S Category Flashcards
Thumb=curled over index-pinky fingers.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the palm of your hand face you and hover your hand over your face. Then move both hands slightly downward and look sad.
Notes: Since you will use this sign when actually sad, make an expression that shows you are upset as well.
Version 1:
Fingerspell S-A-G.
Version 2:
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Then move the hand closer together and rotate the hands so that the palms are now up. Do that motion again.
Notes: The motion in this sign represents you tossing a salad.
Version 2:
Fingerspell it.
Note: You would spell it for other types of salad that you can’t toss, such as a jello salad.
Dominant hand: V handshape. Non-dominant hand: H handshape. Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. Place the index and middle finger of the dominant hand on top of the index and middle finger of the non-dominant hand. Then tap the index and middle finger of the dominant hand up and down asynchronously.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hand face you. Cross the arms over each other to make an X formation. The dominant hand should be on the inside (so closer to you), and the non-dominant hand should be on the outside. Then pull the hands away from each other and turn the hands so that the backs face you.
Notes: Also means “rescue” and “save”.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant and non-dominant hand up. The index finger of the non-dominant hand should be pointing outwards. Curl the index finger of the dominant hand over the index finger of the non-dominant hand. Jam the index finger of the dominant hand against the base of the nondominant hand’s index finger.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you. Then place the non-dominant hand over the fingers of the dominant hand. Move both hands towards your mouth.
Santa Claus:
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands at the sides of your face and underneath your chin. Then pull them away, change into C handshapes. Place the side of the pinkies against each other so that the palm faces you.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Place the side of the index finger against your chin. Then pull the hand downward and rotate the hand so that the palm is up.
Version 1: Dominant hand: Y handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the back of the hand up. Then move the dominant hand from side to side twice.
Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky-curled. Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the index fingers pointing outwards. Start with the hands apart but then tap them against each other.
Same ol’ same ol’:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of both hands up and in front of you. Then spin both hands in circles.
Same time:
Version 1:
“Time” + “same”.
Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: L handshape. Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the index finger pointing outwards. Move both hands into Y handshapes and move the hands to their respective side of the chest. Notes: It also means “simultaneous”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand. Place the side of the index finger for both hands against the chest.
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you and then move your hand in a small vertical circle.
Notes: Formally, “Saturday” is signed with the back facing you. To say “every Saturday”, you have the hand higher and move it straight downwards.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of both hands up. Have the hands close together in about the middle of your chest. Then squeeze and unsqueeze both hands as you move them farther apart.
Notes: It also means “hotdog”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
V handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Tap the index and middle finger of the dominant hand against the back of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “storage” and “retain”.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hand face you. Cross the arms over each other to make an X formation. The dominant hand should be on the inside (so closer to you), and the non-dominant hand should be on the outside. Then pull the hands away from each other and turn the hands so that the backs face you.
Notes: It also means “rescue” and “salvation”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the fingers pointing outwards. Then move the hands up and down asynchronously.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Move both hands up and down asynchronously.
Notes: It also means “balance” and “Libra”.
Dominant hand: Index finger=slightly curled. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Run the tip of the index finger horizontally across your forehead, starting from the middle and then going to the dominant side. Notes: It also means “trauma”.
“Scare” + “bird”.
You can add “fake” + “person” afterward if the person doesn’t know what you mean.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands at the sides of your chest with the palms facing you. The dominant hand should be above the non-dominant hand. Then extend all the fingers to thrust the hands to the side. For inflection, you can lean back and look scared by your expression.
Notes: It also means “afraid”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the other fingertips.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you with the index-pinky pointing upwards. Have the dominant hand closer to you than the non-dominant hand. Spin both hands in circles. The non-dominant hand should move in a small circle while the dominant hand goes in a bigger circle around the non-dominant hand. Move the dominant hand to the non-dominant shoulder and extend and separate the thumb-pinky.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the back of the dominant hand up so that the fingers are pointing to the palm of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand down. Then turn it to the side with the fingers pointing outwards and move it towards the non-dominant hand’s fingers.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Then have the dominant hand hit against the non-dominant hand so that the palms hit each other twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb=on top of the index finger.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the thumb pointing upward. Then turn the dominant hand so that the thumb is pointing to the side. Then do the same thing with the non-dominant hand. Then do the “person” sign.
Notes: The hand motions of both hands are like you are pouring substances into an invisible container.
Dominant hand:
H handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you and the fingers point to the side. Separate the index and middle fingers and then bring them back together. Repeat this motion 2-3 times.
Scoop card from table:
Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the back of the dominant hand up. Place the fingertips of the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand’s fingers. Move the dominant hand towards the non-dominant hand’s wrist, closing your dominant hand into a fist as you do so.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Quickly tap/”sting” the air in front of you.
Notes: This sign needs some context to come before it.
Version 2: Dominant hand: Index finger=slightly curled. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the fingertips of the non-dominant hand against the wrist of the dominant hand. Then either “sting” the air above the non-dominant hand or “sting” the back of the non-dominant hand.
Version 3: Scorpion walking Dominant hand: Index finger=slightly curled. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated. Orientation: Have the back of the dominant hand face you. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Rest the wrist of the dominant hand on top of the wrist of the non-dominant hand. Then move the non-dominant hand outward while wiggling the index-pinky up and down. Notes: It also means “Scorpio”.
“Horizontal stripe sign” + “Vertical stripe sign” to make a small cross on the non-dominant side of your chest.
Notes: It also means “plaid”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up and the back of the dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand but not touching it. Spin both hands in circles.
Notes: It also means “mixed”.
Dominant hand: H handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up with the fingers pointing outwards. Place the tips of the dominant hand on the middle of the palm of the non-dominant hand. Twist the dominant hand from side to side.
Dominant hand: Index finger=curled but turned upwards. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the back of the fingers of the dominant hand against the middle of the non-dominant palm. Move the hand down in one quick motion down the middle of the non-dominant hand’s palm. Notes: It also means “wrote”.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Place the dominant hand by your eye. Then move the hand in small circles.
Notes: I think the hand is supposed to represent a magnifying glass, and the movements show you actively looking for something. It also means “seek” and “look for”.
Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the side of the index finger against the palm of the non-dominant hand. Spin the dominant hand in a circle against the non-dominant hand’s palm.
Version 1:
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
Index and thumb=slightly curled.
Orientation: With the palm facing you, move the hand from your non-dominant shoulder to the bottom of the dominant side of your chest.
Notes: You can do the same sign with the H handshape.
Fingerspell S-E-C.
Second hand:
Dominant hand: L handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing outwards. Then shake the hand back and forth. Notes: It also means “use”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the thumb against your mouth.
