Rule-based AI Flashcards
Fill in the blank: Rule-based AI makes inferences through __________.
logic-based rules
What are some logical operators?
NOT, AND, OR, etc, IF/ELSE, Loops, etc
What are logic-based rules necessary for?
search methods, problem solving algorithms, knowledge processing
True or false: ANN do not use logic-based rules?
What is logic?
the study of the correct principles of reasoning
What is another definition for logic?
array of rules or sentences
What is logic a fundamental aspect of?
problem-solving and critical thinking
What are two types of logical operations?
propositional logic and predicate logic
What is propositional logic?
rules that determine the truth/falseness of the whole statement (and, or, xor etc)
What is predicate logic?
true or false rules by dividing statements into subjects and predicates (arithmetic operators, relational operators)
What is the symbol for negation?
~ for example: ~p (not p)
What is a disjunction?
logical OR
What is the symbol for a disjunction?
V for example: pVq (p or q)
What is a conjunction?
logical AND
What is the symbol for a conjunction?
^ for example: p^q (p and q)
What is an implication?
a conditional operator read as ‘if p, then q’ (p->q)
What does predicate logic express?
knowledge in a logical manor, and relationships between objects
What is inference?
the process of solving unknown facts based on known facts or propositions
What are the three types of reasoning?
induction, deduction, and analogy
What is another word for induction?
What is induction?
drawing general conclusions from individual facts
What is induction used for?
to discover and expand new knowledge or theories
What is another word for deduction?
What is deduction?
a method of reasoning that draws a different conclusion from premises
Which type of reasoning is the most widely used method?
What is an advantage and a disadvantage of deduction?
logical consistency (it is a fact) but lack of expansionability
What is the most important basis for drawing a conclusion in deduction?
the first major premise
What is analogy?
a method of inferring that because one phenomenon is similar in two objects, another phenomenon will also be similar
What is reasoning?
symbolically representing human thought
What is searching?
realization as a process from execution
What is a state space?
a mathematical expression that defines all the possible states a problem can have
What are examples of search algorithms?
DFS, BFS, Dijkstra algorithm, Heuristic algorithms, A* algorithm, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm
What is DFS?
depth first search, visit first node, move left/down, etc, of no more vertices, go back up and go right
What is a BFS?
breadth-first search, visit in order from left to right, then go down a level etc, until there are no more levels to search
What is the Dijkstra search technique?
a search technique that finds the shortest path in a weighted graph, where edges have different weights
What is the A* search technique?
extension of the Dijkstra search that uses heuristics to guide the search
What kind of graphs is BFS used for?
unweighted graphs
What kind of graphs is Dijkstra used for?
weighted graphs
What kind of graphs is A* used for?
weighted graphs with a heuristic function
What is a heuristic?
problem-solving by trial and error by rules that are loosely defined
True or false: Heuristic problem solving finds the optimal or perfect solution?
When are heuristic search techniques used?
situations in which finding and exact solution is impossible
What does uniformed search mean?
a search that searches only in a certain order without using prior information
What are some examples of uniformed searches?
What is an algorithm?
systematically specifying steps to solve a problem (describes detailed features of a method for solving a problem)
What are some expression methods of algorithms?
flowcharts, pseudocode, and code
What is another definition for heuristic algorithms?
an inexact algorithm based on intuition
What are the positives and negatives of heuristic algorithms?
positives: quick and practical, can be used for situations where the exact answer cannot be found
negatives: no guarantee of logical or optimal method, not good for when exact answer is needed
What are some examples of using algorithms in everyday life?
mathematical operations, following recipes, planning your day, appliance usage manuals, transfer subway directions, AI in AlphaGo
What is an example of a heuristic algorithm?
simulated annealing
What is annealing?
a heat treatment process that improves the physical/chemical properties of a material by repeated heating above re-crystallization and cooling down several times
What is simulated annealing?
an approximation algorithm used for global optimization
What is the traveling salesman problem?
“Given a list of cities and distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?”
What is the 8-Queens problem?
8 queens must be placed on a chess board in such positions that none of them can attack each other
About how many cases does the 8-Queens problem have?
4.4 billion
Where are semantic networks used?
rule-based expert systems
What is a semantic network?
a knowledge representation technique by organizing and expressing such knowledge, a graph consisting of vertices (concepts) and edges (relationships)
What are semantic networks used widely in?
NLP and expert systems
What is an example of a rule-based system?
knowledge base representing facts and inference rules such as if-then statements
What is a type of computer advisory system?
an expert system
What are the core elements of an Expert system?
knowledge base, inference engine, UI
What does the inference engine do?
makes inferences using the knowledge base
How are the results of a question to an expert system conveyed to the user?
through the UI
Why is the expert system getting a lot of attention?
can provide solutions to problems that are too complex for traditional algorithms and there have been difficulties in discovering new algorithms after A*
Which fields are expert systems very useful for?
medicine, finance, and engineering
What is the difference between a rule-based system and expert system?
expert systems use a knowledge base of human expertise and rule-based systems use a set of rules defined by any user
What are examples of current expert systems?
mycin, dendral, prospector, airplan, logos, and ask
What is mycin used for and who created it?
leukemia diagnosis, Stanford university
What is dendral used for and who created it?
explanation of mass spectrometry, Standford university
What is prospector used for and who created it?
mine exploration, SRI international
What is airplan used for and who created it?
aircraft takeoff and landing management, US Army
What is logos used for and who created it?
automatic translation, logos computer system
What is ask used for and who created it?
natural language DB management system, Caltech