Rule 111 Flashcards
4 important ways in which the substance abuse policy is broader and more effective than the drug-free workplace act?
Emphasis, treatment and counseling rather than discipline only
Employ drug and alcohol testing procedures in great part to overcome users, denial problem exist
Sworn personnel attend comprehensive awareness and training programs
Setting up supervisor support phone system
What level of cause is needed for possible substance abuse violations ?
Reasonable suspicion
What is the amount of alcohol blood content to be dk?
When will a sworn officer be tested for drugs / alcohol?
On reasonable suspicion (when a supervisor who has been trained in making determinations of reasonable suspicion has made one)
Follow up testing (anyone undergoing treatment bc of the dept unannounced testing period of 36 months
Pre-employment , probation, promotion , annual
Assignment to specialized unit
What kind of alcohol test is given upon reasonable suspicion of an officer being under the influence ?
Breath OR blood alcohol level
Breath test must be administered by a certified collection site
What happens for an officer’s first drug offense?
Up to 45 day suspension no pay
Execution of a rehab agreement and submission to treatment»_space;5 day suspension
Placement in admin position and no weapon following suspension until certified by provider they can carry weapons
Submission to follow up testing 36 months
Where does the record do disciplinary action for a violation of substance abuse get kept?
Medical personnel file
When is termination recommended for violations of drug / alcohol abuse ?
Refusing to sign the rehabilitation agreement
Refusing to submit to testing
Failure to adhere to terms of the rehab agreement
What are the procedures for when a supervisor determines reasonable suspicion of alcohol use?
Document in writing all circumstances and facts
Discuss problem with employee in private location with a witness (preferably a supervisor )
Consult with a second supervisor of higher rank and determine if testing needed together
(If potential threat/harm remove from work and place on admin leave)
Determination for testing- advice the officer and escort to collection facility
What additional do you have to do is illegal drugs are suspected ?
Confiscate substance and wrap in clean material. Keep with you until secured
Place whole thing is large envelope and seal and initial
Notify commanding officer and turn over to iAd
BPS responsible for delivering substance to the division of food and drug for analysis
What do you do if an office cannot provide a sample for a drug test within the 8 hrs?
Refer to medical evaluation to see if it is genuine or constitutes a refusal
Medical will report finding to “lab” and to iAd in writing
How long does a lab have to hold the documentation of drug testing process?
2 years
iAd can request to extend.
Anything for a legal reason - indefinite
When can medical review officer verify a test as positive without having directly communicated with the officer ?
When he decline to discuss the test
If more than 5 days have passed after iAd contacts officer to call mro and they don’t
When can Medical Review Officer authorize a retest of of a drug sample?
If requested to do so by the officer within 72 hours of receiving actual notice of the positive test
Same for hair test but officer has to pay for the safety net test