B Category Flashcards
The thumb is against the side of the index finger.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb=extended and resting on top of the index finger.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you. The fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Have the hands touch at the curled fingers over your heart on the left side of your chest. Then tap the thumbs against the side of the index fingers.
Notes: It also means “sweetheart”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the arms across the chest with both palms up. The dominant arm should be on top and the tips of the fingers touching the nondominant arm’s elbow. Then rock your arms back and forth as if you were holding a baby.
Step 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the arms across the chest with both palms up. The dominant arm should be on top and the tips of the fingers touching the nondominant arm’s elbow. Then rock your arms back and forth as if you were holding a baby. Notes: Sign “baby”.
Step 2: Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: K handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand rest on top of the non-dominant hand.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
H handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand up. Then place the index and middle finger of the dominant hand over the index and middle finger of the non-dominant hand. Slightly curl the index and middle finger of the dominant hand.
Note: The dominant hand’s slightly curled index and middle finger look like legs dangling from a bench.
Version 3:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
V handshape.
Orientation: Have the index and middle finger point away from you with the back of both hands up.
Notes: It is like you are pointing at something you are watching.
Step 3: “Person”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: The tips of the finger face away from you. The hands are in a karate chop position essentially and move downward.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the side of the index finger to the side of your mouth. Move the hand downward. Then move your hand to the other side of your face and place the hand near the other side of your mouth and then move it downward.
Notes: It also means “bachelorette” in context.
Dominant hand: B handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Place the side of the index finger to the side of your mouth. Move the hand downward. Then move your hand to the other side of your face and place the hand near the other side of your mouth and then move it downward. Notes: It also means “bachelor”.
Fingerspell B-K.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: C handshape. Orientation: Place the back of the thumb against the top of your shoulders. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Place the back of your thumbs against the sides of your chest. Version 3: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Thumb and index=slightly curled. Middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: With the palms of the hands facing you, move the hands from the top of the sides of your chest downwards.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Put the fingers to your mouth like in the “good” sign. Then take the hand away and turn the hand so that the back of it faces you.
Bad balance:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the fingers pointing outwards. Then move the hands up and down asynchronously. However, make it jittery and make your face look uncomfortable for inflection.
Bad reputation:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
H handshape.
Orientation: Sign “bad” and then tap the dominant hand index and middle finger against the non-dominant hand index and middle finger quickly. Also, move the dominant hand upwards after the tap.
Notes: This is saying “bad” + ‘name!’.
Dominant handa and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the palm of the dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outward. Thrust the dominant hand underneath the non-dominant hand like you are sliding a pan into the oven.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the fingers pointing outwards. Then move the hands up and down asynchronously.
Notes: This sign is for a financial balance.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Move both hands up and down asynchronously.
Notes: It also means “scale” and “Libra”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Run the tip of your middle finger in a circle around the top of your head.
Notes: The same movement can be done on the back of the non-dominant hand in an S handshape.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=relaxed (extended and kind of separated).
Non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Run the palm side of the dominant hand over the back of the non-dominant hand like you were rubbing a bald head.
Version 3:
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. The finger would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Above the non-dominant hand, have the middle finger of the dominant hand be pointing down to the non-dominant hand. Spin the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand (keep some space between the hands).
Version 4: Dominant hand: A handshape. Non-dominant hand: S handshape. Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. The fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Tap the back of the fingers of the dominant hand against the back of the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled with the fingers separated.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side. Each finger should touch its counterpart on the other hand.
Dominant hand:
Thumb and index finger=slightly curled with their tips touching.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the tips of the thumb and index finger of the dominant hand touch the tip of the index finger of the non-dominant hand. Then pull the dominant hand outward and move downward like you were pulling away from a banana peel.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
U handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Place the index and middle finger on the non-dominant hand with the fingers pointing to the side. Then move the dominant hand to the side, letting the index and middle finger run along the back of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: May be used more for smaller bandages like Band-aids?
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Move the dominant hand in a circle around the non-dominant hand like you are wrapping a big bandage around it.
Fingerspell it.
