G Category Flashcards
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: The hand is to the side with the palm facing you and the index finger pointing to the side.
Galludet University:
Dominant hand:
The index finger is not standing straight up. It is at about a 45-degree angle.
Thumb=extended and beneath the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the index finger face you. In the middle between the extended index finger and thumb is your eye. Then move the hand away from your eye, towards your ear having the index finger and thumb touch as you do so. Do this motion twice.
Notes: I think this university is a school for the deaf. Also means “glasses” and “Moses”.
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side (the fingers would be pointing outwards if they were extended). Place the hand at the side of the bottom of your chest. Shake the hand up and down twice like you are rolling dice and then move the hand to the side and extend and separate the fingers.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you and have the curled fingers of the hands touch. Notes: Also means “sports”.
Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Have the hands at the middle of your chest. Have the back of the hands up with the thumb pointing to the side. Then move the hands upward slightly, have the palms face you and the thumbs pointing upward. Do not have the hands touch. Notes: Also means “challenge”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, and middle finger=extended and not separated
Ring and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand underneath the non-dominant hand. Then thrust the dominant hand forward a tiny bit under the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up and across the middle of your chest. Have the side of the dominant hand’s index finger against the side of the wrist farthest away from you of the non-dominant hand. Then move the index finger to the elbow of the non-dominant hand.
Note: The second finger placement can also occur past the elbow.
Dominant hand: O handshape. Non-dominant hand: C handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the dominant hand face you and the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side in their curled state. Have the dominant hand inside the non-dominant hand. Then release the dominant hand’s index-pinky and extend them. Then move the hands to the side and make the motion again.
Step 1: “Drink”. Step 2: Dominant hand: Number 4 handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the palm face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Tip your head back and Move your hand up and down by your neck. Wiggle your fingers as well.
Dominant hand:
X handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the knuckle of your index finger against the side of your nose. Rotate your hand from side to side.
Version 1: Fingerspell it. Version 2: Dominant hand: Thumb=extended. Index-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: O handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side (the fingers would be pointing outwards if they were extended). Have the back of the dominant hand face you. Place the thumb of the dominant hand into the non-dominant hand’s circle.
Gas efficient:
Version 1:
“Gas” + “skill”.
Notes: Dr. Bill was so-so on this one.
Version 2: Step 1: “Gas”. Step 2: Frugal Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated. Middle=extended and turned downwards. Orientation: Have the tips of the middle finger by the side of your mouth. Move both hands down asynchronously. Repeat that motion 2-3 times.
Version 3:
“Gas” + “little”.
Version 4:
“Good” + “gas” + “less”.
Gas guzzler:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have the hand come toward your mouth. Have the hand run past your cheek instead of touching your mouth. As it goes past your mouth, open and close your mouth like you are eating gas.
Gas it:
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up with the fingers pointing outwards and slightly tilted upwards. Move the dominant hand down in one quick motion to show you are flooring it.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up with the fingers pointing outward. Have the dominant hand’s palm face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Wave the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand twice as you move both hands to the side.
Notes: It also means “collect”.
Gather to meeting:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up and the hands near their respective shoulders. Move the hands to the middle of your chest and then extend and separate all the fingers.
Notes: It also means “reunion”.
Dominant hand:
G handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the tip of the index finger and thumb against your chin.
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3: Signed English.
“Twin” but with a G handshape instead.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side. Have the hands pointing diagonally outwards and touching at the fingertips. Then turn them away from each other so that they are pointing outward the opposite way. They make almost an open V shape.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palms face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Move one hand over the other and move the hands outwards.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
G handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the index fingers pointing upward. Cross both hands to their opposite side of the chest. Stop when the dominant hand reaches the end of the non-dominant hand. Have the dominant hand closer to you. Do that motion 2-3 times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side. Place the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Move the hands downwards and extend and separate the fingers. Make the hands perpendicular to each other with the palm of the dominant hand facing you.
Get: Receive
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended with the fingers separated.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Then change both hands to an S handshape. Rest the dominant fist on top of the non-dominant fist. Finally, move both hands towards you.
Notes: It also means “receive”.
Get: Impacted by
Get along:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, against each other, and turned downward.
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the index-pinky pointing to the side. Move both hands outward.
Notes: It also means “get on with it” and “proceed”.
Get away:
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up and the fingers pointing to the side. Move the hand across your chest and have the hand turned to the side with the finger pointing upwards.
Get dressed:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you. Place them on the sides of the top of your chest. Quickly move the hands down your chest.
Notes: Very similar to the dress sign but moves more quickly and doesn’t go as far down the chest.