Notes: It also means “private”.
Dominant hand:
K handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up with the fingers pointing outward. Place the tip of the dominant hand’s middle finger against your nose. Then move the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand. Then do the “person sign”.
Notes: Can also be done as “pencil” + “person”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were not curled. Have the dominant hand behind the non-dominant hand. Cross the hands at the wrist. Slightly shake while in that formation.
Dominant hand:
V handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you and near your eye. Then move the hand away from you without turning it.
Notes: To say “we will see”, tap the index and middle finger against your cheek. It also means “vision”.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Place the dominant hand by your eye. Then move the hand in small circles.
Notes: I think the hand is supposed to represent a magnifying glass, and the movements show you actively looking for something. It also means “search” and “look for”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and against each other.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Place the hand by the side of your head. Then shake the hand from side to side.
Notes: It also means “appearance” and “mirror”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Move both hands slightly outward. Then change them both into the S handshape and move them towards you slightly.
Sell agent:
“Store” + “person”.
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up. Move the dominant hand to the side (towards your dominant side, don’t move it across your chest) and then downwards to the bottom of your chest.
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the index finger touch the top of the non-dominant side of the chest and then move to the dominant side of the chest.
Notes: More accurately means “member of senate”. I don’t know if it means the senate as an institution.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand:
S or B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Then release the finger of the dominant hand and thrust it out, so it passes over the non-dominant hand.
Version 2: Dominant hand: O handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you. Move the hand forward and release and extend the fingers.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Place the palm of the dominant hand on top of the thumb of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: This sign is for seniors in school.
Senior citizen:
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the side of the index finger against the bottom of one cheek and then move the hand to the other cheek, change the hand to a C handshape, and place the side of the index finger against it.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Jab the index finger against the side of your forehead twice.
Notes: This sign can be used to say “makes sense”.
Sensitive: Easily offended/can’t handle
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the tip of the middle finger against the top side of your chest. Then move the hand outwards. Turn the hand so that the back of the hand faces you with the fingers pointing to the side.
Notes: With a facial expression that expresses you are uncomfortable. It also means “insensitive” when signed with a rude facial expression.
Sensitive: Caring
“Feeling” but going down instead of up.
Notes: Neutral facial expression.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands face you with the middle-pinky fingers pointing upwards. Move the dominant hand to the side while keeping the non-dominant hand in place.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the thumb-index finger circles touching each other. Then move both hands to their respective sides.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb=extended and separated.
Index-pinky=slightly curled and against each other.
Orientation: Have the palm of both hands face you. Separate the hands and curl the index-pinky.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have both of the palms of the hands face you. Have the dominant hand and non-dominant hand against each other. The dominant hand should be the one farther from you. Then move the dominant hand farther from you in little jumps. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have some space between the hands. Move the hands to the side in little jumps.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the palm face you with the finger pointing upwards. Then place the tip of the index finger against your chin. Then turn the hand so that the hand is turned to the side. Do not move the index finger, however. Just twist it.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands in front of you with the palms up. The fingers should be pointing outwards. Then move the hands back and forth in front of you in an alternating pattern twice.
Notes: Since this does not have the person sign, it is not “server/waiter”.
“Serve” + “person”.
Notes: It also means “waiter”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the thumb pointing towards you. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the thumb pointing towards you. Then turn the dominant hand so that the thumb points upwards and place it on top of the non-dominant hand. Notes: It also means “establish”.
Sew: By hand
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the middle-pinky fingers pointed outwards. Move the dominant hand in a circle and twist the hand so that the palm is up when it reaches the top of the circle. Repeat that motion 2-3 times.
Sew: By machine
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended with the fingers against each other.
Thumb=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. Thrust both hands forward and then pull back. Repeat that motion 2-3 times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Place both hands slightly away from the side of your head. Then move both hands back and forth (moving to the back and then the front of your head).
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
A handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands face you with the thumbs pointing to the side. Turn both hands to the side so that the thumbs point upwards as you move the hands downward. Then bring the hands closer together as you go downwards as well. Then have the back of both hands face you with the thumbs pointing to the side at the bottom again.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and against each other.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointed outwards. Run the side of the pinky of the dominant hand against the side of the index finger on the non-dominant hand. Do that motion 2-3 times.
Notes: It also means “between” and “partner”.
Dominant hand: Index finger=slightly curled. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Run the back of the index finger against the line of your cheek to your jaw.
Dominant hand: V handshape. Non-dominant hand: B or S handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. On the inside of the non-dominant arm (so closer to your chest), have the index and middle finger open and closer like scissors as you move the dominant hand closer to the non-dominant elbow.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Thumb=extended. Index finger=slightly curled. Middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the index fingers, and thumbs of both hands face each other to make a small rectangle shape. Then pull the hands away from each other and have the thumb and index finger touch. It also means “brick”, “card”, “check”, “envelope”, and “rectangle”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the fingers pointed outwards. Have the sides of the index fingers against each other (the thumb is curled into the palm). Then separate the hands and move them to their respective sides of the chest.
Notes: To indicate multiple shelves, do the same motion three times but raise the hands each time. It also means “flat”, “floor”, and “level”.
Shift: Work shift
Shift: Switch
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled.
Thumb, ring, and pink=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Then turn the hand so that the back is up.
Notes: It also means “switch” and “transfer”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Orientation: At the sides of the chest, pick up a portion of the shirt with the index finger and thumb. Then pull the shirt a little bit away from your body and then let go.
Notes: The motion in this sign points out the shirt. This motion (maybe with just one hand) also means “candidate”, “apply”, and “volunteer”.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Place the side of the thumb against your chest. Then move both hands down your chest rotating them, so the palms of the hands now face you.
“Think” + “freeze”.
Notes: It also means “dazed”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: The back of both hands are up. Place the hands against one another at the side of the index fingers. Tap the hands against one another twice.
Version 1: “Buy” twice by sliding the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand. Dr. Bill prefers this one. Version 2: “Store”.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended with the fingers against each other and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side so that the side of the index finger faces you. Place the hand high in the middle or lower chest area.
Notes: It is like you are touching the top of a short person’s head.
Short hair:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards with the fingers against each other.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Orientation: With the palms facing you, place one hand on each side of your head. Then move the hands upward by your ears and move the bounce the hands up and down.
Shot: Medical
Version 1: Dominant hand: L handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the tip of the index finger tap against the non-dominant arm.
Version 2: Dominant hand: Number 3 handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the palm up with the fingers pointing to the side. Then have the fingers and the thumb touch as you place the back of the fingers against the non-dominant arm.
