Russian Revolution test Flashcards
Based on political/economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels; means of production provide economic base that influences/determines political/ideological superstructure
Communist Manifesto, 1848 introduced
economic system in which means of production = privately owned/operated for profit
Marx despised capitalism (prosperity for few + poverty for many)
people who owned land/resources/factories - wealthy elite that benefit from proletariat
People who work for wages “have nots” vs. bourgeoisie “haves”
Intention of communism
overthrow bourgeoisie/put political power in hands of proletariat
Goals of communism
- end child labor
- universal education
- women empowerment
- progressive tax to redistribute capital
- *create classless communist society where wealth + power = equally shared
Lenin’s views
Trained professionals led Bolshevik party, and membership limited to few full-time revolutionaries
Marxism: 1989 and beyond
Nationalism stronger than global communist ideals; nearly every communist country had adopted free market capitalist ideals
Why? Marx didn’t take into account people’s selfish ambition
Economic causes of the Russian Revolution
- Tsar’s mismanagement of the economy/WWI
- shortage of factory/farm workers bc men in army
- widespread food shortages = high prices
- shortage of factory/farm workers bc men in army
- Threat of famine
- Peasant majority didn’t benefit from modernization attempts
Political causes
- Enormous losses in WWI
- Autocracy unpopular with educated class
- Tsar+wife = weak/ineffective leaders
- Influence of Rasputin
- Charismatic leaders (Lenin/Trotsky) more appealing than Tsar
- Spread of Marxist ideas
Social causes
-extremes in social classes = centuries of oppression toward lower classes
-food deprivation due to WWI
-peasants desire for land (85% still serfs)
Demand for factory workers cause mass migration to cities (which become overpopulated w/ poor living conditions)
Results of causes
- Tsar overthrown & executed
- Civil war emerges
- Lenin dominates Bolshevik party
- Communist system established in Russia
- 14 million die between 1914-1926
Power struggle between Trotsky & Stalin
Lenin = undeniable leader of Bolsheviks, but Trotsky and Stalin butted heads
Trotsky’s position
leader of army
Stalin’s position
secretary general (sat in on meetings, became responsible for deciding local party positions)
- put his supporters in positions of power
- nobody left in opposition of Stalin
Cult of Stalin economy
- 1928 = first five year plan (industrialize Soviet Union)
- Gosplan = production quotas/targets for industries to meet
- 2nd/3rd five year plans = consumer goods, less on industry
Social / Cultural developments of cult of Stalin
- Literacy from before = 50%, after = 89%
- Emphasis on higher education for the elite
- new cirricullum with Stalin in the center
The Great terror
Purge “enemies of the state” (i.e., enemies of Stalin) by putting them through public show trials, then sending them to the Gulag/executed
Why? Slave labor necessary, Stalin’s paranoia, removal of rivals
February/March Revolution
- Petrograd workers begin striking - March 7 1917 announce a strike in PULITOV. No casualties despite clashes with Tsar’s forces, but some workers fired
- Next day, 50,000 workers strike and demand bread (because of women workers who marched and convinced them)
- March 10 - most industrial/commercial/service enterprises shut down in Petrograd
- March 11 - Tsar orders troops to suppress riots by force. Troops mutiny
- March 15 - Tsar abdictates
Provisional government
system unable to make decisive policy decision due to breakdown of state structures. Temporary and ineffective
October/November Revoluation
October 10 - Lenin holds secret Bolshevik meeting to debate revolution
October 10-23 - Bolsheviks campaign around the country for revolution
October 24 - Leader of Bolshevik Guards (Jaan Anvelt) plans attack on Petrograd
-October 25 - Bolshevik troops take control of telegraph, post office, train stations, bank (etc) in Petrograd
-October 26 - PM Alexander Kerensky flees Petrograd. Troops infiltrate Winter Palace and stage bloodless coup, putting them as new leaders of Russia
-Nov 2 - Soviet Government permits nationalities of Russia to break away and have full independence
Results of October/November Revolution
- All banks nationalized
- Private bank accounts confiscated
- Church properties seized
- Soviets take over factories
- Transformed Russia from parliamentarian to socialist
Great Purge
series of repressive measures by Stalin targeting people that could pose a threat to his rule. Specifically Communist Party members, military’s officer corps, and country’s intellectuals
Causes of Purge
- dissent growing in the ranks of the Communist Party
- Stalin wanted to solidify his rule so that dissension wouldn’t threaten dictatorship
- scare citizens into silent submission
Timeline of Purge
- March 9, ‘36 - Resolution of Politburo established to protect USSR from spies, terrorists, and other infiltration. Needed to “purge” USSR of political refugees
- Mar 15, ‘37 - peasants banned from leaving farms
- Mar 29, ‘37 All officers dismissed from Red Army except for Party members
Russo-Japanese War
Japan thwarts Russia’s plans for Pacific empire by taking Lushun, Manchuria’s economy, and Korea. Humiliated Romanov dynasty by undermining regime’s political authority
Bloody Sunday
Workers marched to St. Petersburg to request an audience with the Tsar. He was away at the front, and his soldiers opened fire on workers. Caused major unrest that was only quieted by the Tsar’s agreement to a representative government - the Duma
Between Feb/March and Oct/Nov revolutions…
- Provisional government (Duma) established in 1917
- 3 March 1917 - Prince Georgi Lvov becomes first prime minister. Believes that international obligations take precedence over internal struggles
- May 1917 - Lvov government falls, giving way to First Coalition (retained Lvov as PM)
- 3/4 July 1917 - Demonstrations nearly place Bolsheviks in power, but balance restored and Lenin flees to Finland
- 24 July 1917 - Second Coalition comes to power w/ Aleksandr Kerensky as PM
- 7 Nov 1917 - Bolsheviks storm Winter Palace and establish Soviet rule
Ukranian Famine
Collectivization caused grain shortages, but, to prove his plans were effective, Stalin continued to export grain, leading to famine. August 1932 law passed allowing Communists to steal Ukranian grain. EVERYBODY (USSR to US) IGNORED IT
Treaty of Rapallo
- Soviet/Germany
- Germany = first state to recognize Soviet state
- Soviet allowed Germany to test military equipment/train troops in USSR - VIOLATES TREATY OF VERSAILLES
renewed in 1931, but ended in 1933
Other treaties
- Sep. 18, 1934, USSR joins League of Nations
- 1935, France/USSR sign treaty of military cooperation
Nazi Soviet Pact
- each nation remain neutral should war occur
- partition Poland to serve as buffer between the two
- Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania –> USSR