C Category Flashcards
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled.
The thumb is extended to be beneath the other fingers.
Notes: Makes a C formation.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward (if they were fully extended). Have the arms raised a bit so that the hands are closer to the head heightwise. Turn the wrists so that the palms face you and then return the hands to the original position.
Notes: The motion is like you opening the cupboard and then closing it. It also means “cupboard”.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the side of the index finger to the side of your mouth. Then move your hand to the other side of your face and place the hand near the other side of your mouth.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the side of the index finger to the side of your mouth. Then move your hand to the other side of your face and place the hand near the other side of your mouth.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the thumbs against the cheeks underneath the eyes.
Version 1:
Version 2:
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Then have the thumb of the dominant hand come to rest in the middle of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand down the middle of the palm of the non-dominant hand. Then turn the dominant hand at an angle (like 45 degrees) and move the dominant hand down the non-dominant hand.
Notes: The two motions you make represent you cutting out a piece of cake.
Version 3: Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Then place the tips of the dominant hand fingers on the back of the non-dominant hand with the tips facing the side of the pinky. Tap the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand twice.
Version 4: Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Place the fingertips of the dominant hand on the palm of the non-dominant hand facing the thumb. Then pull the dominant hand upwards.
Dominant hand: Relaxed. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up and the back of the dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand with some space between them. Wiggle the dominant hand’s fingers up and down like they are pushing buttons on a calculator.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side in their curled position. Cross both hands to their opposite side of the chest. Stop when the dominant hand reaches the end of the non-dominant hand. Have the dominant hand closer to you. Do that motion 2-3 times.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the index finger point at your ear. Then bring the hand downwards and change the hand formation into a Y handshape. Then shake the hand.
Notes: You can also have all the fingers extended and separated when you go by the ear and then into the Y handshape.
Version 1: Dominant hand: Y handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Place the hand to your ear with the thumb near your ear and the pinky near your mouth. Then to say “call me”, curl all the fingers except the index finger and point to yourself. To say “call you” do the same thing but then point to the other person. Version 2: Dominant hand: X handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: If you say “call me”, point the index finger of the non-dominant hand towards you. If you say “call you”, point it to the other person. Place the index finger of the dominant hand over the bottom of the non-dominant hand’s index finger. Then slide it over the index finger and off it.
Calm down:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the fingers pointing outwards. Move both hands up and down slightly with a look of concern on your face.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Move the hand to the side and outline two humps.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb and index=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. The hands should be slightly separated but outline a rectangle with the hand formation. Place your hands by your eyes. Then the index finger of the dominant hand should move downward two-three times like it was clicking the button to take a picture.
Camera flash:
Version 1: On camera
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb and index=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. The hands should be slightly separated but outline a rectangle with the hand formation. Place your hands by your eyes. Then the index finger of the dominant hand should move downward once. Then, keep the non-dominant hand where it is and change the dominant hand handshape to index-pinky=extended and turned downwards and thumb=extended and against the other fingers. Then extend and separate all the fingers to show the flash.
Version 2: Flash from pole
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards
Thumb=extended and against the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing outwards. Place the index finger of the non-dominant hand by the bottom of the palm of the dominant hand. Then extend and separate all the fingers on the dominant hand to show the flash.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb, index, and pinky=extended.
Middle and ring finger=curled.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Have each extended finger touch its counterpart on the other hand. You can leave it like that, or you can pull the hands apart and go into an S handshape. Repeat that motion one more time.
Notes: The hand formation looks like a tent.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Start the sign near the top of your chest and bring both hands down at the same time towards the bottom of your chest.
Notes: Like the “person” sign but with fists instead. It also means “able” and “possible”.
Dominant hand:
A handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the palm side of the hand against the dominant side of the chest.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have the index fingertip on the dominant hand draw an X on the non-dominant hand’s palm. Notes: It also means “criticize”.
Cancer: Disease
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the finger pointing upwards. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the finger pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Place the tips of the fingers of the dominant hand against the bottom of the palm of the non-dominant hand. Move the dominant hand up the non-dominant hand as it switches between a C handshape and an S handshape.
Notes: Some people feel this sign is insensitive.
Version 2: Neutral.
Fingerspell it.
Cancer: Zodiac sign
Version 1:
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and thumb=slightly curled.
Orientation: At the sides of the chest, pick up a portion of the shirt with the index finger and thumb. Then pull the shirt a little bit away from your body and then let go.
Notes: It also means “apply”, “shirt”, and “volunteer”.
Dominant hand: Number 5 handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the dominant hand, and non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Place the non-dominant hand’s index finger against the base of the palm of the dominant hand. Then wiggle the dominant hand’s fingers up and down to represent flame.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the tip of the index finger against your cheek. Then turn the hand from side to side.
Fingerspell it.
Cane: Describe it
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the middle-pinky fingers pointing outwards. Have the back of the dominant hand face you with the middle-pinky fingers pointing to the side. Move the dominant hand upwards and then do a curve that ends with the middle-pinky fingers pointing to the other side.
Cane: Show use
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing downwards if they were fully extended. Move the dominant hand in vertical circles like you are raising the cane and then putting it back down again.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand but with the index finger pointing to the side. Have the back of the dominant hand up as well but with the index finger pointing away from you. Have the dominant hand higher than the non-dominant hand and move the dominant hand’s index finger past the non-dominant hand’s index finger.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand touch the dominant side’s shoulder.