Dominant hand: Index finger=slightly curled. Middle-pinky=curled. Thumb=curled over the fingers. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you. Then turn the wrist down so that the fingers are pointing to the floor. Notes: It also means “need”.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the finger pointing upwards. Then place the index finger of the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand. The palm of the dominant hand should be facing you.
Notes: Moving this formation away from you means “show you” while moving the formation towards you means “show me”.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended but turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and touching the tip of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand above but near the side of your head. Extended all the fingers and then put them back in the starting position twice.
Notes: With the hand being above your head, it is like the showerhead is there.
Show up:
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointed to the side. Place the index finger of the dominant hand between the middle and ring finger of the non-dominant hand. The index finger should be pointing upwards. Notes: It also means “appear”.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Move the dominant hand from your dominant side to your non-dominant hand side in front of you. As it moves, curl and uncurl the index finger a few times.
Shut down:
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands face you. Then turn the hands downward so that the back is facing up, the fingers are turned downward, and the thumb is touching the tips of the other fingers.
Version 2: Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant arm in front of you with the back of the hand up. Rest the elbow of the dominant arm on the non-dominant hand. Then bring the dominant arm down so that the dominant hand is near the non-dominant elbow.
Shut up:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up with the fingers pointing outward. Have your mouth open. Then bring the hand closer to you, turn the index-pinky downward, have the thumb touch the tips of the other fingers, and turn the hand to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Place the side of the index finger against your mouth and close your mouth.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, against each other and turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and by the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the back of the fingers against your cheek and turn your head towards your shoulder like you were cowering away.
Similar to “parent”, do “brother” to the top of the middle of your chest, and then do the same for “sister”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Orientation: Have the tip of the middle finger of the dominant hand touch the side of your forehead. Have the tip of the middle finger of the non-dominant hand touch the bottom of your chest.
Sick that:
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the middle finger touching the side of your forehead. Then, pull the hand away and point at whatever you think is sick.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Then move the hand downwards.
Notes: This can be used to say things as “My mom’s side” or “My dad’s side”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands at the dominant side of your chest. Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. There should be some space between the hands. Then move both hands forward and away from you.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Both hands spin in a circle twice. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index-pinky=slightly curled. Thumb=over index-pinky. Orientation: Both hands have the tips of the index-pinky fingers tap against the palm twice.
Dominant hand:
H handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant up and the palm non-dominant hand up. Spin the dominant hand in a quick circle and then rest it on top of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: Mix between name and paper to say ‘put your name on paper’. It also means “contract”, “register”, and “sign up”.
Sign up:
Dominant hand:
H handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant up and the palm non-dominant hand up. Spin the dominant hand in a quick circle and then rest it on top of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “contract”, “register”, and “signature”.
Dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the thumb facing you. Place the hand near your nose. Then rotate the hand from side to side quickly.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the index finger point at the bottom of your ear and then curl your index finger to make a fist. Then slightly shake the fist.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Orientation: Have the tips of the thumbs touch. Then move the dominant hand upwards and then downwards.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
L handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the index finger pointing outwards. Move both hands into Y handshapes and move the hands to their respective side of the chest.
Notes: It also means “same time”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: With the palms facing, you have the hands by your dominant shoulder. Then pull the hands away from your shoulder.
Notes: Can also mean “has been”, “up to now”, “ever since”, “have been” and “so far”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you and shake the hand side to side a little.
Notes: It also means “something” and “someone”.
Version 2: Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the index finger touch one side of your mouth and then move to the other side.
Sink it:
Fingerspell it.
Dominant hand: Thumb and index finger=extended. Middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Middle-pinky=curled. Thumb=curled over middle-pinky. Orientation: The dominant thumb touches the side of the cheek, and then the dominant hand moves down to rest against the non-dominant hand, which has the palm facing you.
Sister in law:
“Sister” + “law”.
Sit: General
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
H handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand up. Then place the index and middle finger of the dominant hand over the index and middle finger of the non-dominant hand. Slightly curl the index and middle finger of the dominant hand.
Note: The dominant hand’s slightly curled index and middle finger look like legs dangling from a bench.
Sit: Two people sit across from each other
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side. The finger would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended. The hands face each other.
Notes: This can also be done with the back of the dominant hand facing you and the palm of the non-dominant hand facing you.
Dominant hand:
S handshape or thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. Then have the back of the dominant hand facing you with the fingers pointing upwards. Have some space between the dominant hand and non-dominant hand. Move the dominant hand around the non-dominant hand (though never touching it) so that the palm of the dominant hand now faces you.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands in front of you with the back of both hands up. Have the hands touch at the tip of their thumbs.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palms up with the fingers pointing outward. Have the dominant hand behind the non-dominant hand. Then both hands up and down.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands up with the non-dominant hand a bit more forward than the dominant hand. Then move both hands up and down slightly.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=slightly curled with the fingers against each other.
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Clasp the dominant hand over the side of the pinky of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand outwards and turn the dominant hand into an A handshape.
Notes: It also means “adept”, “fluent”, and “good at”, and “talent”.
Dominant hand: Thumb and index finger=slightly curled. They do not make a circle. Middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Pinch the skin on your cheek or the back of your non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
I handshape.
Orientation: With the palms facing you, have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand. Then, have the tips of the pinkies touch each other. Then draw the dominant hand and non-dominant hand apart.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Orientation: Have the dominant and non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Rotate the dominant hand down so that it brushes against the downturned middle finger of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “absent”.
Skirt: General
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended, and the fingers are not against each other.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you. Place them on the sides of your hips. Move the hands down your legs. You don’t have to go all the way down, just about halfway to your knees.
Skirt: Short
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended, and the fingers are not against each other.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you. Place them on the sides of your hips. Move the hands down your legs. Before you get halfway to your knees, change the handshape. Have the index-pinky extended, against each other, and turned downwards. Have the thumb against the side of the index finger. Have the side of the pinky against your leg and the palm up.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. There should be some space between the hands. Then move both hands upwards.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palms up with the fingers pointing outward. Have the dominant hand behind the non-dominant hand. Use the wrists to bring the hand upward so that the palms face you, and then bring the hands back downward. Repeat the motion 2-3 times.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palms up with the fingers pointing outward. Have the dominant hand behind the non-dominant hand. Then move both hands away from you.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you. Have the hand at your face. Then turn the fingers downwards and have the thumb touch the tips of the fingers. Also, turn your head down and close your eyes.
Notes: It is like you are being turned off.
Sleep in:
Step 1:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Have the hand at your face. Then turn the fingers downwards and have the thumb touch the tips of the fingers. Also, turn your head down and close your eyes. Bring the dominant hand downwards and move in the non-dominant hand with the back up. Move the dominant hand under the non-dominant arm to the outside and proceed to step 2.