Get on with it:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, against each other, and turned downward.
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the index-pinky pointing to the side. Move both hands outward quickly.
Notes: It also means “get along” and “proceed”.
Get over it:
“Think” + “throw out”.
Get rid of:
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
T handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Remove the thumb from between the index and middle finger. Move the hand upwards as well.
Notes: It also means “eliminate”, “edit”, and “omit”.
Version 2:
“Throw away”.
Version 3:
Version 4:
Get rid of hiccups:
“Stop” or “solve”.
Get up:
Dominant hand:
V handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Place the tips of the index and middle finger on the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: The index and middle fingers of the dominant hand represent legs.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the middle-pinky pointing outwards. Have the back of the dominant hand face you with the middle-pinky pointing upwards. Have the index and thumb circles on both hands touch. Move the dominant hand upwards, moving the hand from side to side.
Note: Similar to “spirit”, but moves from side to side instead of going straight upwards.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the side of the hands face you with the index fingers pointing upwards if they weren’t curled. Then turn the hands downwards so that the side is up, and the index fingers would be pointing outwards if they weren’t curled.
Notes: It means “give” without the appropriate context.
Version 2:
Dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation=place the thumb on the bottom of the middle of the cheek and move the hand down to the chin.
Step 1: Dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation=place the thumb on the bottom of the middle of the cheek and move the hand down to the chin. Step 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Middle-pinky=curled. Thumb=over the middle finger. Orientation: Have both the index fingers meet and curl in one another. Unlike in the friend symbol, only do this once. Notes: It’s “girl” + “friend”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, against each other, and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you. Have the index-pinky fingers pointing upwards. Move your hand to someone else to give them something. Move the hand towards you to receive something.
Notes: This can be done with one of two hands. Doing one hand is a casual way to do it.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Thumb=on top of the middle finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the hand face you with the index finger pointing upwards if it wasn’t curled. Then turn the hand downwards so that the side is up, and the index finger would be pointing outwards if it wasn’t curled.
Notes: Can be done with one or two hands. If done with two hands, it means “gift” if given the appropriate context. It also means “donate”.
Give up:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up in front of you. Then pull the hands up and back towards you so that the back of the hands faces you. As this is happening, extend and separate all the fingers.
Notes: It also means “surrender”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
The index finger is not standing straight up. It is at about a 45-degree angle.
Thumb=extended and beneath the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the index finger face you. In the middle between the extended index finger and thumb is your eye. Then move away from your eye, towards your ear, having the index finger and thumb touch as you do so.
Notes: It also means “Gallaudet” and “Moses”.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
C handshape only with the index and thumb. The middle-pinky fingers are curled.
Orientation: Place both hands around your eyes.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Start at the sides of the top of your chest and then move the hands downward.
Notes: Imagine those people that guide planes by waving those glowing stick things.
Go around corner:
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the finger pointing outwards. Move your hand forward and turn it so that the index finger points to the side.
Go away into the distance:
Dominant hand: L handshape. Non-dominant hand: H handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Place the back of the thumb on top of the non-dominant hand’s fingers. Pull the dominant hand along the non-dominant hand’s fingers and then further outward. Then close the dominant hand’s index finger and thumb together. Notes: It also means “train gone”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger and thumb=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Place the side of the fingers against your face and around your eyes. This sign outlines where goggles would be.
Go on further:
Dominant hand:
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the hand by the side of your hand. Then move your arm forward and turn the hand down so that the fingers point outwards.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: For the non-dominant hand, turn the hand to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. Have the back of the dominant hand face you. Move the dominant hand towards the non-dominant hand. Stop the dominant hand before it gets to the index finger of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It’s like you have something to reach for, but you haven’t gotten there yet.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=curled but not turned downwards and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you. Place the back of the index and middle finger against your chin. Then move your hand to the top of your forehead with the bottom of the palm against your forehead and extend the separate the index and middle fingers.
Notes: This sign is the way it is because of the goat’s horns and their beards. It also means “Capricorn”.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the index finger point at your ear. Then bring the hand downwards and change the hand formation into a Y handshape. Then shake the hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have the side of the non-dominant and have the fingers pointing to the side. Have the palm of the dominant hand up. Place the dominant hand inside the non-dominant hand. Pull the dominant hand downward. For both hands, turn the index-pinky downward and have the thumb touch the tip of the fingertips.
Notes: It also means “absent” and “passed away”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
A handshape.
Orientation: Hit the backs of the fingers against the top of the chest at each of the hands’ sides asynchronously.
Notes: It also means “ape”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb and index finger=extended, separated, and parallel to each other.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Tap the index finger and thumb against each other and move both hands in a wide circle simultaneously.
Go to bed:
Dominant hand:
U handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the palm of the dominant hand up. Slide the dominant hand under the non-dominant hand. Also, turn your head to the side slightly and close your eyes like your head is on the pillow.
Notes: The index and middle finger of the dominant hand are the person’s legs, and the non-dominant hand is the sheet on the bed.
Go with:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb=extended and resting on top of the index finger.
Orientation: Bring both hands together so that they touch at the curled fingers. Then move both hands together to the side to signify the go part.
Notes: Make sure the thumb can be seen on top of the curled fingers. It also means “accompany”.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: Not necessary but can be used.
B handshape.
Orientation: The dominant hand’s extended fingers touch the mouth and then moves downward with the palm facing up.
Notes: Can hit or doesn’t have to hit the other hand facing palm up.
Good afternoon:
Step one: Dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: The dominant hand’s extended fingers touch the mouth and then moves downward with the palm facing up. Notes: Do the “good” sign.
Step 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: After doing the “good” sign, turn the dominant hand so that the back is now up and facing you. As the dominant arm is outward, bring in the non-dominant hand with the back up and let the nondominant hand and dominant arm make contact.
Good at:
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=slightly curled with the fingers against each other.
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Clasp the dominant hand over the side of the pinky of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand outwards and turn the dominant hand into an A handshape.
Notes: It also means “adept”, “fluent”, “skill”, and “talent”.
Good boy/good girl:
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, middle, and pinky=extended and separated.
Ring finger=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand near your head. Then change to an A handshape.
Good morning:
Version 1:
Step one: Dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: The dominant hand’s extended fingers touch the mouth and then moves downward with the palm facing up. Notes: Do the “good” sign.
Step 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: After doing the “good” sign, as the dominant hand comes back up, bring in the non-dominant arm to make contact with the elbow of the dominant arm.
Notes: Imagine that the sun is rising, which is shown in the rising of the dominant arm.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: The dominant hand’s extended fingers touch the mouth and then moves downward with the palm facing you. Then the hand sweeps upwards with the palm still facing you.
Good night:
Step one:
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: The dominant hand’s extended fingers touch the mouth and then moves downward with the palm facing up.
Notes: Do the “good” sign.
Step 2:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended but turn downward.
Thumb against the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: After doing the “good” sign, turn the dominant hand so that its back is facing up. Bring in the non-dominant arm with the back up and have the nondominant hand make contact with the arm of the dominant arm. Then, have the fingers of the dominant hand turn downward.
Notes: The fingers of the dominant hand turning downward are like the lowering of the sun.
Good reputation:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
H handshape.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand index and middle finger tap against the non-dominant hand index and middle finger quickly. Also, move the dominant hand upwards after the tap.
Notes: This is saying ‘name!’.
Dominant hand:
G handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing upward if they were fully extended. Spin the hand in a circle by your eye.
Notes: Can also use the sign “search”. If you want to say “Google it”, just finish spell I-T after this sign.
Go steady:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb=extended and resting on top of the index finger.
Orientation: Bring both hands together so that they touch at the curled fingers. Then either move both hands together in a circle that moves away from you or shake both hands up and down twice.
“Government” + “person”.
Dominant hand:
G handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: By your forehead, rotate the hand in a circle and then place the index finger against the side of the forehead.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended with the fingers separated.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up by the side of your chest. Move the hand to the middle of the chest, close the hand into a fist, and move the hand upward.
Notes: You can also just move the hand in front of you, put the hand into a fist and then move the hand closer to you. It also means “take from”.
Dominant hand:
Index and thumb=extended and not touching.
Thumb is beneath the index finger.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand with the dominant hand’s fingers pointing to the side. Move the dominant hand in a circle above the non-dominant hand and then rest the side of the pinky of the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand.
Graduate school:
Dominant hand: V handshape. Non-dominant hand: Number 5 handshape. Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. Cross the hands over each other in an X formation at the wrists. So, the dominant hand is by the non-dominant side of the chest, and the non-dominant hand is by the dominant side of the chest.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
G handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Move the hands away from each other to their respective sides of their sides. Also, twist the hands from side to side as they move.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Fingerspell “grand” using the dominant hand. Have the non-dominant hand across the chest with the palm up. Then, have the side of the index finger touch the chin and then turn the palm up to rest against the elbow of the non-dominant arm.