Notes: It also means “boss”, “in charge”, and “coach”.
Version 1:
Fingerspell C-A-P.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the backs of both hands up. Move your hands in front of you and turn your hands into fists like you caught something in front of you.
Notes: It also means “arrest” and “catch”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands as fists in front of you turned to the side that the thumbs face each other. Then quickly move both hands up and down as if you were very quickly moving the wheel.
Dominant hand:
Number 3 handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Run the backside of the index and middle finger up and down your neck.
Card: General
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Thumb=extended. Index finger=slightly curled. Middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the index fingers, and thumbs of both hands face each other to make a small rectangle shape. Then pull the hands away from each other and have the thumb and index finger touch. It also means “brick”, “check”, “envelope”, “rectangle”, and “sheet”.
Card: Playing cards
Dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward (if they were fully extended). Run the side of the dominant hand’s index finger over the non-dominant hand’s index finger. Repeat this motion 2-3 times.
Notes: The motion is like you are dealing out cards.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
V handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the dominant hand closer to you than the non-dominant hand. Turn both hands downward at the wrist and then up again twice.
Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up and place the dominant hand on top of it. Slide the dominant hand off the non-dominant hand fingers and then transition to the “person” sign.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand by the side of your mouth with the back facing you. Then open your mouth slightly and turn the hand so that the palm faces you.
Notes: The motion is like you have taken a big chomp on a carrot.
Version 2: Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the dominant hand by the side of your mouth with the back facing you. Then open your mouth slightly and continue hitting the teeth against each other as you bring the dominant hand closer to your mouth.
Carry to:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands up and in front of you. Move the hands to the other side of your chest.
Notes: It also means “bring”, “deliver” and “take to”.
Car seat:
“Baby” + “seat”.
Fingerspell C-S-H.
Dominant hand:
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the finger pointing upwards. Place the hand by the shoulder and move the hand in circles.
Notes: Can also mean “former” and “past”.
Dominant hand:
Index and thumb=extended.
The index finger is not standing straight up. It is at about a 45-degree angle.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the index finger face you. Put the hand near your mouth. Then, move the hand to the side and bring the index and thumb together.
Notes: The middle-pinky can be extended or curled. This sign can be done with the middle finger and thumb also.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the backs of both hands up. Move your hands in front of you and turn your hands into fists like you caught something in front of you.
Notes: It also means “arrest” and “capture”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated
Orientation: Have the hands to the side with the fingers facing each other and almost touching. Then turn the hands so that the palms now face you.
Notes: It also means “cluster”.
Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the fingers splayed against your chest. Then pull the hand away from your chest, and the extended fingers move downward and touch each other. The thumb should be touching the tips of the other fingers. Then turn the hand so that the palm is up. Move the hand towards your face and then extend and separate the fingers. Notes: It also means “pale”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm up with the dominant hand in front of and against the non-dominant hand. Have both hands near the middle of the bottom of your chest. Then, in a quick motion, move both hands outwards and extend and separate the fingers.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the fingers pointed outwards. Have both hands above your head. Have the sides of the index fingers against each other (the thumb is curled into the palm). Then separate the hands and move them to their respective sides.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side. The index finger would be pointing upwards if it was not curled. Have the hands above your shoulders and at the side of your chest. Spin both hands in circles.
Cell phone:
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the tips of the fingers against your cheek. Notes: Can also fingerspell “cell”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb, index, ring, and pinky=extended.
Middle finger=extended and turned downwards.
Non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended with the fingers against each other.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand. Then spin the dominant hand using the wrist and then have the dominant hand touch the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “middle”. Another version has the index-pinky extended and turned downwards but makes the same motion.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended but turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the index finger against the side of your forehead. Then move the hand away from your forehead.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you with the fingers pointing outward in their slightly curled form. Spin the hand in a vertical circle.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Move the dominant hand across the mouth. As it moves, curl and uncurl the index finger a few times.
Version 2: Wheat version Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the palm of the dominant hand up. Run the back of the dominant hand down the non-dominant arm down to the elbow. Repeat that motion again.
C grade:
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand face you. Place the side of the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand:
S handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the fist against the throat with the side of the index finger facing you. Then move fingers up and down once, returning to the curled position.
Notes: Chagrin means to be annoyed by failure or disappointment. It also means “abashed”, “dang it”, “discomfited”, “distressed”, and “humiliated”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Interlock the thumb-index fingers of both hands. Then move the hands to the side, unlock them, switch the hand positions, and interlock them again. Then do that one more time.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
H handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand up. Then place the index and middle finger of the dominant hand over the index and middle finger of the non-dominant hand. Slightly curl the index and middle finger of the dominant hand. Do that twice.
Note: The dominant hand’s slightly curled index and middle finger look like legs dangling from a bench. This sign is the same as sit, except you tap the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index-pinky=curled. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Have the hands in the middle of your chest. Have the back of the hands up with the thumb pointing to the side. Then move the hands upward slightly, have the palms face you and the thumbs pointing upward. Do not have the hands touch. Notes: It also means “game”.