Step 2:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended but turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and touching the tip of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended with the fingers against each other.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the arm horizontally across your chest. Have the dominant hand on the outside of the non-dominant arm by the elbow. Then change the dominant hand to an F handshape and raise the dominant hand like the sun is rising.
Notes: This is just the “sunrise” sign.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up and the fingers pointing to your face. Wave the index-pinky fingers up and down. For inflection, you can half close your eyes and look tired.
Version 1: Dominant hand: B handshape. Non-dominant hand: C handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Move the dominant hand up and down and move both hands to the side. Notes: It also means “cut”.
Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Then have the dominant hand to the side in a karate chop position and come to rest in the middle of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand down the middle of the palm of the non-dominant hand. Notes: It also means “part” and “some”.
Slip mind:
Sign “vanish” with the non-dominant hand against your forehead.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: The back of the non-dominant hand is up. The dominant hand runs over the non-dominant hand from the fingers to the wrist.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Put both hands in a karate chop position with some space between them. Then, have them move closer together like you were pushing and making something smaller.
Small round:
Dominant hand: F handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the middle-pinky fingers pointing outwards. Make a small O shape with your mouth. Notes: This is a classifier.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the tip of the side of the index finger against the side of your forehead. Then, without twisting the hand, move the index finger away from your forehead so that it points outward.
Notes: Used to say “smart” or “intelligent”.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
The middle finger is the only one turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Tap the tip of the middle finger against the side of your forehead. Then twist the hand so that the back faces you.
Notes: Used to say smart as in “bright”, “brilliant”, “clever”, and “genius”.
Smell: General
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you. Move the hand in circles near your nose like you are wafting the scents up there.
Smell: Smelly
Dominant hand: F handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Pinch your nose with your index finger and thumb. Notes: It also means “stink”.
Dominant hand:
V handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the fingers against the side of your mouth. You can pull your dominant hand away like you are blowing out smoke, but it is not required.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the fingertips.
Orientation: Have the palms facing you so that the fingers are pointing upward. Then run the thumb along with the tips of the other fingers. Move both hands into an A handshape with the thumbs extended outward. Move the hands outward as you do this as well.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger= slightly curled and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: With the back of the hand facing you. Move the hand from side to side and away from you.
Notes: The movement can describe a snake moving its body from side to side as it slithers along the ground.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the back of the hand up with the finger pointing to the side. Place the finger under your nose and then make a motion and facial expression like you are sneezing.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands against your shoulders. Then move them out in front of you with the backs up and the fingers pointing outward. Then move the hands down, and they move side to side.
Notes: Your hand movements represent snow falling.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand in front of the non-dominant hand. Move both hands slightly forward 2-3 times.
Notes: May add “snow” to this sign as well to make it extra clear.
Soak feet:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands against each other at the side of the pinky. Cup your hands in front of you. Then move the hands to the side and turn the hands so that the fingers point outwards. Then have the backs of both hands up with the fingers pointing outwards. Move both hands downward.
Notes: You do “bowl”, then have your hands move into the bowl like you are soaking your feet.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Run the fingertips of the dominant hand against the bottom of the palm of the non-dominant hand. Slightly curl the fingers of the dominant hand each time. Repeat quickly 2-3 times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outward. Have the back of the dominant hand up with the fingers pointing downward (they are not turned downward). Hit the side of the dominant hand’s index finger against the pinky’s side on the non-dominant hand twice.
Notes: It also means “kick” when the dominant hand only taps against the non-dominant hand once.
Social work:
Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Place the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand with the palm facing you. Once the dominant hand hits the non-dominant hand’s palm, change the dominant hand into the W handshape.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand’s thumb point up and the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand with the thumb pointing downwards. Then spin both hands in a circle.
Notes: It also means “hang out”, “interact”, and “to associate with”.
Social studies:
“Socialize” + “study”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands facing you with the index and thumb of both fingers facing each other. Then turn the hands so that the palms face you and the side of the pinkies from both hands are touching each other.
Version 1: Fingerspell S-O-C. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: S handshape. Orientation: Have the backs of both hands face you. Have the hands touching at the side of the index fingers. Then flip both hands around so that the palms face you. Then do the “study” sign.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the index finger pointing to the floor. Have the sides of the index fingers touching. Then move the hands up and down asynchronously. The hand should only move down enough to reach the end of the other hand’s index finger then go back up.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands up. Bring the index-pinky fingers together and standing up. Have the thumb touch the tip of the other fingers. Bring the hands as a whole downward slightly. Repeat.
Notes: It also means “humid”.
“Ball” + context.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended but turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and touching the tips of the fingers.
Orientation: Have the palms face you with the fingers pointing downward. Then flick the hands upward once.
Notes: Similar to “store” but with only one movement instead of two.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. The fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand. Knock the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand once.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you with the index finger pointing outwards. Then flip the hand over and place the side of the pink against the middle of your chest.
Notes: It also means “alone-all by myself”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the fingertips.
Orientation: Have the palms facing you so that the fingers are pointing upward. Then run the thumb along with the tips of the other fingers. Then move both hands into an A handshape with the thumbs extended outward.
Notes: It also means “dissolve” and “eliminate”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Then have the dominant hand to the side in a karate chop position and come to rest in the middle of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand down the middle of the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “part” and “slice”.
“Future” with two thrusts forward.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb=over middle finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you and shake the hand side to side a little.
Notes: It also means “someone” and “single”.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb=over middle finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you and shake the hand side to side a little.
Notes: It also means “someone” and “single”.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointed outwards. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you with the fingers pointed to the side. Hit the side of the index finger on the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand in a small and fast loop.
“Some” + “where”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand across the chest with the palm up. Then, have the side of the index finger touch the forehead and then turn the palm up to rest against the elbow of the non-dominant arm.
Notes: The final position is like you holding a baby.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: H handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Place the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. The two hands will be perpendicular to each other. Then rub the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand slightly. Notes: It also means “temporary”. Version 2: Dominant hand: F handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the thumb and index finger touch your chin or nose and tap against them twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Place the palm of the dominant hand on top of the middle finger of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: You can also just do the number 8 sign but tap the thumb and index finger together a few times.
Sore throat:
Version 1:
“Hurt” or “pain” + pointing to your throat.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
Index finger and thumb=extended and parallel to each other.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the tips of the index finger and thumb against the middle of your throat. Then move your hand downwards while having a look of pain on your face for inflection.
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were not curled. Turn the hand in a vertical circle at the other side of your chest and then place it against your chest.
Dominant hand:
A handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Rub the back of your fingers in a circle on your chest.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Wave the hand to the side twice.