“Haircut” + “person” sign.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the tip of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the palm of the hands up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand and spin both in horizontal circles.
Notes: It also means “pass among many people”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Put the hands over the dominant side of your chest. Move both hands up and down slightly like you are waiting to swing the bat.
Dominant hand: A handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the thumb pointing upwards. Have the non-dominant hand above the dominant hand with some space between them. Move the dominant hand in a small circle underneath the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and against each other.
Thumb=extended and away from the other fingers.
Orientation: Have both hands palm up. Move the hands away from each other and then turn them to the side and move them upwards.
Notes: The sign is kind of like you outlining the bottom of a basket.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated.
Ring and pinky=curled.
Orientation: The handshape should look like a curled 3 handshape. Have both hands turned to the side with the index and middle fingers pointing outward. Flick both wrists upward quickly. Make that motion twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
A handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands against you in the middle of your chest. Then move both hands up and down slightly.
Dominant hand:
T handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Shake the whole hand side to side slightly.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=curled and not turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. Have the index fingers touch at the knuckles.
Notes: It also means “electricity”.
Bawl out:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side. Place the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Move the hands downwards and extend and separate the fingers.
Notes: Means to reprimand loudly or severely.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. Have the non-dominant hand’s fingers point to the side, and the dominant hand’s fingers point outwards. Run the palm of the dominant hand over the back of the non-dominant hand. Then have the fingers of the dominant hand point upwards. Then move the dominant hand back down by doing what you just did in reverse.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. Have the non-dominant hand’s fingers point to the side. On the pinky side of the non-dominant hand place the dominant hand at the top of the palm before the fingers begin. Move the dominant hand up the back of the non-dominant moving towards you while wiggling the fingers a bit.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side (the fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended). Have both hands by your eyes. Then turn the wrists downward (the fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended). Repeat this motion twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms face you. Place the fingertips along the bone of your cheek on both sides of your face. Then bring the hands together at your chin.
Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the side of the index finger up. Then rotate the hand up by turning the wrist and turning it back down quickly while changing the hand into an H handshape. Notes: It also means “throw away”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: With the palm facing you, place the hand near the side of your head. Then, bring your hand across your face, stopping near your mouth and putting the hand into an A handshape. Then extend and separate the fingers again while bringing the hand up slightly.
Be careful with:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
K handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand rest on top of the non-dominant hand. Move both hands together in a vertical circle.
Notes: It also means “take care of”.
Dominant hand:
L handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand at your forehead with the palm facing your forehead. The thumb is pointing upwards, and the index finger is pointing to the side. Move the hand across the forehead curling the index finger as you do so.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant hand up and the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Have the non-dominant hand fingers pointing outwards with the dominant hand’s fingers pointing out to the side. Then have the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Then lift the hands and pass them across your chest while shifting their position to the opposite of what it was in the beginning.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Place the hands palm to palm against one another. Then put the back of one hand against your cheek and tilt your head down as if you were resting your head against a pillow.
Notes: If talking about a truck bed, do not use this sign. Just fingerspell “truck bed”.
Step 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Place the hands palm to palm against one another. Then put the back of one hand against your cheek and tilt your head down as if you were resting your head against a pillow.
Notes: It can also be done with just one hand as well.
Step 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the finger pointed outwards. Have the hands in front of you in about the middle of your chest. Then turn the extended index-pinky=downward.
Dominant hand:
F handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the thumb and index finger circle against your cheek. The pull the hand away, flip the hand, so the back faces you, turn the hand down, so the fingers point outward, and then extend all the fingers.
Been to:
“Finish” + “touch”.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Run the side of the hand with the index and thumb from the top of your cheek to the bottom of your cheek twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have both of the palms of the hands face you. Have the dominant hand and non-dominant hand against each other. The dominant hand should be the one closest to you. Then move the dominant hand closer to you.
Notes: This is used when you mean to say “before some event”.
Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the palm of the dominant hand up and the fingers pointing outward. Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. Place the non-dominant hand under the dominant hand by the wrist. Then slightly curl in the fingers as you bring the dominant hand towards you. Then add the “person” sign.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=extended and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=extended and against the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have the back of the dominant hand up. Place the index finger of the dominant hand between the index and middle fingers of the non-dominant hand. Then turn the dominant hand so that the palm faces you.
