurons do not regenerate easily
What is the action of the trapezius muscle?
elevate, depress, retract scapula
What is the neurovascular supply to the trap?
accessory n. (CN XI)
C3, C4
transverse cervical vessels
Where is the subtrapzial plexus located and what is it?
runs deep to the trap m.
superficial branch of transverse cervical artery, accessory nerve (CN XI)
What is the action of the lat?
adducts, extends, and medially rotates humerus
What is the neurovascular supply to the lat?
thoracodorsal n.
thoracodorsal vessels
intercostal vessels
What is the action of the levator scapulae?
elevate scapula
What is the neurovascular supply to levator scapulae?
C3 & C4
dorsal scapular n.
dorsal scapular vessels
What is the action of the rhomboid group?
retract (adducts) and elevates scapula
What is the neurovascular supply to rhomboid group?
dorsal scapular n.
dorsal scapular vessels.
What vertebral levels does serratus posterior superior m. act on?
T2- T5
What vertebral levels does serratus posterior inferior m. act on?
T9 - T12
From lateral to medial, what are the three muscles of erector spinae?
What is the action of splenius capitus m.?
bilaterally: draws head backward, extends neck
unilaterally: rotate head ipsilaterally
What is the action of the spenius cervicis?
bilaterally: extend neck (does NOT draw head back)
unilaterally: rotate head ipsilaterally
What is the innervation of the splenius capitus/cervicis?
posterior rami of the middle and lower cervical nn.
all deep muscles have same innervation
What is the action of the semispinalis capitus?
bilaterally: extend vertebral column
unilaterally: rotate trunk contralaterally
What are the borders of the occipital triangle?
laterally: olbliquus capitus sup.
medially/superiorly: rectus capitus major
inferiorly: obliquus capitus inf.
What is the contents of the occipital triangle?
vertebral artery
C1 nerve
What modality is C1?
Which muscle does the greater occipital n. (C2) pierce?
semispinalis capitus m.
What happens if you injure C1?
can’t rotate your head very well bc obliquus capitus inf. will not work (main rotator of head) but you can still extend your head due to lots of other muscles
What is the neurovascular supply to erector spinae m.?
dorsal rami of spinal nn.
lumber/intercostal vessels
What is the action of multifidus m.?
laterally flexes and rotates spine
What is the neurovascular supply to multifidus m.?
dorsal rami of spinal nn.
lumber/intercostal vessels
What is the action of the rotatores m.?
unilaterally: rotate spine
bilaterally: extend vertebral column
What is the neurovascular supply to rotatores m.?
dorsal rami of spinal nn.
lumber/intercostal vessels
What are the minor deep muscles of the back?
interspinalis m.
intertranservarius m.
levatores costarum m.
How are the superficial/intermediate muscles of the back innervated?
ventral rami
How are the deep muscles of the back innervated?
dorsal rami
Why is the midline a good place for an incision?
No cutaneous innervation crosses the midline
What is the action of the serrates anterior m.?
protract scapula, holds to body wall
What is the neurovascular supply of the serrates anterior m.?
long thoracic n.
lateral thoracic vessels
confusing–think loNg thoracic Nerve (both have n’s)
What are the boundaries of the triangle of auscultation?
superior: trap m.
inferior: lat m.
lateral: rhomboid major m.
floor: 6th intercostal space
What are the boundaries of the lumbar triangle?
medial: lat m.
lateral: external oblique m.
inferior: iliac crest
floor: internal oblique m.