Notes: It looks very similar to the hand motion I use for so-so already not in ASL.
Dominant hand: H handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Cup your non-dominant hand like it is holding some liquid. Then use your dominant hand as a ‘spoon’ to run against the non-dominant hand and go to the mouth. Notes: It also means “chowder”.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the finger pointing upwards. Then place the tip of the index finger against your chin. Then turn the hand so that the hand is turned to the side. Do not move the index finger, however. Just twist it.
Notes: To differentiate this from “serious”, furrow your eyebrows or put the hand off to the side of the chin.
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you. Then move the hand downward.
Notes: This is different from saying “every Saturday” because the back is facing you for “south” instead of the palm being up for “every Saturday”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger=slightly curled. Middle-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards if they were extended. Have some space between the hands. Then pull them farther away from each other and twist the wrist so that backs are facing you, and the fingers would be pointing upwards if they were extended.
Version 1: Dominant hand: B handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the back of the hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Move it outwards and then tilt the hand upwards. Version 2: Fingerspell it.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
I handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. Then spin both hands in circles and slightly pull the hands away from each other.
Notes: It also means “long thin noodles”, “noodles”, and “pasta”.
Dominant hand:
F handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the finger pointing upwards. Have the index and thumb of the dominant hand place the index finger of the non-dominant hand between them. Then move both hands upward.
Notes: It is like you are picking one thing out of many things. It also means “except” and “unique”.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Then have the tip of the index finger on the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand and move from the bottom of the hand to the fingertips.
Notes: The non-dominant hand can be either in the B handshape or the same handshape as the dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. Have the dominant hand’s palm face you with the finger pointing to the side. Move the dominant hand closer to the non-dominant hand but stop before they touch.
Speech: General speech
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you and put the hand by your mouth. Then spin your hand in a circle.
Speech: Lecture or talk
Dominant hand:
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm at the side of your head. Shake the hand back and forth.
Notes: It also means “lecture” and “presentation”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
L handshape.
Orientation: Index fingers point away from you. Then move the hands closer to you. Curl in the index finger as you do so (do not turn the index finger downwards). Repeat this motion 2-3 times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
L handshape.
Orientation: Index fingers point away from you. Have the non-dominant hand farther away from you. Curl and uncurl the index finger on both hands 2-3 times.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Very quickly, the index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers move down one after another.
Notes: Imagine playing piano and just pressing four keys right next to each other.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands by your pants pockets with the palms up. Move the hands upward and extend and separate the fingers.
Spend recklessly:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands by your pants pockets with the palms up. Move the hands upward and extend the index finger. Have the palms facing you and the index finger pointing upwards.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands up. Cross the hands at the wrist. Then move the index-pinky fingers up and down like they were a spider’s legs moving.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the tips of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the backs of both hands up with the fingers pointing downward. The hands should be side to side with each other. Then extend and separate all the fingers and separate the hands from each other.
Notes: It also means “spread”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the middle-pinky pointing outwards. Have the back of the dominant hand face you with the middle-pinky pointing upwards. Have the index and thumb circles on both hands touch. Move the dominant hand straight upwards.
Note: Similar to “ghost”, but moves straight upwards instead of from side to side.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of your hand against your mouth. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were not curled. Then extend your thumb and index finger and point them towards the floor.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side (the fingers would be pointing outwards if they were extended). Have the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Run the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. When it reaches the end, tilt the dominant hand upwards.
Notes: It also means “hurt”, “mar” and “ruin”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you (the fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended). Have the palm of the dominant hand face you (the fingers would be pointing upward if they were fully extended). Place the dominant hand below the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “affirm”, “loyal”, “support”, and “sustain”.
Dominant hand: H handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Cup your non-dominant hand like it is holding some liquid. Then use your dominant hand as a “spoon” to run against the non-dominant hand and go to the mouth. Do that motion a few times quickly, and then put away the non-dominant hand while holding the dominant hand near your mouth.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you and have the curled fingers of the hands touch. Notes: It also means “game”. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Have both hands in front of you with the thumbs pointing upwards. Tilt the hands forward and backward (with the thumb pointing to you) asynchronously. Notes: It also means “compete” and “race”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=curled, against each other, but not turned downwards.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the back of the dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Then twist the dominant hand, so it is in the same position as the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the tips of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the backs of both hands up with the fingers pointing downward. The hands should be side to side with each other. Then extend and separate all the fingers and separate the hands from each other.
Notes: It also means “spill”.
Dominant hand:
O handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand inside the non-dominant hand. Then release the dominant hand’s index-pinky and extend them. Make this motion twice.
Notes: Think of the dominant hand’s fingers representing the new plants that grow during spring.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. Place the side of the index fingers against each other. Then separate the hands and outline a square.
Notes: You can show the size of the square by changing how big the outline is.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, turned downwards, separated.
Thumb=underneath the fingers but not touching them.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Gently put the index-pinky against each other, and the thumb touches the tips of the fingertips. Move the hand to the side. Repeat this 2-3 times.
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the tips of the index-ring finger touch the top of the non-dominant side of the chest and then move to the dominant side of the chest. Once it reaches the dominant side of the chest, change it into an F handshape.
Notes: The changing of the handshapes makes this sign different from “senate”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have the sides of both hands face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the fingers of both hands almost touching. Then turn both hands downward. Repeat 2-3 times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
H handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the dominant hand’s index and middle finger against your mouth. Then take the dominant hand away from your mouth and place the palm side of the tips against the index and middle fingers tips of the non-dominant hand. Make sure that the dominant hand is perpendicular to the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand:
V handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Place the tips of the index and middle finger on the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: The index and middle fingers of the dominant hand represent legs.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands up. Sweep both in a horizontal circle.
Notes: It also means “all the same”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: With the back of the hands facing you, asynchronously move the hands upward like you are pointing out individual stars.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Thumb and middle finger=curled and making a small circle.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the index, ring, and pinky fingers pointing upwards. Flick both middle fingers up 2-3 times.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=extended and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=extended and against the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have the back of the dominant hand up. Place the index finger of the dominant hand between the index and middle fingers of the non-dominant hand. Then turn the dominant hand so that the palm faces you.
Notes: This motion is like when you start a car. It also means “begin” and “initiate”.
Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Then, have the side of the index finger of the dominant hand hit against the fingers and then the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: With the dominant hand and non-dominant hand in S handshapes, turn the hands so that the side of the index finger faces you. The fingers would be pointing to the side if they were extended. Then have the dominant hand brush across the non-dominant hand twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands face you. Then, move the hands down in a hard thrust.
Notes: Can use one or both hands.