Dominant hand: Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated. Thumb=extended. Ring and pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. Coming down from above, tap the palm of the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand’s index finger.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger=slightly curled. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Have the side of the index finger of the dominant hand face you. The dominant hand is on top of the non-dominant hand. Then rotate the hands, so they have switched positions. Notes: It also means “adapt”.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand by your non-dominant shoulder. Spin the hand in a quick circle and plan the side of the index finger against your non-dominant shoulder.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
A handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand ahead of the dominant hand. Move both hands to the non-dominant side of your chest. The dominant hand is moving side to side as it chases the non-dominant hand.
Chat with:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side or in C handshape formations (with the back of the hands facing you) and shake them back and forth.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have some space between the hands. Then turn the dominant hand so that the back is up (the fingers are still pointing outwards). As it turns, have the dominant hand graze by the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand down a little bit.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Orientation: Have the non-dominant arm diagonal across your chest. On the outside of your non-dominant arm, Have the dominant hand near the elbow. Then move the dominant hand up and down slightly with the index finger pointing downwards.
Check: Verb; to check
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards and the back of the dominant hand up. Point the dominant index finger at the base of the non-dominant hand and then move to the fingertips. Can repeat this motion multiple times.
Check: Bank Check
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Thumb=extended. Index finger=slightly curled. Middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the index fingers, and thumbs of both hands face each other to make a small rectangle shape. Then pull the hands away from each other and have the thumb and index finger touch. It also means “brick”, “card”, “sheet”, “envelope”, and “rectangle”.
Version 2: Bank check Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards and the back of the dominant hand up. Point the dominant index fingers at the base of the non-dominant hand (they are near the thumb) and then move to the fingertips.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards and the back of the dominant hand up. Point the dominant index finger at the base of the non-dominant hand and then move to the fingertips. Then fingerspell in.
Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Have the back of the dominant hand up. Place the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand with the dominant hand fingers pointing past the non-dominant thumb. Then move the dominant hand from side to side.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands face you. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Turn both hands so that the fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended asynchronously.
Notes: It’s like you are pouring chemicals into something.
Version 1:
Fingerspell it.
Version 2: Intravenous Dominant hand: Number 4 handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: With the palm facing you and the fingers pointing to the side, shake the hand up and down by the non-dominant arm’s elbow.
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the palm face you. Have the hand underneath your chin. Then change the hand to an S handshape. Notes: It also means “precious”.
Fingerspell it.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you. Move the hand to the side, and turn the hand so that the back is up. Then move the hand downwards.
Dominant hand: Index finger and thumb=extended. Middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the back of the hand against your mouth. Then tap the index finger and thumb against each other like it was a chicken’s beak. Notes: It also means “bird”.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: The back of the dominant hand is up. The hand moves up and down twice.
Notes: Imagine patting the head of one kid.
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: The back of the dominant hand is up. The hand moves to the side, away from the chest once.
Notes: Imagine patting the heads of two kids. It can be done with both hands as well.
Version 1:
Fingerspell it.
Version 2: Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: S handshape. Orientation: Have the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Run the dominant hand off the non-dominant hand by the fingers. Repeat that motion twice.
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B or S handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the thumb of the dominant hand in the middle of the back of the hand. Move the dominant hand in a circle on top of the non-dominant hand.
Version 1: Dominant hand: F handshape. Non-dominant hand: V handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side and the fingers pointing upwards. Then bring in the dominant hand with the index finger and thumb touching as it makes contact with the index finger on the non-dominant hand. Then bring the dominant hand away.
Version 2: Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you with the fingers pointing upwards. Move the hand outwards, change to an F handshape, and then bring the hand back towards you.
Version 3: Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of both hands face you with the fingers pointing upwards. Move the hand outwards, change to an F handshape, and then bring the hand back towards you. Then have the back of the dominant hand touch the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand’s palm up and the fingers pointing outwards. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Move the dominant hand up and down and down to the fingers of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “cut”.
Dominant hand: H handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Cup your non-dominant hand like it is holding some liquid. Then use your dominant hand as a “spoon” to run against the non-dominant hand and go to the mouth. NoteIt also means “soup”.
Version 1: Dominant hand: C handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were extended. Then turn your hand so that the palm is up. Version 2: Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the arm of the non-dominant hand over your chest. Place the elbow of the dominant arm on top of the non-dominant hand. Have the back of the dominant hand face you and then turn the wrist so that the palm faces you.
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B or S handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the thumb of the dominant hand rest on the wrist of the non-dominant hand.
Fingerspell C-I-N-N.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index, and pinky=extended.
Thumb, middle, and ring finger=curled.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the hands near each other (almost touching). Then pull the hands away from each other in a downward arc and then just straight down.
Notes: When you move the hand away from each other, the movements of your hands outline a circus tent.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Both hands only touch at the tips of the finger. Thus, they are separated and make ⅔ of a triangle. Have the formation move to the side once. Notes: It also means “community”.
Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers mainly pointing upwards. Have the hands separated but move them back and forth asynchronously. Notes: It also means “community”.
Version 3: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers mainly pointing upwards. Place the tips of the fingers against each other. The back of one hand will be facing you, and the palm of the other will be facing you. Move the hands to the side and then flip the hands. Notes: It also means “community”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Cup your non-dominant hand like it is holding some liquid. Have the back of the dominant hand and over the non-dominant hand. The dominant hand and non-dominant hand should touch at the tips of the fingers and the bottom/base of the hand. Then move the dominant hand up and down as a clam does.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the tip of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Tap the tips of the fingers of both hands against each other. Then pull the hands apart, change into B handshapes (with the fingers pointing upward) and slap the palms of both hands against each other.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands up. The fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Move both hands towards each other. When they meet, turn both upward so that the pinkies are pointing upward.
