Ruminants Female Reproductive System Flashcards
Where are is the location of the ovaries?
Caudoventral part of the abdominal cavity
Migrates just cranial to the pelvic inlet
Rectally palpable
What are the pouches in the female genital tract?
- Pararectal pouch
- Rectogenital pouch-
- Vesicogenital pouch
- Pubalvesicle pouch- between pubic bone and bladder
Peritoneal fold that suspends the small colon and rectum to the body wall
Structure of the ovary
Mature follicles and corpus luteum (rectally palpable)
Estrus cycle
Short- 21 days
Uterine tube
Infundibulum (moves the ovulated ova)
Ampulla- site of fertilization
Broad ligament
Mesovarium- ovary to wall
Ovarian bursa- space between metrium and salpinx
Intercornual Ligament
Fusion of the serosa and muscle fibers
Rectally palpable used to pull uterus caudally for palpating and easier manipulation
How is the intercornual ligament differentt in small and large ruminants
SR: only have ventral
LR: have dorsal and ventral creating a pocket used to pull uterus back/ pregnancy diagnostic tool
Incomplete fusion of the caudal part of the horns
Contains caruncles (maternal)
Endometrial caruncles
Convex in cow
Concave in ewe and goat
What forms the cotyledornary placenta (placentome)
Fetal cotyledons and maternal caruncles form the placentome
Uterine artery
Branch of the umbilical artery of the internal iliac
Enlarged during pregnancy, stringing vibration “fremitus or thrill”
How is the vibration of the uterine artery useful?
Evident @ 3rd month, useful when the uterus is out of reach (pregnancy diagnostic)
What are the origins of the uterine artery?
Vaginal a.: supples vag
Umbilical a.: largest @ body of uterus
Ovarian a.: comes at the level of the uterine horn, one branch from aorta
Thick muscular wall
Lumen is closed by interlocking projections
Mucosa carries longitudinal ridges that intersects the rings
Mucosal secretion of the cervix
At estrus: mucus production
At pregnancy: mucus plug (seals)
Fornix of the vagina
Where cervix protrudes into the vagina @ external os (dead ends on side)
CS: obstruct cannula during AI
What are the openings to the cervix?
Internal ostium- entry to uterus
External ostium: entry to vagina
Vagina and Vestibule
Ratio of 3:1
A blind pouch: suburethral diverticulum (retains urine pheromone)
CS of the suburethral diverticulum
During urinary catheterization, direct dorsal,t to avoid going t into diverticulum
Mammary gland
4 glands divided into 2 halves
Each gland has a single teat
Individual quarters duct systems don’t communicate with each other
What is the structure of the mammary gland?
Teat orifice (papillary ostium) —> teat canal (papillary duct) —> papillary sinus —>annular fold —> glands sinus —> lactiferous sinus
Papillary and gland sinus form the ____________
Lactiferous sinus
How is the teat canal closed?
By longitudinal mucosal folds and smooth muscle sphincter
Suspensory apparatus of udder
Lateral fibrous ligaments coming from the symphysial tendon
Median elastic ligaments coming from the abdominal tunic
Median elastic ligament of the udder
Separate udder into 2 halves, marked externally by inter-mammary groove
External pudendal artery
Supplies mammary gland
O: pudendopigastric trunk of the deep femoral of the external iliac artery
Divided into cranial and caudal mammary arteries
External pudendal vein
Major venous drainage of mammary gland
Venous ring at the base the udder drains the blood from the gland (+ milk vein)
Milk vein (SubQ)
Runs along the abdomen until it penetrates wall at the “milk well” to join the internal thoracic vein
Well developed in lactating cows
Milk vein is an anastomosis between what 2 veins?
Cranial and caudal superficial epigastrics
Lymphatic drainage
Superficial inguinal LN located @ base of udder close to superficial inguinal ring
Efferent lymphatic
Through inguinal canal
Directed caudodordally while veins are directed craniodorsally
Sensory Innervation of the udder
L1 and L2 and genitfofemoral nerve
Innervates teat, skin and most glandular tissue
Autonomic innervation to the mammary glands
Sympathetic nervous system from caudal mesenteric ganglion (through Genitofemoral nerve
Innervates myopitheloal cells a BVs