Dominant hand:
F handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Have the thumb and index finger of the dominant hand grip the area of the non-dominant hand by the thumb. Then slightly shake both hands.
Notes: It also means “meat”, “context”, and “flesh”.
Dominant hand: V handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up, and the non-dominant hand arm laid diagonally across the chest. The dominant hand starts over by the elbow, moves towards the non-dominant arm’s wrist quickly, and slightly curls the index and middle fingers as the dominant hand moves.
Dominant hand: Index and thumb=extended. Middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Make a quick twist of the wrist and then extend the other fingers as you move either to the chin for stepmother or the forehead for step-father.
Stick: Sticky
Dominant hand: Number 8 handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the back of the dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing upwards. Place the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand. Notes: It also means “magnet”.
Stick: Physical object
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the index-thumb circles against each other. Then move hands away from each other and to their respective sides.
Notes: It also means “diploma”, “degree”, “pipe”, and “tube”.
Dominant hand:
Number 8 handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand, and non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Place the tips of the middle finger and thumb of the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand. Then turn the dominant hand downwards so that the fingers point outwards. Repeat that motion 2-3 times.
Notes: The motion is like you are trying to peel off a sticker.
Stick shift:
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up, or the hand turned to the side. In either case, the fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Spin the hand in a horizontal circle.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Number 8 handshape.
Orientation: Tap the middle finger against the thumb three times.
Dominant hand:
X handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Quickly jab the place where you were stung. If you are talking about stings in general, then tap the back of the wrist of your non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands in front of you with the wrists fully turned downward (the fingers would be pointing to the floor if they were fully extended). Then move the hands outward and turn the hands upward so that the backs of the hands are up.
Dominant hand:
Thumb and index finger=curled to make a circle.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. The fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Flick the index finger out and extend it. The index finger of the dominant hand should be pointing to the non-dominant hand’s index finger.
Dominant hand: F handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Pinch your nose with your index finger and thumb. Notes: It also means “smelly”.
Version 1: Fingerspell it. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger and middle finger=slightly curled and separated. Ring and pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Have the back of both hands face you. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Move both hands up and down asynchronously. Notes: It also means “invest”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Run the palm over the stomach.
Notes: You can also just point to your stomach.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up with the fingers pointed outwards. Then have the dominant hand to the side with the fingers pointed to the side and come to rest in the middle of the non-dominant hand.
Stop it:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the fingers pointing upward. Then quickly turn the hand so that the back faces you and move the hand slightly outward.
Dominant hand: V handshape. Non-dominant hand: S handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Tap the index and middle finger of the dominant hand against the back of the non-dominant hand. Notes: It also means “save”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended but turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and touching the tips of the fingers.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you and move the hands back and forth in front of you twice.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downward.
Thumb=against the tips of the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Place the dominant hand inside the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F or 8 handshape.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Interlock the thumb-index (or middle) circles of both hands. Then pull the hands apart, so they are no longer interlocked. Move the hand in a vertical circle that ends with them interlocked again. Repeat that 2-3 times.
Notes: Can also do this sign with both hands having the thumb extended and the index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Fingerspell it.
Notes: For the O, V, and E, the ring and pinky finger can stay curled while the index, middle finger, and thumb do the sign. This just allows you to sign it faster.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Then have the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand and move from the bottom to the fingertips.
Notes: It also means “line of work” and “major”.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing upward. Have the side of the index finger against the middle of your forehead. Move your hand outward and move your hand, so the fingers are pointing outwards.
Straight hair:
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and separated.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: With the palm facing you or the backside of the finger facing the side of your head, run the hand down the side of your head.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Place the dominant hand by your eye. Then turn the dominant hand so that the back is up and the fingers are pointing to the floor.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you with the finger pointed to the side. Place the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand’s index finger. Rotate the dominant hand to the side 2-3 times.
Notes: Also is the default sign for “berry”.
Version 2:
Fingerspell S-B.
Version 3:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm side of the index finger against your mouth. Move the hand downwards. Once it is past your mouth, change the handshape to the letter F and put the index and thumb circle against your mouth.
Version 4:
Dominant hand:
F handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the thumb and index finger circle against your chin. Move your hand away and turn the hand so the back faces you twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. There should be some space between the hands. Then move both hands outwards.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side (the fingers would be pointing outward if they were fully extended). Then place the palm of the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Then move both hands up and down.
Notes: It also means “pressure” and “tension”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. The fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Have the dominant hand in front of and against the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand outwards.
Notes: The movement is like stretching some kind of rope between the dominant and non-dominant hands.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the side of the index finger against your nose.
Stripes: Vertical
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm up. Run the side of the pinky against the middle of the chest, and you move the hand downwards.
Notes: This motion points out your stripes. If you want to point vertical stripes you see on someone/something else, have the hand out with the back of the hand up and move the hand downward.
Stripes: Horizontal
Dominant hand: Index-pinky=extended and separated. Thumb=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the palm facing you. Move the hand from the non-dominant side of your chest to the dominant side.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the hands at the sides of your chest with the palms facing you. Then curl your hands into a fist and puff up your chest.
Notes: It also means “brave”, “courage”, “cure”, “heal”, “healthy”, and “recover”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
A handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Place the back of the fingers of the non-dominant hand on top of the dominant hand. Then move the hands upwards and place the back of the dominant hand’s fingers on top of the non-dominant hand. Repeat a few more times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have both palms face you with the index finger pointed to the side. Have some space between the hands. Then move both hands together in a circle.
Notes: Another version has you move both hands side to side.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and against each other.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the thumb against the side of your head. Then curl the index-pinky and turn them downwards.
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, middle finger=extended and separated.
Ring and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up. Place the tips of the index and middle finger against your neck.
Notes: It also means “unwanted pregnancy”.
Stuck up:
Dominant hand:
Index and pinky=extended.
Thumb, middle, and ring finger=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Place the side of the index finger by your mouth. Then move the hand upwards. Run the index finger against the bottom of your nose and tip your head up to allow the hand to pass.
Notes: It’s like you were stuck and couldn’t move out of the way of the hand, and then you went upwards.
Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the back of the dominant hand up with the finger pointing to the palm of the non-dominant hand. Then wiggle the dominant hand’s fingers up and down.
Dominant hand:
V handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the back of the hand against your forehead.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
V handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Then slightly curl the fingers to make quote marks.
Notes: It also means “quote”, “title”, and “topic”.
Version 1:
Version 2: Dominant hand: B handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the palm upwards and the fingers pointing outwards. Move the hand outwards.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the thumb pointing upwards. Have both hands in front of you with some space between them. Move the dominant hand underneath the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “inferior” and “under”.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=curled and not turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you (the fingers would be pointing to the side if they were extended). Have the hand up near your head. Move the hand downward and change into an S handshape.