Notes: This motion is like when you start a car. It also means “initiate” and “start”.
“Start” + “person”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward (if they were fully extended). Have the hands equal horizontally in front of you but then move the dominant hand behind the non-dominant hand.
“Think” + “marry”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
H handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. At the top of your pants, where a belt would go, move the hands from the sides to the middle, like you are clasping a belt together.
Dominant hand:
F handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: The index and thumb circle touches the side of the top of your chest. Then, move the hand downward.
Notes: It also means “academic credit” and “feature”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Place the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand’s index finger. Rotate the dominant hand to the side 2-3 times.
Notes: A precursor sign such as blue will show what type of berry you are talking about. If there is no precursor sign, it means “strawberry”.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the fingers pointed to the side. Put your fingers near your mouth like in the “good” sign. Then take your hand away from your mouth and move it up to your forehead, close the fingers, and stick the thumb out in a thumbs-up formation.
Notes: The thumb does not stick out all the way. The bottom of it rests against the top of the index finger.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Put your fingers to your mouth like in the “good” sign. Then take your hand away from your mouth and move it up to your cheek. Close the fingers and sticking the thumb out in a thumbs up formation.
Notes: The thumb does not stick out all the way. The bottom of it rests against the top of the index finger.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
Thumb=extended and separated.
Index-middle finger=extended and against each other.
Ring and pinky finger=extended and against each other.
Notes: The index and middle finger group are separate from the ring and pinky finger group.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Place the dominant hand in the space in the fingers on the non-dominant hand. Move the dominant hand and hit both sides.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and against each other.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointed outwards. Run the side of the pinky of the dominant hand against the side of the index finger on the non-dominant hand. Do that motion 2-3 times.
Notes: It also means “partner” and “share”.
B grade:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand face you. Place the side of the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Orientation: Have both hands in front of you with some space between them. Then pull them farther away from each other as if you were expanding something.
Notes: It also means “large”.
Big word:
Dominant hand: Y handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand Face you with the finger pointing to the side. Place the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand’s index finger. The pinky of the dominant hand and the tip of the index finger of the non-dominant hand should be touching.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both fists go in circles.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands face you. Have the hands at chest level. Spin both hands in circles asynchronously.
Dominant hand: Index finger and thumb=extended. Middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the back of the hand facing you. Then tap the index finger and thumb against each other like it was a bird’s beak. Notes: It also means “chicken”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the non-dominant hand over the dominant hand. Have both hands near the belly. Then move the dominant hand out from under the non-dominant hand so that it sticks out.
Notes: Based on the idea of the baby coming out of the womb. It also means “born”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended and separated.
Middle=extended but turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the middle finger touch your chin and then the top of the non-dominant side of your chest.
Notes: Same sign can also be done with the hand in a B handshape.
Version 2:
“Born” + “day”.
Fingerspell B-I.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Tap the side of the index finger against your chin.
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the back of the dominant hand face you. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Place the index-pinky of the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand and the thumb under the non-dominant hand. As that happens, open your mouth and close it as well like you were biting something.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Run the palm side of the index finger across your forehead.
Dominant hand: Thumb=extended. Index-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand outwards and towards the other person.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended with the fingers turned downwards.
Thumb=against the tips of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. Move the hands from the bottom of your chest to against the top of your chest.
Notes: The motion is like you are pulling a blanket up. It can be done with one hand or two.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended with the fingers turned downwards.
Thumb=against the tips of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the side of the index finger of both hands against the middle of your chest. Have the dominant hand higher up on the chest than the non-dominant hand.
Bless you:
Dominant hand:
H handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Move the hand downward and then to the side to make an L shape in the air.
Notes: I think it used to be a cross shape but just got lazier over time.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have one finger point to each eye.
Blinker: Left Blinker
Dominant hand:
Thumb and index finger=slightly curled to make a circle.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the fingers pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Then release the index finger and have it point to the left. Can repeat the motion.