Notes: Symbolizes two people clashing. It also means “ramming”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands face you with the sides of the index finger and thumb touching each other. Then rotate the hands so that palms now face you, but the hands are in the same position otherwise.
“Old” or “old” + “cool”.
Fingerspell C-L.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Dominant hand slides over non-dominant hand from near the wrist to the fingers twice.
Note: Can differentiate between “clean” and “nice” easier by context.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
O handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands facing you. Then extend all the fingers and move both hands to the side.
Notes: It also means “clear”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands face you. Move both hands upwards asynchronously like you are climbing a wall.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the hand against the top of your opposite arm. Using your thumb, draw out a cross doing the horizontal line first and then the vertical line.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and extended.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the back of the dominant hand facing you. Clamp the fingers of the dominant hand over the top of the non-dominant hand. Move the fingers back and forth on the dominant hand like you are moving the clip-on clipboards.
Clip out:
Dominant hand: V handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you with the fingers pointing upwards. Then move the dominant hand around the non-dominant hand like it was a pair of scissors.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointed upward. Then move the hands in front of you with the backs facing you. The hands should be touching at the side of the index finger.
Notes: This close means as in “close the cupboard”.
Closed captioning:
Version 1: Fingerspell two Cs. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: F handshape. Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the tips of the thumb on each hand touch each other. Then separate the hands and turn them so that the back of the hands are up. Make that motion again.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the backs of the hands face you. Move the dominant hand a little towards you and have the palm face you. Then have the dominant hand go back to the starting position.
Notes: It also means “door”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you. Place them on the sides of the top of your chest. Move the hand down a little bit and then go back up. Make that motion twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have both hands by your head. Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up (the fingers would be pointing outward if they were fully extended). Have the back of the dominant hand up and above the non-dominant hand. Then spin both hands in horizontal circles and to the side.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the hand on top of the nose (the thumb is on the underside, the other fingers are on the top side of it).
Club: Organization
Fingerspell it or sign “group”.
Club: Symbol on a playing card
Version 1: Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side (the fingers would be pointing outwards if they were extended). Move the hand up and down like you are whacking something. Version 2: Fingerspell it.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Number 3 handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of both hands up with the fingers pointing outward. Then move both hands up and down asynchronously and have an awkward look on your face.
Notes: It also means “awkward”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the hands to the side with the fingers facing each other and almost touching. Then turn the hands so that the palms now face you.
Notes: Same as the “category” sign.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated or B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Have the back of the dominant hand up. Place the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand with the dominant hand fingers pointing to the side. Twist the dominant hand to the side.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand touch the dominant side’s shoulder.
Notes: It also means “boss”, “capital”, and “in charge”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
A handshape.
Orientation: Place the back of your thumbs against the sides of your chest. Then move the hands to the middle of your chest, turning the hands so that the palms face you and the knuckles of the hands touch.
Notes: This motion is similar to what it looks like when you put on a coat.
Cochlear implant:
Version 1: Fingerspell C-I. Version 2: Dominant hand: Index and middle finger=slightly curled and separated. Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Place the tip of the index and middle finger above your ear on your dominant side.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side and the palm of the dominant hand facing you. Then spin the dominant hand in a circle on top of the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand: F handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Place the index and thumb circle of the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand. Then hop the dominant hand down the palm of the non-dominant hand towards the fingers.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both elbows bent and the hands slightly shake in place as if they were freezing from the cold.
Notes: It also means “winter”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up with the fingers pointing outward. Have the dominant hand’s palm face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Wave the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand twice as you move both hands to the side.
Notes: It also means “gather”.
Columbus day:
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Tap the back of the thumb against your forehead. Then sign “day”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and not touching.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you. Place the index, middle and ring finger against your chin. The thumb and pinky stick outwards and do not touch the chin. Tap the index, middle, and ring fingers against your chin one after the other.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: S handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side (if they were fully extended). Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Tap the index finger of the dominant hand into the crook of the elbow of the non-dominant arm.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the hand against the side of your head. Make small circular or vertical downward movements.
Comb hair:
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the hand against the side of your head. Make big circular or vertical downward movements.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palm up. Then turn the hands up so that the index fingers now point at you.
Come on:
Dominant hand: B handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the finger pointing upwards. Move the hand across your chest and rest with the back up and the fingers pointing to the side. Notes: You are waving someone on.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index-pinky=slightly curled. They are extended but relaxed. Thumb=extended. Orientation: Have the backs of both hands up. Then run the hands over one another.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=extended and against each other.
Ring and pinky=curled.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Orientation: Have the hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Then brush the fingers off the nose.
Notes: It also means “funny”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand in front of you with the hand turned to the side and the index finger pointing upwards. Place the side of the index finger of the dominant hand against your mouth. Turn both hands down so that the index fingers point outwards and have the backs of the hands now face up.
Notes: If giving an order as in ‘give a command’, use a stern facial expression. Also means “answer”, “order”, “reply,” “report”, and “response”.
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upward. Have the side of the index finger of the dominant hand be against the non-dominant hand’s fingers. Then move the dominant hand down to the non-dominant hand’s palm.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Interlock the thumb-index fingers of both hands. Then pull the hands apart, so they are no longer interlocked. Repeat that 2-3 times.
