General Concept and History of AI Flashcards
What is the definition of AI?
techniques for modeling human intelligence using computers
What does the field of AI study?
cognition, thinking, or learning like humans
What is the main goal of AI?
integrate human intelligence activities into computers
What is another goal of AI?
applying intelligent principles to computers to apply them to real life
What fields other than computer science can AI be used for?
social sciences, film, art, music, agriculture, business, and advertising
True or False: some believe that the era of AI cannot be changed or stopped?
What kind of tasks do people expect AI to do?
those that require hard work
Like humans overcoming the limitations of muscle with the industrial era, what is AI expected to overcome?
the limitations of the human brain
What is an example of an AI robot?
tomato harvesting robots
When did research for AI begin?
the mid 1950s
What tasks/accomplishments was AI originally limited to?
games, problem solving, and text recognition
Who developed the world’s first emotional recognition robot and what is its name?
Softbank (japan) and ‘her’ name is Pepper
What can Pepper do?
communicate with humans and infer emotions from people’s expressions and intonation changes
What is Z-Machine?
a 3-robot band that can compose jazz, rock, etc on the fly
True or false: some believe that AI will bring about the greatest revolution in human history?
What phase of development are autonomous vehicles in?
road test phase
In what year was the world’s first electronic computer developed?
What was the name of the world’s first electronic computer?
In what year was AI first named?
Who theoretically founded the digital computer?
Alan Turing
Who later designed computer architecture?
Von Neumann
What are a computer’s major devices?
memory, control, arithmetic, and I/O devices
Which computer devices are likened to the human brain/nervous system?
memory, control, arithmetic
Which computer devices are likened to ears and mouth (sense organs)?
I/O devices
What is a computer?
a machine that processes memories and performs calculations quickly and accurately
What is the name ‘computer’ derived from?
a device that performs calculations
True or false: currently, computers only do what they are told to do?
What are some advantages of AI?
higher levels of intelligence, replace laborious jobs, convenience, increased efficiency and productivity, quick judgments, avoiding human error, reduce danger to humans by performing dangerous tasks
What are some disadvantages of AI?
loss of human jobs, ethical problems, too much reliance on AI can cloud human judgment, excessive monitoring of humans by AI
True or false: research of the human brain is not necessary for AI development?
What is the human brain made up of?
About how many neurons are in the human brain?
14 billion
About how much does a human baby’s brain weigh?
What percentage of an average adult brain’s weight does a baby brain make up?
True or false: you can grow more neurons in your lifetime?
false, neurons cannot in reproduce or grow after birth
After what age do humans start losing tens of thousands of neurons daily?
What is the goal of neural network AI research?
mimicking the human brain’s makeup and function
What are some main abilities of intelligence?
learning and logical reasoning, pattern recognition and situation interpretation, analyzing the nature of problems, solving problems
What are some abilities of the human brain?
fast and accurate calculations, memory, quick reasoning, spatial perception, shape, object, and text recognition, imagination
What are 3 ways that AI cannot mimic human intelligence?
imagination, intuition, understanding
AI is a core technology of which industrial revolution?
the 4th industrial revolution
When was the prep period of AI?
In 1943 what idea did McCulloch et al introduce?
that the human brain is made of binary logical elements like AND, OR, and NOT
What did Hebb hypothesize in 1949?
learning effect happens during repeated firing between neurons
When did Turing propose machine’s could talk to humans and what did that give way to?
1950, the Turing test
What years demarcated the Cradle of AI?
What event in 1956 kicked off AI research?
Dartmouth’s ‘Summer Workshop’
How many people gathered to define the concept of AI?
Who suggested calling it AI?
John McCarthy
Which neural network theory was developed in 1957 and by who?
Mark I Perceptron by Rosenblatt
What was the first AI programming language, who developed it and in what year was it developed?
LISP, McCarthy, 1962
What AI product was developed in 1966 and what was it?
ELIZA a chatbot
When did Minsky and Papert publish the book ‘Perceptrons’?
Why did neural network research fall into a slump?
exposure of a critical problems for perceptrons
What years were the first winter of AI?
Why did AI have the first winter?
many disappointments, unmet expectations
When was the AI boom?
What characterized the beginning of the AI boom?
revival of neural networks
What model replaced the ‘single-layer perceptron’?
the ‘multi-layer perceptron’
What did Rumelhart propose during the AI boom?
the back propagation algorithm
What did neural networks contribute to in the AI boom?
image and character recognition through pattern recognition
What years characterized the second winter of AI?
Why did the second winter of AI happen?
stagnant neural network research due to slow computing speed, loss of funding, loss of research companies
When was the stable period of AI?
What new concepts were introduced during the stable period of AI?
machine learning such as Bayesian networks
In what year did IBM’s Deep Blue defeat a chess world champion?
What did Prof Hinton propose in 2004?
a learning algorithm based on deep learning
Which field is deep learning widely used in?
photo, video, and voice classification
What happened in 2011 with IBM’s Watson?
it beat human winners in TV quiz show
What is the name of the current period of AI?
the renaissance period of AI since 2011
When did Google develop a DNN?
How many neural networks/computers are currently in use for AI research?
> 1 billion/~16,000
Which DNN has been successful?
cat image recognition software
What is the name of Facebook’s facial recognition and when was is released?
DeepFace, 2014
What kick-started the AI renaissance?
overcoming disadvantages of existing NN models, powerful/fast GPUs, big data
In what year did AlphaGo win the Go match agains Lee SeDol?