Blinker: Right Blinker
Dominant hand: nothing.
Non-dominant hand:
Thumb and index finger=slightly curled to make a circle.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the fingers pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Then release the index finger and have it point to the right. Can repeat the motion.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards diagonally. Have the dominant hand closer to you. Cross the hands over at the middle of the side of the pinky of the dominant hand and the middle of the side of the index finger of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “prevent” and “treatment”.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the index finger point at the side of your head. Then bring the hand downwards and change the hand formation into a Y handshape. Then shake the hand.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Place the side of the index finger of the dominant hand against your mouth. Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Move the dominant hand away from the mouth, extend and separate all the fingers, and wiggle the fingers up and down as you move the dominant hand down past the non-dominant hand.
Blood pressure:
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the hand over the non-dominant hand below the elbow.
Notes: Dr. Vicars noted that blood pressure is usually taken above the elbow, but the sign is done below the elbow, I guess.
Dominant hand: L handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Point the index finger to the side of your head. Move the index finger in circles while making a blowing face (so blow out air) with your mouth. Notes: It also means “hairdryer”.
Blow from vents:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended, turned downwards, and separated.
Orientation: Place both hands in front of you with the fingers pointing at you. Shake both hands up and down to show air moving through them.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you. Then flap the hand back and forth twice.
“Blue” + “berry”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the index finger by the dominant side of your face. Turn the dominant hand down so that the index finger is now at 180 degrees.
Notes: It also means “fake”, “false”, and “fiction”.
Version 2: Dominant hand: A handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the finger pointing upwards. Have the dominant hand tap against the palm side of the index finger of the non-dominant hand. Notes: It also means “to fool”.
Bluff: Face expressionless
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: With the palm facing you and the fingers pointing to the side, move the hand down your face but look expressionless.
Notes: You would try to look like this in a card game, for instance.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you and the back of the dominant hand face you. Both hands have the fingers pointing upwards. Have the dominant hand behind the non-dominant hand. Move the dominant hand from side to side or in a small vertical circle.
Notes: It also means ‘mystery”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. Place the side of the index fingers against each other. Then separate the hands and outline a square.
Notes: You can show the size of the board by changing how big the outline is. It also means “square”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands side by side. Cup both hands to look like the boat of a boat. Move the hands up and down slightly, and you move the hands away from you somewhat in one movement.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands at the top of the sides of your chest. The fingers should be pointing to the side. Then move both hands down to the bottom of the sides of the chest.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Have the back of the non-dominant hand up and over the dominant hand. Wiggle the dominant hand’s fingers.
Notes: The dominant hand is the fire, and the non-dominant hand is the bottom of the pot.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of both hands up. Have the hands close together in about the middle of your chest. Then squeeze and unsqueeze both hands as you move them farther apart.
Notes: It also means “hotdog” and “sausage”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have both palms face you. Cross the hands at the wrist.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended but turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and touching the tips of the fingers.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the back of the dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outward. Turn the dominant hand in a circle using the wrist. Change the dominant hand’s handshape to be the same as the non-dominant hand. Have the hands touch each other at the fingertips.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands up. Have the hands touch at the side of the pinky. Then slightly move both hands from side to side.
Notes: To say “open book”, have the palms of the hands against each other and then turn the dominant hand palm up. To say “close book”, do the opposite of “open book”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
I handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the hands face you with the pinky pointing to the side. Have the pinkies touch and then separate them.
Notes: It also means “line”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the palm side of the index finger against the side of your nose. Then rotate the hand back and forth twice.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the palm side of the index finger against the side of your nose. Then flick the finger away so it is a little away from your face, the palm is facing you, and the finger is pointing upwards.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the non-dominant hand over the dominant hand. Have both hands near the belly. Then move the dominant hand out from under the non-dominant hand so that it sticks out.
Notes: Based on the idea of the baby coming out of the womb. It also means “birth”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
K handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. Rest the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Then rotate the hands upward so that the hands are turned to the side with fingers pointing upward.
Notes: It is the opposite motion of the “lend/loan” sign.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand touch the dominant side’s shoulder.