Common sense:
Fingerspell C-S near your forehead.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands near the top of your chest. Then move both hands out away from you and then back towards you twice asynchronously.
Version 1: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Both hands only touch at the tips of the finger. Thus, they are separated and make ⅔ of a triangle. Have the formation move to the side once. Notes: It also means “city”. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers mainly pointing upwards. Have the hands separated but move them back and forth asynchronously. Notes: It also means “city”. Version 3: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers mainly pointing upwards. Place the tips of the fingers against each other. The back of one hand will be facing you, and the palm of the other will be facing you. Move the hands to the side and then flip the hands. Notes: It also means “city”.
Community transmission:
“City” + “spread”.
Dominant hand:
A handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you. The thumb is up, and the other finger points to the side if they are fully extended. Move the hand outwards and then back.
Notes: How far you go outwards can show how long the commute is.
Version 1:
Dominant hand:
B handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and against each other.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the finger pointed outwards. Run the side of the pinky of the dominant hand against the side of the index finger on the non-dominant hand. Do that motion 2-3 times.
Notes: It also means “roommate” and “partner”.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. Put the hands together with the fingers interlocking. Then move the hands side to side but not enough to unlock the fingers.
Notes: It also means “match”, “partner”, and “roommate”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have each hand at the side of the chest in front of you. Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards. Asynchronously, turn each hand towards you so that the palm faces you.
Notes: Have your head turn to each hand as its palm faces you like you are comparing the hands.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have both hands in front of you with the thumbs pointing upwards. Tilt the hands forward and backward (with the thumb pointing to you) asynchronously.
Notes: It also means “race” and “sports”.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the tips of the fingers against the middle of your chest.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the dominant and non-dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand go in a circle and then have the back of it rest against the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “all” and “whole”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing upward. Have both hands at their respective side of the chest. Then move both hands towards each other, curling and uncurling the index finger as you do so. Move the dominant hand behind the non-dominant hand as both hands reach the middle of the chest. Once the hands cross at the wrist, stop.
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B or S handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the thumb of the dominant hand rest above the wrist of the non-dominant hand. Then have the dominant hand go in small circles above the wrist.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Have some space between the hands. Then interlock the hands but keep the fingers straight over the belly.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing upward. Have the hands by the side of your head. Then move both hands forward slightly.
Notes: Think of the hands of blinders that block out the rest of the world so that you can focus on what is in front of you. To say “concentrate on me”, have the fingers point outwards and then snap the hands to the position described above. It also means “focus” and “pay attention”.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the thumb against the top of your forehead. Then move the hand outwards.
Fingerspell it.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand. Place both hands close to the middle of the bottom of your chest. Then turn both hands into S handshapes.
Notes: It also means “abbreviate” and “summary”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palms face you cross the index finger to make an X and have the back of the middle-pinky against each other.
Notes: It also means “contrast” and “intersect”.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the index finger of the dominant hand against the side of your forehead. Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up (the fingers would be pointing outward if they were fully extended). Then pull the dominant hand away from the forehead, change into the same handshape as the non-dominant hand, and with the back of the hand up and above the non-dominant hand. Then spin both hands in horizontal circles.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the tips of the index-ring finger touch the top of the non-dominant side of the chest and then move to the dominant side of the chest.
Notes: More accurately means “member of congress”. I don’t know if it means congress as a whole.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands face you and the fingers pointing upwards. Then turn the hands to the side (with the fingers still pointing upwards). Then turn both hands into F handshapes but with the index and thumb circles interlocked with each other.
Notes: It also means “join”, “of”, “member”, and “own”.
Version 1: Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the side of the non-dominant hand face you with the index finger pointing upwards. Have the back of the dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. The index finger of the non-dominant hand goes between the index and middle finger of the dominant hand. The dominant hand then swings partially around the non-dominant hand. Version 2: Dominant hand: F handshape. Non-dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you with the fingers pointed to the side. Have the thumb and index finger of the dominant hand grip the area of the non-dominant hand by the thumb. Then slightly shake both hands. Notes: It also means “flesh”, “meat”, and “steak”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have the back of both hands face you. The index-pinky fingers would be pointing outwards if they were extended. Place the dominant thumb on top of the non-dominant hand’s thumb. Move both hands slightly outward.
Notes: To say “continuing”, do a small double movement. Also means “sustain”. It can also mean “permanent” with a firm gesture and inflection.
Dominant hand:
H handshape.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant up and the palm non-dominant hand up. Spin the dominant hand in a quick circle and then rest it on top of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “register”, “signature”, and “sign up”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palms face you cross the index finger to make an X and have the back of the middle-pinky against each other.
Notes: It also means “conflict” and “intersect”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side (so that the fingers would be pointing outward if they were fully extended). Then move both hands outwards and back towards you asynchronously.
Notes: It also means to “handle”, “operate”, “manage”, “tolerate”, or “run” something.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
C handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Place the hands at about eye level. Move the hands away from each other and to their respective side. Do a semicircle for each hand, bringing them at chest level with the index-pinky against each other and turned downwards with the thumb against the fingertips for each hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side and at the side of your mouth. Then move both hands back and forth asynchronously. Notes: It also means “talk with”.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
X handshape.
Orientation: Have the hands turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Tug both hands towards you once very firmly.