Notes: The final position is like you holding a baby.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: The thumb of the dominant hand touches the chin and then thrusts forward from it twice.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: The thumb of the dominant hand touches the forehead and then thrusts forward from it twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Fingerspell grand using the dominant hand. Have the non-dominant hand across the chest with the palm up. Then, have the side of the dominant hand’s index finger touch the forehead and then turn the palm up to rest against the elbow of the non-dominant arm.
Notes: The final position is like you holding a baby.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated slightly.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Then have the fingertips of the dominant hand on the back of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand down the non-dominant hand towards the fingers.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm up. Run the palm of your hand underneath your chin 2-3 times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands in front of you with the palms facing you. The fingers on the hands are pointing upwards. Move both hands outward.
Notes: It’s like doing “thank you” but with two hands.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended with the fingers separated.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. Move both hands asynchronously back and forth with the finger passing through the gaps between the other hand’s fingers.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands face you. Have the hands elevated and near your face heightwise. Slightly move both hands forward and backward.
Notes: It also means “awesome”.
Dominant hand:
G handshape
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the index finger face you. Place the hand near your eyes and move the hand in small circles.
Notes: I don’t know if this applies to greek food or the country and nationality as well.
Dominant hand:
Index and thumb=extended and separated.
The fingers are parallel to each other.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the index and thumb face you. Then, turn the hand in one thrust so that the index and thumb formation is farther away from you.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm of your hand face you. Have the hand over your face. Look angry as you move your hand downwards and outwards.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended but turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and touching the tips of the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Tap the tips of your fingers against your mouth twice.
Notes: It also means “food”.
Grocery store:
“Grocery” + “store” sign with both hands.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb and index finger=extended.
They are running parallel to each other.
Orientation: Have the hands in front of you with the index and thumb of both fingers facing each other. Then turn the hands so that the palms face you, the index and thumb are pointing towards you, and the side of the pinkies from both hands are touching each other.
Dominant hand: O handshape. Non-dominant hand: C handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand inside the non-dominant hand. Then release the dominant hand’s index-pinky and extend them. Raise the dominant hand slightly as well.
Grow up:
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up (the fingers should be pointing outwards) with the hand near the bottom of your chest. Then raise the hand to the top of your chest.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: The backs of both hands should be up. Place the dominant hand in front but against the non-dominant hand. Move both hands outward.
Notes: It also means “defend” and “protect”.
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side (the fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended). Have the dominant hand at the side of your face. Move the dominant hand across your face turning it downwards, and then changing it into the S handshape. Notes: It also means “miss”.
Dominant hand:
G handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Tap the dominant hand’s side against the top of the non-dominant hand side of the chest twice.
Dominant hand:
U handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: With the palm facing you, place the tip of the index and middle finger against your cheek. Then slightly curl the finger and uncurl them 2-3 times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Thumb=extended and on top of the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands face you with the fingers pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Have the hands up and both your shoulders. Then spin the hands in circles using your wrist.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand with the fingers pointing to the side. Move the dominant hand in circles around the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand:
B handshape with the thumb extended.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the back of your hand against your forehead. Then, move the index-pinky fingers up and down. For inflection, open your mouth and stick out your tongue.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the index finger pointing at your teeth or at your cheek.
Notes: Also means “cement”, “porcelain”, and “tooth”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, against each other, and turned downwards.
Thumb=tip touching the tips of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the fingers pointing upwards in their current state. Rub the thumb against the other fingers. Make an uncomfortable-looking inflection.
Notes: Also means “dirt”, “earth”, “material”, “sand”, and “soil”, “substance”.
Dominant hand: A handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the dominant hand turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Run the back of the fingers of the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand. Repeat that motion a few times.
Green pepper:
“Green” + fingerspell pepper.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Number 3 handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands up with the fingers pointing outwards. Pinch your face for inflection and bend the fingers a few times.
Notes: Also means “selfish”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
D handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing
Orientation: Place the side of the hand against your forehead.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=separated and relaxed.
Orientation: Place the hands at a diagonal so they are pointing to the side but it is not at a flat angle. Place the dominant hand closer to you. Place the hands so that the dominant is touching the base of the non-dominant hand’s thumb and the non-dominant hand is touching the side of the dominant hand’s pinky. Wiggle the fingers on both hands back and forth.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Flattened O handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands up and the fingers pointed downwards. Move the hands outward and rub the thumb back and forth against the other fingers.
Like “mad” but you move the fingers up and down twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Number 5 handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with te fingers pointing outwards. Move the hands in circles that move up and down asynchronously.
Dominant hand:
G handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing
Orientation: Spin the dominant hand in front of your mouth with the fingers pointing to the side.