Notes: It also means “coach”, “capital”, and “in charge”.
Dominant hand: V handshape. Non-dominant hand: O handshape. Orientation: Have your non-dominant hand turned to the side so that the side of the index and thumb are up. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand surrounded by the non-dominant hand with the index and middle finger of the dominant hand sticking up. Then pull the dominant hand downwards and put the index and middle finger against each other to form a U handshape.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape with the thumb extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Quickly place the side of the pinky on the dominant hand on top of the dominant hand against the thumb of the non-dominant hand. Repeat this motion twice.
Notes: Similar to “interrupt” because if you keep interrupting someone, you bother them.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outward. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Place the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand upwards like you are outlining the shape of a bottle.
Notes: To say “bottle there”, take away the non-dominant hand after signing “bottle” and place the dominant hand in the general direction of the bottle.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. Have the fingers of the non-dominant hand point to the side and the fingers of the dominant hand point outward. Have the dominant hand beneath the non-dominant hand. Have some space between the hands. Then wave the dominant hand up and down 2-3 times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands against each other at the side of the pinky. Cup your hands in front of you. Then move the hands to the side and turn the hands so that the fingers point outwards.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled.
Ring and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand at the side of your chest with the back of the hand up and the index and middle finger pointing outwards (if they were fully extended). Turn the wrist of the hand up (so that the back faces you). Repeat that motion once.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands in front of you in about the middle of your chest in a sideways position. Then turn the extended index-pinky=downward.
Notes: You can show the size of the box by how far apart your hands are.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and against each other.
Thumb=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the side of the index finger against your forehead and then bring the fingers down so that they touch your thumb.
Step 1: Dominant hand: Index-pinky=extended and against each other. Thumb=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Place the side of the index finger against your forehead and then bring the fingers down so that they touch your thumb. Step 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have both the index fingers meet and curl in one another. Unlike in the friend symbol, only do this once. Notes: It’s “boy” + “friend”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb and index finger=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Place the index and middle finger over the wrist where a bracelet would go.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the index finger point against the forehead.
Notes: I do not know how it is different from the “think” sign.
Dominant hand:
A or B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up. The fingers are pointing outwards and tilted upwards. Push the hand downward like you are pressing against a brake. The verb presses down longer and harder, while the noun version has one or two small taps.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the hands at the sides of your chest with the palms facing you. Then curl your hands into a fist and puff up your chest.
Notes: Can also be interpreted as “courage”, “cure”, “strong”, “heal”, “healthy”, and “recover”.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=curled on top of the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of both hands face you. Have the fingertips of the dominant hand by the back of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand down so that it goes past the non-dominant hand.
Break down: General
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have the sides of both hands face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the fingers of both hands almost touching. Then turn both hands downward.
Break down: Engine breakdown
Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the side of the index finger of the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand downward. Shake your head and your hand side to side slightly.
Version 1:
Sign “eat” and then “morning”.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and against each other.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the hand by your mouth. Spin the hand in circles by your mouth.
Break into:
“Broke” (object broken version) + “enter”.
Break up:
Version 1:
“Break” + U-P.
Version 2:
Version 3:
“Relationship”, and you separate the hands and extend the fingers.
Notes: The main point for this sign is that the hands start together, and then you separate them.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the palms against your chest with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand. Move the hands outwards and then back to the chest.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the palm of the dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the dominant hand underneath the non-dominant hand with some space between them. Then thrust the dominant hand forward a tiny bit under the non-dominant hand. Repeat that 2-3 times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Thumb=extended. Index finger=slightly curled. Middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the index fingers, and thumbs of both hands face each other to make a small rectangle shape. Then pull the hands away from each other and have the thumb and index finger touch. It also means “sheet”, “card”, “check”, “envelope”, and “rectangle”.
Dominant hand: V handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Place the fingertips of the dominant hand under the wrist and then the elbow of the non-dominant arm.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
H handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Place the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand. The two hands will be perpendicular to each other. Run the dominant hand down and across the side of the index finger of the non-dominant hand quickly.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
O handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands facing you. Then extend all the fingers and spin both hands in a circle.