Notes: It also means “supplemental security income (SSI)” and “welfare”.
Version 1: Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have the palm of the dominant hand face the palm of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand downward and close the dominant hand into a fist. Notes: It also means “take away”. Version 2: Dominant hand: Thumb and index=extended and separated. They are parallel to each other. Middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upward. Have the back of the dominant hand face you. Then, place the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand. Notes: It also means “negative” and “minus”. It can be used for the sign “take away” as well, but it is a loose definition and does not fit as well as version 1.
Dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Place the dominant hand underneath the non-dominant hand with the palm up. Then move the dominant hand side to side underneath the non-dominant hand.
Notes: This can also be done with the dominant hand’s back facing you or turned to the side with the thumb pointing to you.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. Have the tips of the index fingers against the corners of your mouth. Then move the hands away from you and flip the hands so that the backs of the hands now face you. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Point the index finger at the sides of your mouth. Move the hands outward and upward, and as you do, turn them in two circles. Flip the hands so that the back faces you after the second circle.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downward.
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side (the fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Bring both hands closer to you, turn down the index finger, extend the thumb and then move both hands upward.
Notes: It also means “quick” and “instant”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Run the back of your thumb down and against your chin. Turn the hand side to side a little bit as your hand moves downward.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=extended and against each other.
Thumb= against the side of the index finger.
Ring and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the tips of the index and middle finger against your chin. Then curl in both fingers.
Notes: It also means “cute”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands up with the fingers pointing outwards. Then move the hands outward and slightly up, moving them towards the other person.
Notes: It also means “offer”, “provide”, and “recommend”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant hand up and the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Have the non-dominant hand above and to the side of the dominant hand. Then flip both hands over (so the dominant hand is palm up and the back of the non-dominant hand is up). Bring the hands together while putting the index-pinky fingers of both hands together and turned downward with the thumb touching the fingertips. Have the hands touch at the fingertips.
Notes: It also means “altogether” and “total”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand. Place both hands close to the middle of the bottom of your chest. Then turn both hands into S handshapes.
Notes: It also means “abbreviate” and “condense”.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the index finger by your forehead (the side of the index finger should almost be touching the forehead). Then curl the index finger (but do not turn it downwards) as you drag it across your forehead.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards with the fingers against each other.
Thumb=touching the tip of the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand near the side of your hand. Move your hand in a circle and then separate the fingers (keep them turned downward, though).
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side. Have the hand by the side of your head.
Version 3:
Fingerspell it.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands face you. Have the hands elevated and near your face heightwise. Then spin both hands in circles or move them downwards.
Sunny up:
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards with the fingers against each other.
Thumb=touching the tip of the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand near the side of your head. Move your hand in a circle and then separate the fingers (keep them turned downward, though). Then change your handshape to a thumbs up and move the hand upwards.
Dominant hand: C or F handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the arm horizontally across your chest. Have the dominant hand on the outside of the non-dominant arm by the elbow. Then raise the dominant hand like the sun is rising.
Dominant hand: C or F handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the arm horizontally across your chest. Have the dominant hand on the outside of the non-dominant arm by the elbow. Start with the arm up and then lower it like the sun is setting.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the hands near the top of your head with the back of the hand facing you. Then pull them away from each other and turn them into fists.
Notes: It also means “president”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
K handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand rest on top of the non-dominant hand. Then move both hands in a circle together that goes out and away from you and comes back. Then do the “person” sign.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=curled and not turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you (the fingers would be pointing to the side if they were extended). Have the hand up near your head. Move the hand downward and change into an S handshape.
Notes: SSI is money that the government gives to disabled people. It also means “subscribe” and “welfare”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you (the fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended). Have the palm of the dominant hand face you (the fingers would be pointing upward if they were fully extended). Place the dominant hand below the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “affirm”, “loyal”, “sponsor”, and “sustain”.
Dominant hand: I handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the pinky touch your cheek. Notes: It also means “if”.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the side of the index finger against your mouth and then move it away from you.
Notes: It also means “actual”, “indeed”, “real”, and “true”.
Dominant hand: B handshape. Non-dominant hand: S handshape. Orientation: Rub the palm of the dominant hand over the back of the non-dominant hand in a circle. Notes: It also means “Native American”.
Dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up and the fingers pointing outward. Run the thumb down the palm below the knuckles.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb and index finger=extended with the tips touching each other.
Orientation: Have the index and thumb near your eyes (which may be closed). Then, open your eyes and extend the index and thumb away from each other.
Notes: I think the difference between this sign and “wake up” is that you jump a little and your facial expression. “Wake up” is calmer, while “surprise” is more animated.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up in front of you. Then pull the hands up and back towards you so that the back of the hands faces you. As this is happening, extend and separate all the fingers.
Notes: It also means “give up”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Both hands start at the bottom of the chest and then move to the top of the chest.
Notes: It also means “address”, “life”, and “live”.
Dominant hand: Index finger=slightly curled. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have a quizzical look on your face. Scratch the tip of the index finger against the side of your forehead. Notes: It also means “suspicious”.
Dominant hand: Index finger=slightly curled. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have a quizzical look on your face. Scratch the tip of the index finger against the side of your forehead. Notes: It also means “suspect”.
Sustain: Continue
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Have the back of both hands face you. The index-pinky fingers would be pointing outwards if they were extended. Place the dominant thumb on top of the non-dominant hand’s thumb. Move both hands slightly outward. Notes: It also means “continue”.
Sustain: Support
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you (the fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended). Have the palm of the dominant hand face you (the fingers would be pointing upward if they were fully extended). Place the dominant hand below the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “affirm”, “loyal”, “sponsor”, and “support”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side in front of you with the fingers pointing outward if they were fully extended. Have the dominant hand a bit further ahead than the non-dominant hand. Spin both hands in circles that leave the dominant hand behind the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “trade”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. Place the dominant hand by the side of your head. Place the non-dominant hand lower near the non-dominant side of the chest. Release both hands so that the fingers are separated and pointing downwards. Then do the “shirt” sign.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Place the palm side of both hands on their respective sides of the chest. Move your hands down like you are pulling on a sweater.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and against each other.
Thumb= against the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the tips of the fingers against your chin. Then curl in the fingers.
Notes: Similar to “sugar”, but the ring and pinky finger are now involved.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb=extended and resting on top of the index finger.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you. The fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Have the hands touch at the curled fingers over your heart on the left side of your chest. Then tap the thumbs against the side of the index fingers.
Notes: It also means “babe”.
Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: The thumb touches the middle of the chest. Then have the index-pinky fingers move up and down one after the other. Notes: It also means “cool” and “neat”.
Swell up:
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Quickly tap where the swelling is, move your hand up, and slightly extend and separate the fingers. If you are talking about swelling in general, then do it on the back of the wrist of your non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of both hands up in front of you with the fingers pointed outwards. Spin both hands in horizontal circles to the side like you were parting some water.
Notes: It also means “pool”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
H handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand up. Then place the index and middle finger of the dominant hand over the index and middle finger of the non-dominant hand. Slightly curl the index and middle finger of the dominant hand. Then move the hands together forwards and backward like it is a swing.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled.
Thumb, ring, and pink=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Then turn the hand so that the back is up.
Notes: It also means “shift” and “transfer”.
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Then place the side of the index finger against the palm of the non-dominant hand. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were not curled.
Notes: “Picture” can also work to say “symbol”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you. The middle finger should be pointing to the other person. Spin the hand in a vertical circle.
Notes: It can be done with two hands. It also means “pity”.
Version 1:
“Look like”.
Version 2:
Version 3: Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Point the index dominant finger hand to each finger of the non-dominant hand, starting with the thumb and moving down to the pinky.
Version 4:
Version 5: Pop-up Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointed to the side. Place the index finger of the dominant hand between the middle and ring finger of the non-dominant hand. The index finger should be pointing upwards. Make this motion again.
Dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the thumb pointing downwards and the back of the hand facing you. Then spin the hand in a circle like you were drizzling syrup on something.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape or Y handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands up. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Have the hands against each other, pull them both to their opposite sides, and then move them both downwards.
Surface with many small holes:
Dominant hand: Claw handshape Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Tap the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand starting from the fingers and going down to the palm. Have an inflection with your teeth against each other and all showing.
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have the hand to the side of your chest. The back of the fingers of the dominant hand would be facing the floor. Move the hand up and down a little.
Suitcase with vertical stripes:
Step 1:
Step 2: Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: Number 4 handshape. Orientation: Have the dominant hand in front of you the palm would be facing you. The back of the fingers would still be facing the floor. Have the back of the non-dominant hand face you. Then starting from under the dominant hand, move the non-dominant hand towards you.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side. The index, ring, and pinky fingers would be pointing upwards. Shake both hands side to side as you move them up and to the side away from each other.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side. The index, ring, and pinky fingers would be pointing upwards. Have the tip of the middle finger on top of the non-dominant hand. Shake the dominant hand side to side as you move it up and to the side away from the non-dominant hand.
Notes: Also means “radiating” and “shiny”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side. The index, ring, and pinky fingers would be pointing upwards. Shake both hands side to side as you move them up and to the side away from each other.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side. The index, ring, and pinky fingers would be pointing upwards. Have the tip of the middle finger on top of the non-dominant hand. Shake the dominant hand side to side as you move it up and to the side away from the non-dominant hand.
Notes: Also means “radiating” and “shine”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, against each other, and turned downwards.
Thumb=tip touching the tips of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the fingers pointing upwards in their current state. Rub the thumb against the other fingers.
Notes: Also means “dirt”, “earth”, “gritty”, “material”, “sand”, and “substance”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, against each other, and turned downwards.
Thumb=tip touching the tips of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the fingers pointing upwards in their current state. Rub the thumb against the other fingers.
Notes: Also means “dirt”, “earth”, “gritty”, “material”, “sand”, and “soil”.
Sprinkle on:
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and against the tips of the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand: B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand with the fingers pointing downward. Move the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand and move the fingers back and forth against each other like you are sprinkling something.
Spread on with a knife:
Dominant hand: H handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the index and middle fingers of the dominant hand on the palm of the non-dominant hand. Move the fingers over the non-dominant hand turning the palm up and down like you are spreading something with a knife.
Roll up:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palms face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Move both in circles and move the hands upward at the same time.
Sour cream:
“Sour” + “cream”.
Dominant hand:
T handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Hold the arm away from you. Have the hand turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Remove the thumb from between the index and middle finger.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Number 3 handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands up with the fingers pointing outwards. Pinch your face for inflection and bend the fingers a few times.
Notes: Also means “greed”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, against each other, and turned downwards.
Thumb=tip touching the tips of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the fingers pointing upwards in their current state. Rub the thumb against the other fingers.
Notes: Also means “dirt”, “earth”, “gritty”, “material”, “soil”, and “substance”.
Surface of the earth:
Dominant hand: Relaxed. Non-dominant hand: S handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand up but not touch it. Move the dominant hand to be in front of the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upward. Rotate the dominant hand so that the fingers are pointed outwards. Place the tips of the fingers of the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: Also means “oppose”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=extended and against one another.
Ring and pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands facing you with the index and middle finger pointing upwards. Start at the shoulders. Move the hands down and then once halfway down the chest turn the index and middle finger down to touch the thumb.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
X handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. The fingers are oriented so they would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended. The dominant hand’s index finger touches the shoulder. Move it outwards so it touches the side of the non-dominant hand’s index finger.
“Star” + “fish”
Sign fluently:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. The hands are on their respective sides of the chest (but not touching the chest). Move both hands towards the middle, extend all the fingers quickly, and return to the starting position.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the fingers pointing outward. Move the hands away from you and up and down like they are waves.
Notes: Also means “ocean”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands up. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Have the hands against each other, pull them both to their opposite sides, and then move them both downwards.
“Think” + “plan”.
“Small” + “motorcycle”. Bring the hands closer together as well.
Support worker:
“Support” + “worker”.
Step 1:
Dominant hand:
Thumbs-up handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the back side of the fingers against the middle of the chest.
Step 2:
Step 3:
‘S: Possessive while fingerspelling
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: While fingerspelling and you come across ‘s, twist the hand around so the palm faces you.
Sliding Scale:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant arm laid out in front of your chest with the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand behind the non-dominant arm. The dominant hand should be turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Move the dominant hand back and forth behind the non-dominant arm.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
V handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Tap the dominant hand’s index and middle finger against the non-dominant hand’s back.
Notes: It also means “storage” and “retain”.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hand facing you. Cross the arms over each other to make an X formation. The dominant hand should be on the inside (so closer to you), and the non-dominant hand should be on the outside. Then pull the hands away from each other and turn the hands so that the backs face you.
Notes: It also means “rescue” and “salvation”.
Version 3: Money
Dominant hand:
Index-pink=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and against the index-pinky.
Non-dominant hand:
Index-pink=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand go between the space between the non-dominant hand’s fingers and thumb.
Notes: It’s like you are stuffing money under a mattress.