Version 2: Dominant hand: B handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. Have the palm of the dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outwards. Hit the side of the dominant hand against the palm side of the index finger of the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Place the palm of the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand. Then flip the dominant hand over so that the palm is now upwards.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Then place the tips of the dominant hand fingers on the palm of the non-dominant hand with the tips facing the thumb. Then move the dominant hand so that the tips of the fingers face the non-dominant hand’s fingers.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand. Move the dominant hand in a spiral above the non-dominant hand.
Notes: It also means “university”.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended with the fingers against each other and turned downwards.
Thumb=touching the tip of the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Place the back of the dominant fingers against the non-dominant hand. Then move the hand to just in front of the non-dominant hand. Then do the person sign.
Notes: It’s pretty much “buy” + “person”.
Cool: Adjective
Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: The thumb touches the middle of the chest. Then have the index-pinky fingers move up and down one after the other. Notes: It also means “swell” and “neat”.
Cool: Temperature
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Orientation: Have the palms face you and move the wrists back and forth so that the hands fan you.
Dominant hand:
Index finger and thumb=slightly curled to make a C formation.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the side of the index finger and thumb against your chest.
Notes: It also means “police”.
Copy: General
Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the palm of the dominant hand up. Place the dominant hand underneath the non-dominant hand. Then pull the dominant hand downwards slightly while putting the index-pinky fingers together, and have the thumb touch the tips of the other fingers.
Copy: From the side
Dominant hand: Thumb-pinky=extended and separated. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up and the back of the dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand next to the non-dominant hand. Then move the index-pinky fingers of the dominant hand together, turn them downwards, have the thumb against the tip of the other fingers while moving the tips of the fingers of the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand.
Copy: From board
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant and non-dominant hand face you with the fingers pointed upwards. Have the dominant hand in front of the non-dominant hand. Then move the index-pinky fingers of the dominant hand together, turn them downwards, have the thumb against the tip of the other fingers while moving the dominant hand against the palm of the non-dominant hand.
Notes: Can also just have the non-dominant hand palm up but make the same motion.
Copy: Copy me
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand face you and the palm of the dominant hand face you. Have the dominant hand in front of the non-dominant hand. Then move the index-pinky fingers of the dominant hand together, turn them downwards, have the thumb against the tip of the other fingers while pulling the dominant hand away from the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the index finger by your mouth. Using the wrist, twist the hand from side to side a few times.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Place the tips of the fingers of each hand against each other.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Place the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. The two hands will be perpendicular to each other.
Notes: It also means “accurate” and “right”.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downwards.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. Have the second knuckle of the dominant hand’s index finger almost be touching the palm of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand downwards.
Notes: With furrowed eyebrows, this sign can mean “how much?” It also means “fee”, “fine”, “price”, and “tax”.
Step 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=extended.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the back of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand up. Then place the index and middle finger of the dominant hand over the index and middle finger of the non-dominant hand. Slightly curl the index and middle finger of the dominant hand.
Step 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled with the fingers not touching.
Orientation: Have the backs of both hands up with the fingers pointing to the floor.
Version 1: Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the fingertips against the middle of your chest. Move the hand up and down without the fingers leaving the chest.
Version 2: Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Tap the side of the index finger against the middle of your chest and puff out your cheeks like you are coughing.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, turned downwards, and against each other.
Thumb=against the tips of the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand. Then release the finger of the dominant hand and thrust it out, so it passes over the non-dominant hand.
Notes: May repeat the sign two times. It also means “advice”, “advise”, “affected”, “effect”, and “influence”.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, turned downwards, and against each other.
Thumb=against the tips of the other fingers.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the dominant hand’s thumb’s back on top of the non-dominant hand with the fingers pointing outwards. Then release the fingers of the dominant hand and thrust it out, so it passes over the non-dominant hand. Then do the “person” sign.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape or Y handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms of both hands face you. Have the non-dominant arm across your chest. Spin the dominant hand in circles by the non-dominant arm’s elbow.
Notes: The one with the B handshape also means “rural”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the hands at the sides of your chest with the palms facing you. Then curl your hands into a fist and puff up your chest.
Notes: It also means “brave”, “cure”, “heal”, “healthy”, “recover”, and “strong”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
F handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the middle-pinky fingers pointed outwards. Then move the hands up and down asynchronously.
Dominant hand:
C handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand by the side of your head with the palm facing you. Then shake the hand side to side a bit.
Cover: General
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. The non-dominant hand’s fingers should be pointing outwards. Have the palm of the dominant hand up. The dominant hand’s fingers should be pointing to the side. Flip the dominant hand over and place it on top of the non-dominant hand.
Cover: Can lid
Dominant hand: Relaxed. Non-dominant hand: C handshape. Orientation: Have the side of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the back of the dominant hand up. Place it on top of the non-dominant hand. Notes: It also means “lid”.
Cover: Book cover
Step 1: “Book”. Step 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the back of both hands up. Have the non-dominant hand angled upward, so it is pointing outwards but with an upward angle. Lay the dominant hand over the non-dominant hand’s fingers. Then slide the dominant hand down the non-dominant hand.
Cover: Blanket
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the tips of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the index-pinky fingers pointing to the ground. Start with both hands on one side of the chest. Then move the hands to the other side and outward.
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended, against each other, and turned downward.