Version 2: Smart
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
The middle finger is the only one turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Tap the tip of the middle finger against the side of your forehead. Then twist the hand so that the back faces you.
Notes: Used to say smart as in “brilliant”, “clever”, “genius”, or “smart”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands up and in front of you. Move the hands to the other side of your chest.
Notes: It also means “carry to”, “deliver”, and “take to”.
Version 1: Broke financially
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended with the fingers turned downwards.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the side of the pinky against the side of your neck.
Version 2: Object broken.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: The back of both hands are up. Place the hands against one another at the side of the index fingers. Then break the hands apart and turn both hands to the side (so that the side of the index finger is up).
Dominant hand: L handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Have the thumb of the dominant touch the side of the forehead, and then the dominant hand moves down to rest on top of the non-dominant hand.
Brother in law:
Step 1: Dominant hand: L handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Have the thumb of the dominant touch the side of the forehead, and then the dominant hand moves down to rest on top of the non-dominant hand. Notes: This is the “brother” sign. Step 2: Dominant hand: L handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upward. Have the back of the middle-pinky fingers of the dominant hand be against the non-dominant hand’s palm. Notes: This is a shorter version of the “law” sign.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Run the side of the hand with the index and thumb from the top of your cheek to the bottom of your cheek.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: With the palm facing you (the fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended), place the side of the pinky on the non-dominant arm.
Notes: Place it on the arm is for general bruising. You can place the hand anywhere else where you want to point out a bruise.
“Hair” + “brown”.
Brush teeth:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended but turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Part your lips so that your teeth are shown and then hove the side of your index finger by your teeth.
Notes: Act like your index finger is your toothbrush.
Budget: Noun
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Place the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Then turn the index-pinky of the dominant hand downward.
Budget: Verb
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downward.
Thumb=against the tips of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. The fingers of each hand should be pointing to the other hand’s fingers. Then spin the hands in circles over each other.
Dominant hand: Y handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Place the back of the fingers against the side of your head. Then shake the hand from side to side. Notes: It also means “bull”.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=slightly curled.
Ring and pinky=curled.
Thumb=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the thumb against the tip of your nose. Then move the index and middle finger up and down slightly.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-middle finger=extended, with the fingers against each other, and turned downwards.
Ring and pinky=curled.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Move both hands upwards, like they were racing to the top, but run the ascending hand against the hand below it as it goes upwards (so the index and middle fingers of each hand run against each other).
Notes: It also means “building”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-middle finger=extended, with the fingers against each other, and turned downwards.
Ring and pinky=curled.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Move both hands upwards, like they were racing to the top, but run the ascending hand against the hand below it as it goes upwards (so the index and middle fingers of each hand run against each other).
Notes: It also means “build”.
Version 1: Dominant hand: Y handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Place the back of the hand against your forehead.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Orientation: Place the thumb against the side of your forehead. Move the hands outward and then turn both palms towards you.
Version 3: Dominant hand: Index finger and pinky=extended. Thumb, middle, and ring finger=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Place the back of the hand against your forehead.
Version 4: Dominant hand: Y handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Place the back of the fingers against the side of your head. Then shake the hand from side to side. Notes: It also means “buffalo”. Notes: It also means “Taurus”.
Version 1: Dominant hand: Y handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. Have the back of the dominant hand upward with the fingers pointing to the side. Move the dominant hand towards the non-dominant hand and rub the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand’s finger.
Version 2: Dominant hand: Y handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. Have the back of the dominant hand upward with the fingers pointing to the side. Move the dominant hand towards the non-dominant hand and once touching, rotate the dominant hand side to side.
Burger King:
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the tip of the index finger against the side of your nose. Rotate the hand so that the palm faces outward. Then take the hand away from your nose, change into a K handshape and move the hand from your non-dominant side’s shoulder downward in a diagonal line.
Burn out:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands facing you and closer to the bottom of your chest. Have the knuckles of the hands against each other. Then turn the hands so that the palms face upward. Also extend the fingers of both hands.
Notes: It also means “fall apart” and “wear out”.
Dominant hand:
Index and thumb=curled to make a small circle.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the pinky against the middle of your chest. The palm should be up. Extend the index finger, so it points upward.
Notes: Can be accompanied by a body motion like you would if you burped.
Fingerspell it.
Dominant hand: B handshape or S handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape or S handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up, and the back of the dominant hand face you. Hit the bottom of the palm of the dominant hand against the side of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand from side to side, hitting the non-dominant hand as it moves.
Version 1:
Fingerspell it.
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape or S handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up, and the back of the dominant hand face you. Hit the bottom of the palm of the dominant hand against the side of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand from side to side, rubbing the non-dominant hand quickly as it moves.
Notes: This sign is different from “business” because you rub the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand more quickly and furiously.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the index fingers crossed over each other to make an X. Then move the hands away from each other so that the index fingers point upwards. Notes: It also means “different”.
Version 2:
Notes: This can be done as a way of saying “wait a minute”.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=extended and against each other.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Ring and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Run the index and middle finger against the palm of the non-dominant hand 2-3 times.
Dominant hand:
F handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the index and thumb circle against the middle of your chest. Hop the hand down your chest like the hand is over every button.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended with the fingers against each other and turned downwards.
Thumb=touching the tip of the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Place the back of the dominant fingers against the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand to be in front of the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand:
Index and thumb=extended and separated.
The index and thumb and parallel to each other, though.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: With the fingers pointing towards you, run your hand down the side of your head like your hand was the razor.
Board: Wood board
Step 1:
Step 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, fingers against each other and turned downwards.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands face you. Start with the hands next to each other in the middle and then move them away from each other.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=separated and slightly curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Number 5 handshape OR number 2 handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand facing you with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand bounce over all the fingers of the non-dominant hand without touching them.
Noes: The non-dominant hand is like the stalk of the broccoli while the dominant hand is showing the heads of the broccoli.
Version 2:
Fingerspell it.
Version 3:
Step 1:
Sign “green”
Step 2:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and ½ curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. With the back of the dominant hand up, have the dominant above the non-dominant hand without touching the non-dominant hand. Move the dominant hand in three spaces around the non-dominant hand to represent the heads of the broccoli.
Dominant hand: L handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the back of the hand up with the finger pointing to the side. Turn the dominant hand’s index finger down and parallel to the thumb. Have the over the non-dominant hand’s index finger and then sandwich the non-dominant hand’s index finger between the index finger and thumb of the dominant hand. Then run the dominant hand off the non-dominant hand so that the index finger and thumb’s tips touch each other. Repeat this motion 2-3 more times.
Fingerspell it.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=extended, turned downward, and against each other.
Ring and pink=curled.
Thumb=against the side of the ring finger.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Wiggle the fingers up and down twice and move the dominant hand and non-dominant hand further away from each other at the same time.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the back of the dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Wave the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand shaking it back and forth a little. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the back of the dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the tips of the fingers of the dominant hand touch the palm of the non-dominant hand. Then run the dominant hand towards the tips of the fingers of the non-dominant hand. Repeat that motion again.
“Dead” + “give”.
Notes: Can just do “give” when there is sufficient context.
Step 1:
Sign “shoes”
Step 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant arm in front of you with the back of your hand facing upward. Place the side of the dominant hand on the non-dominant wrist. Then move the dominant hand to another spot up the non-dominant arm once.
Notes: Same sign as “improve”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
H handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you and crossed over each other by your neck. Start in an S handshape and then turn into an H handshape.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have your hands at the side of your head. Move them downward like you are tugging a beanie on.
Dominant hand:
Thumbs up handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the thumb pointing towards you. Move the hand towards your mouth.
Notes: Also means “pub”.
Book a reservation:
Dominant hand:
V handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointed upwards. Have the back of the dominant hand up. Place the dominant hand on the non-dominant hand with the non-dominant hand’s index finger between the dominant hand’s V handshape. The fingers of the dominant hand are pointing outwards.
Notes: Also means “appointment”.