Non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Have the tips of the fingers of the dominant hand near the wrist of the non-dominant hand. Then, extend and separate the fingers of the dominant hand and splay it over the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand:
Y handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the thumb against the side of your forehead. Then rotate the hand up and down twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
L handshape.
Orientation: Have your hands at your hips. Then move both hands upward with the index finger pointed outwards like your hands are guns. Then rotate the wrists up and down like you are shooting your handguns.
Version 1:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pink=extended and against each other.
Thumb=extended and in front of the other fingers.
Orientation: Have both hands on their respective sides and above the shoulders. Then tap the index-pinky down onto the thumb a few times.
Notes: It also means “cancer”-zodiac sign.
Version 2:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
L handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands on their respective sides and above the shoulders. Then tap the index finger down onto the thumb a few times.
Version 3:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
V handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands on their respective sides and above the shoulders. Then tap the index and middle finger against each other a few times.
Version 4:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
V handshape.
Orientation: Cross the hands at the wrist and have each hand near a shoulder. Then tap the index and middle finger against each other a few times.
Notes: “Crab” is vertical (because crabs are seen more with their claws above them), while “lobster” is more horizontal. It also means “Cancer” (Zodiac sign).
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Then have the dominant hand to the side in a karate chop position and come to rest in the middle of the non-dominant hand. Then move the dominant hand down the middle of the palm of the non-dominant hand. Move the dominant hand side to side as you move it down to represent a crack.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and separated.
The fingers can be relaxed slightly.
Orientation: Have the palms of the hands face you. Bring the hands closer together and then turn them into fists as they collide.
Notes: The same motion can be made but with the thumb, index, and middle finger extended and separated to represent a car.
Dominant hand:
Number 4 handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the side of the index finger by the side of your mouth. Have your mouth slightly open. Move the hand downward slowly.
Notes: I think the hand traces where saliva would be. It also means “lust for”.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Have the index finger point to the side of your head. Move your hand in small circles.
Crazy about:
Dominant hand:
Thumb extended.
Index, middle, and ring finger=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the fingers pointing upward if they were fully extended. Move the hand from side to side quickly by your cheek.
Notes: This means someone is crazy about something in the sense that they love it. Ex: “I am crazy about pizza”.
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Have the side of the pinky of the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand’s palm. Then move the dominant hand so that the fingers face you.
Dominant hand:
Number 4 handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the tip of the index finger against the side of your forehead. Then move the hand outwards and spin it in 2 small horizontal circles while moving outwards.
Notes: When you combine this sign with “write”, you lose the shaking movement. Also means “make up”.
Credit card: General
Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up with the fingers pointing outward. Place the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand with the palm facing you. Slide the dominant hand out to the non-dominant hand’s finger and then back to the palm.
Credit card: ATM
Dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and turned downwards.
Thumb=parallel to the other fingers.
Not touching the other fingers.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing to the side. Have the back of the dominant hand face you. Slide the dominant hand into the non-dominant hand.
Credit card: Slice
Dominant hand:
Index finger=curled but not turned downwards.
Thumb=against the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up with the fingers pointing outwards if they were extended. Turn the wrist up and then downwards.
Criminal justice:
Fingerspell C-J.
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward. Have the index fingertip on the dominant hand draw an X on the non-dominant hand’s palm. Notes: It also means “cancel”.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands up. The fingers would be pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Move the hand outward, then quickly pull them back, put the hands against your chest, and change them to an S handshape. Move the hands up and down and move your shoulder up and down like you are trying to wedge your way through a crowded place.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the palms of your hands face you and move your index finger down your cheeks as if a tear was falling down it.
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. Have the dominant hand to the side of the index finger with the fingers pointing to it. Then, swing the dominant hand around the non-dominant hand so that the palm of the dominant hand faces you.
Dominant hand: C handshape. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand palm up. Place the dominant hand on the non-dominant hand’s palm. The side of the dominant hand’s pinky should be directly touching the palm. Tap the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand twice.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing outward (if they were fully extended). Have the arms raised a bit so that the hands are closer to the head heightwise. Turn the wrists so that the palms face you and then return the hands to the original position.
Notes: The motion is like you opening the cupboard and then closing it. Also means “cabinet”.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand up. Then place the tips of the dominant hand fingers on the back of the non-dominant hand with the tips facing the side of the index finger. Tap the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand twice.
Notes: Cupcake is done with the non-dominant hand’s palm up because the sign “cup” is done with the palm up.
Version 1:
Version 2:
“Medicine for that”.
Note: This is a sentence, so it is all separate signs.
Version 3:
“Improve” + “finish”.
Version 4:
Fingerspell C-U-R-E.
Version 5: To prevent or delay meat spoiling
“Add to” + “salt”, “chemicals”, or fingerspell nitrates or nitrites.
Version 6: For curing meats
“Become” + “solid”.
Version 7:
Curly hair:
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled and separated.
Orientation: Place both hands slightly away from the side of your head. Then spin both hands in a circle like they are digging around in curly hair.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index-pinky=extended and separated.
Orientation: Have the backs of both hands face you. Then move both hands downward.
Cut: General
Cut: Slice
Dominant hand: B handshape. Non-dominant hand: C handshape. Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Move the dominant hand up and down and move both hands to the side.
Cut: Chop
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
B handshape.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand’s palm up and the fingers pointing outwards. Have the dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards. Move the dominant hand up and down and down to the fingers of the non-dominant hand.
Cut: On your body
Dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Run the tip of the index finger where the cut is. If you are talking about a cut in general, run the index finger along the back of the non-dominant hand.
Dominant hand:
Index and middle finger=extended and against each other.
Thumb, ring, and pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the tips of the index and middle finger against your chin. Then curl in both fingers.
Notes: For “cute”, the face inflection should include a smile to differentiate it from sugar. Also means “sugar”.
Version 1: Dominant hand: S handshape. Non-dominant hand: C handshape. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the fingers pointing outwards if they were fully extended. Have the palm of the dominant hand face you. The fingers would be pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Have the dominant hand surrounded by the non-dominant hand. Move the dominant hand up and down while keeping the non-dominant hand where it is. Version 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: S handshape. Orientation: Have both hands turned to the side with the fingers pointing upwards if they were fully extended. Move both hands up and down asynchronously.
Curtains with spots:
Step 1: “Curtains” Step 2: Dominant hand and non-dominant hand: F handshape. Orientation: Have the thumb-index finger circle face you. Move the hand out in front of you with the thumb-index finger outlining the spots on the curtain.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you with the index finger pointing at your teeth.
Notes: Also means “glass”, “porcelain”, and “tooth”.
Dominant hand:
A handshape.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the palm face you. Place the hand near your mouth. Move the hand from side to side.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and slightly curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Place the bottom of the palm against your head.
Notes: Also means “lettuce”.
Step 1:
Sign “white”
Step 2:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=extended and ½ curled.
Non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointing upwards. With the back of the dominant hand up, have the dominant above the non-dominant hand without touching the non-dominant hand. Move the dominant hand in three spaces around the non-dominant hand to represent the heads of the cauliflower.
Chicken: When telling a children’s story
Dominant hand: Index finger and thumb=extended. Middle-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: B handshape. Orientation: Orientation: Have the back of the hand against your mouth. Then tap the index finger and thumb against each other like it was a chicken’s beak. Then hit it against the palm of the non-dominant hand whose fingers are pointing outwards.
Dominant hand:
Index finger and pinky=extended.
Middle and ring pinky finger=extended, against each other and turned downwards.
Thumb=extended and touching the tips of the middle and ring finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand face you. Tap the middle and ring finger against the thumb 2 times.
Charge: With a crime
Dominant hand: V handshape. Non-dominant hand: Index finger=extended. Thumb, middle-pinky=curled. Orientation: Have the non-dominant hand turned to the side with the index finger pointed upwards. Have the back of the dominant hand up. Place the dominant hand on the non-dominant hand with the non-dominant hand’s index finger between the dominant hand’s V handshape. The fingers of the dominant hand are pointing outwards.
Fingerspell C-O.
Dominant hand:
Thumb=on top of the side of the index finger.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the thumb against your mouth.
Notes: It also means “private”, “secret”, and “undisclosed”.
Version 1: Piggy Belly Dominant hand: Thumb=extended. Index-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Touch the thumb to the middle of the chest. Then move the hand in an outward arc to the middle of the bottom of the chest.
Version 2: Alternate Piggy Belly Dominant hand: Thumb=extended. Index-pinky=curled. Non-dominant hand: nothing. Orientation: Touch the thumb to the middle of the chest. Then move the hand in an outward arc to the middle of the bottom of the chest. But instead of the thumb touching the bottom of the chest, have the thumb be pointing outwards and the side the pinky against the bottom of the chest.
Version 3: Dollar Sign Eyes
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Bent V handshape.
Orientation: Have the palms face you and in front of your eyes. Move the hands downward using a zig-zag motion.
Version 4: Money!
“Money” (1 or 2 times) and with an ! by hitting the dominant hand quickly and then off the non-dominant hand quickly.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Non-dominant hand: nothing
Orientation: Have the index finger against the non-dominant side’s shoulder. Drag the finger to the dominant side’s shoulder. Then, move the index finger down the chest.
Dominant hand and non-dominant hand:
Index finger=extended.
Thumb, middle-pinky=curled.
Orientation: Have the back of the non-dominant hand up with the index finger pointing to the side. Curl the index finger of the dominant hand around the non-dominant hand’s index finger and move the dominant hand in circles around the non-dominant hand’s index finger.
Dominant hand:
Index finger=slightly curled.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the dominant hand by the side of your mouth with the palm facing up. Then open your mouth slightly and continue hitting the teeth against each other as you bring the dominant hand closer to your mouth.
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pinky=slightly curled.
Non-dominant hand:
V handshape.
Orientation: Have the palm of the non-dominant hand face you with the fingers pointed to the side. Place the dominant hand to the side of the non-dominant hand’s index finger. Rotate the dominant hand to the side once, move next to the non-dominant hand’s middle finger, and rotate the dominant hand again.
Step 1:
Dominant hand:
Thumb-pink = relaxed and separated.
Non-dominant hand: nothing.
Orientation: Have the back of the hand up with the fingers pointing outward. Spin the hand in a vertical circle and wiggle the fingers up and down like you are typing on a cashier machine.
Step 2:
“Clean” + “person”.
Construction worker:
Step 1:
Dominant and non-dominant hand:
S handshape.
Orientation: Have the back of the hands up. The fingers would be pointing to the side if they were fully extended. Like, in the “build” sign, place the hands on top of each other while moving up.
Step 2: