RTSO 1313 - Hospitality Supervision Final Review Flashcards
- The theory that the best way to make workers productive is to make them happy is associated with:
a. Frederick Taylor.
b. Douglas McGregor.
c. human relations theorists.
d. Abraham Maslow.
e. Douglas McArthur.
- The theory that the best motivator is an opportunity for achievement and growth in the job itself is identified with:
a. Frederick Taylor
b. Frederick Herzberg
c. Abraham Maslow
d. Tom Peters
e. Lyndon B. Johnson
- The theory that work is as satisfying as play or rest when it is filling a need is part of:
a. Theory X.
b. Theory Y.
c. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
d. Behavior modification.
e. McGregor’s theory
- In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the need to belong is included in:
a. safety needs.
b. social needs.
c. need for self-esteem.
d. need for the esteem of others.
e. a and b.
- The carrot-and-stick approach to motivation combines
a. reward and punishment
b. positive and negative
c. coercion and expectation
* *d. All of the above.**
e. a and c only.
- Job enrichment involves reorganizing a job to include
a. more work.
b. more money.
c. more power over the people who do the work.
d. more opportunity for responsibility and recognition.
e. more work for the same money but less responsibility.
- Those born between the late 1960s and 1980 are referred to as:
a. Generation Y.
b. Generation Z.
c. Baby Boomers.
* *d. Generation X.**
e. Generation M.
- Behavior modification is associated with:
- *a. positive reinforcement.**
b. fear and punishment motivation.
c. human relation theory.
d. money as a motivator.
e. carrot-and-stick approach.
- In dealing with security needs, you can increase motivation by:
a. trying to solve personal problems.
* *b. telling them exactly what you expect and providing structure.**
c. nurturing workers.
d. All of the above.
e. a and b only.
- The way to motivate people is to:
- *a. get to know them and find out what each individual responds to.**
b. make them happy.
c. follow the five rules of motivation.
d. All of the above.
e. a and c only.
- Which of the following motivational theories was Fredrick Taylor an advocate of?
a. Theory X
b. Theory Y
* *c. Economic Man Theory**
d. Human Relations Theory
e. Human Ecology Theory
- Group synergy is:
a. helping employees discourage one another.
b. encouraging employees to form groups.
* *c. employees helping and encouraging each other to excel.**
d. All of the above.
e. a and c
- In the Zagat survey mentioned in the text, what percent of complaints were service-related?
a. 50%
b. 89%
c. 25%
d. 99%
* *e. 72%**
- A number of people working together, or considered together because of similarities, is called a:
a. team.
b. formal team.
* *c. group.**
d. formal group.
e. batch.
- A typical preshift meeting should last anywhere between:
a. 5 and 10 minutes.
b. 2 and 3 minutes.
c. 15 and 20 minutes.
* *d. 10 and 15 minutes.**
- One thing great managers/leaders share is continuous moving, helping, spreading energy, confidence, direction, and coaching. This is called:
- *a. purposed motion.**
b. delegation.
c. empowerment.
d. norms projection.
e. perpetual motion.
- What type of empowerment allows employees to make decisions within limits?
a. Semi-structured
b. Flexible
* *c. Structured**
d. Informale
e. Constructed
- One of the ways to influence an informal team is to:
a. give positive feedback.
b. give negative feedback.
c. maximize positive and negative feedback.
* *d. generally, give feedback somewhere in the middle.**
e. give more positive than negative feedback.
- Formal groups are:
a. work groups established outside the company.
b. work groups established by social interaction.
c. work groups that are temporary.
* *d. work groups that include committees, group meetings, work teams, and task forces.**
- Groups that are more social by nature are:
a. formal groups.
* *b. informal groups.**
c. dysfunctional groups.
d. b and d.
e. All of the above.
- There are four steps to take at turning a group into a team. According to the text, what is the first step?
- *a. Get the team’s input into establishing team goals.**
b. Stress communication.
c. Allow some team decision making.
d. Have collaboration among team members.
- The first step in coaching is to:
- *a. observe employees doing their jobs.**
b. state your appreciation when employees do something right.
c. explain the results or effects of the employee’s actions.
d. set goals.
e. decide who you are going to coach.
- The coffee shop manager who tried to persuade Shirley to come in at 6:00 a.m. and train her replacement was practicing another common method of training – having the person who is leaving a job train the person who will take it over. This method is known as:
- *a. trailing.**
b. JIT training.
c. retraining
d. orientation.
e. training.
- Good training will benefit associates in the following ways except:
a. Training can eliminate the five reasons why people do poor work.
* *b. Trained employees always have to ask how to do things.**
c. Training can reduce employee tensions.
d. Training can reduce accidents and injuries.
e. a and c.
- In a training program, the training objective:
- *a. includes a time limit for learning**
b. has a higher performance standard.
c. expresses the goal of the rather than the goal of the learner.
d. all of the above.
e. determines who will do the training.
- A teaching method that does NOT promote employee involvement is:
- *a. lecture**.
b. discussion.
c. role play.
d. brainstorming.
e. a and d.
- JIT skills training consists of:
a. putting the new worker on the job beside a skilled and experienced worker.
b. a multiple-step training program based on performance standards.
c. a five-step program consisting of reading, seeing, experiencing, doing, and forming habits.
* *d. preparation, show & tell performance, and follow-through.**
e. all of the above.
- A good way to increase motivation to learn is to:
a. emphasize the negative consequences of not learning.
b. set up a learning schedule the trainee must meet.
* *c. have a system of rewards, and praise achievement.**
d. all of the above.
- The steps in job instruction training are as follows
a. demonstrate the task, prepare the associate, have the associate do the task, follow through.
b. prepare the associate, have the associate do the task, demonstrate the task, follow through.
c. demonstrate the task, have the associate do the task, demonstrate the task, follow through.
* *d. prepare the associate, demonstrate the task, have the associate do the task, and follow through.**
- A study by Towers Perrin found that of 1,100 North American workers in the survey, _____% had negative feelings about their job and _____ % had intensely negative feelings
- *a. 50, 33**
b. 33, 40
c. 40, 50
d. 40, 33
- In a study by the Hay Group, over half a million employees in 300 companies were asked about important retention factors. The 10th factor (out of 10) was
a. career growth, learning, and development.
* *b. fair pay and benefits.**
c. meaningful work.
d. being part of a team.
e. having a great supervisor.
- Human resource directors estimate the cost of employee turnover at about _____ for an hourly paid employee and _____ for a management position.
a. $4,000, $8,000
b. $2,000, $4,000
* *c. $4,000, $12,000**
d. $8,000, $12,000
- A summative evaluation looks at which of the following?
a. Reaction, knowledge, productivity, behavior, attention
b. Knowledge, independence, behavior, attitude, attention
* *c. Reaction, knowledge, productivity, behavior, attitude**
d. Reaction, knowledge, motivation, behavior, attitude
- The first step in conflict management is:
a. determining the strategy.
* *b. analyzing.**
c. reassessing the situation.
d. negotiation.
e. confrontation.
- Which of the following results most often when concerns for others are of high importance?
a. Compromise
* *b. Collaboration**
c. Competition
d. Accommodation
e. a and b
- A voluntary and confidential process in which a neutral third-party facilitator trained in mediation techniques negotiates a mutually acceptable settlement is a:
- *a. mediation**.
b. peer review.
c. third-party investigation.
d. arbitration.
e. independent inquiry.
- What would be the last step in the ADR process?
a. Peer review
b. Mediation
* *c. Arbitration**
d. Fact-finding
- According to the text, the “root” of conflict is:
a. interdependency.
b. opposing values.
c. opposing beliefs.
* *d. lack of proper handling.**
e. intercultural misunderstanding.
- Discord, a state of disharmony, open or prolonged fighting, strife, or friction is:
a. anger.
* *b. conflict.**
c. resentment.
d. raucous.
- How people interpret things (situations, events, people, etc.) are:
a. feelings.
b. values.
* *c. perceptions.**
d. desires.
e. beliefs.
- Which of the following is the result of low concern for your own interests or the interest of your group, which produces a lose-win outcome?
a. Compromise
b. Collaboration
c. Competition
* *d. Accommodation**
- The last step in the process of mediation is:
- *a. formalizing agreements.**
b. framing issues.
c. developing options.
d. negotiation.
e. conclusion.
- A neutral third party, from inside or outside the organization, confidently investigates complaints and proposes resolutions. This is (a):
a. fact-finding.
* *b. third-party investigation.**
c. mediation.
d. peer review.
- Deeply held beliefs are:
a. needs.
b. feelings.
c. desires.
* *d. values.**
e. wants.
- According to the text, many people who use positive discipline report that about _____ % of the time, employees decide to come back and follow the rules.
a. 50
b. 99
* *c. 75**
d. 25
e. 60
- Which of the following models of discipline consists of the following: warning, immediate response, consistency, and is kept impersonal?
- *a. Hot stove**
b. Theory X
c. Theory Y
d. Progressive
- A common consequence of punishing a rule-breaker is:
a. to deter others from breaking rules.
b. to make the person punished feel angry, defensive, and hostile.
* *c. to turn the rule breaker into a chronic troublemaker.**
d. All of the above.
e. a and c
- All but which one of the following offenses are causes for termination?
a. Insubordination
b. Excessive absenteeism and/ or lateness
* *c. A bad attitude**
d. Consistently substandard work
e. c and d.
- It is illegal to:
a. discipline a member of a minority group or other person by equal employment opportunity laws.
* *b. discipline one person more severely than you do others.**
c. terminate a person due to insubordination.
d. give preferential treatment.
e. a and b.
- It is a mistake to:
a. start out by enforcing all rules strictly.
b. enforce rules that employees think are unfair.
* *c. take disciplinary action when you are angry.**
d. take immediate action when a worker has broken a rule.
e. a and c.
- Which of the following models of discipline consists of oral warning, written warning, punishment, and termination?
- *a. Progressive**
b. Fear and punishment
c. Hot stove
d. a and b
e. All of the above
- A positive discipline system:
a. costs more than negative discipline because you must pay for both the decision-making leave and the replacement worker.
* *b. keeps many discipline problems from arising.**
c. is easy to convert to.
d. invariably turns problem workers into cooperative, law-abiding employees.
e. All of the above.
- The traditional stages of disciplinary action in a progressive system are:
- *a. oral reminder, written reminder, decision-making leave, termination.**
b. oral warning, written warning, layoff with pay, termination.
c. reprimand, day layoff, week layoff, discharge.
d. coaching and correction, reminder, reprimand, unpaid layoff, demotion, discharge.
- Which of the following ways of dealing with a marginal worker is least desirable?
a. Coaching to improve performance
b. Trying out the worker in a different job
* *c. Dehiring**
d. Firing
- Discipline is defined as a:
a. condition or state of orderly conduct and compliance with rules.
b. the use of fear and punishment to correct unacceptable behaviors.
c. action to ensure orderly conduct and compliance to the rules.
* *d. a and c**
e. a and b
- Situations such as a ball game, tennis match, arm wrestling, election, or war are all based on the:
- *a. win-lose concept.**
b. win-win concept.
c. lose-win concept.
d. lose-lose concept.
- Going through the who – what – when – where – how – why – routine is called:
a. brainstorming.
b. controlling.
c. feeding forward.
* *d. fact-finding**.
- The first step in making a decision should spell out:
a. gather the facts.
* *b. define the problem.**
c. develop alternative solutions.
d. determine the risk.
e. evaluate the risk.
- Objective for making a decision should spell out:
a. the results you are aiming for.
b. limiting factors (budget, policy, etc.).
c. any specific requirements.
* *d. All of the above.**
e. a and c.
- You give up something in exchange for the worker’s giving up something. What approach is this?
a. Win-lose concept
b. Win-win concept
c. Lose-win concept
* *d. Lose-lose concept**
- Brainstorming is:
a. group decision making.
b. weighing the pros and cons.
* *c. generating all possible solutions without considering pros and cons.**
d. determining all possible consequences of a course of action.
- Group decision making:
a. always produces a better solution than individual problem solving.
* *b. usually produces more commitment to the solution because everyone takes part in it.**
c. is quicker because of better communication.
d. all of the above
e. a and c
- In participative problem solving:
a. the supervisor leaves the decision to the group.
b. everyone takes part in the final decision, but the supervisor sets the limits.
* *c. there may be varying degrees of worker participation both in exploring the problems and in solving it.**
d. the supervisor always makes the final decision.
e. b and c
- You say to the worker, “You’ve gotta shape up or else; if you don’t shape up, you’re fired.” You are taking what stance?
a. Lose-win
b. Win-win
* *c. Win-lose**
d. Lose-lose
- It is important to resolve people problems because:
a. it will make everybody happier and more productive.
* *b. worker’s feelings and emotions affect the work they do and the way they treat the customers.**
c. your workers will be grateful and will like you for it.
d. you will need fewer people to do the same work.
e. a and c
- You don’t take a stand, you let the worker get away with things, and you back away from any decision.
- *a. Lose-win**
b. Win-lose
c. Win-win
d. Lose-lose
- It makes sense to:
a. delegate-time consuming and routine details that other people can and will take care of.
b. plan growth for people of high potential by adding less responsibilities over a period of time.
c. delegate tasks and responsibilities that motivate and develop associates.
* *d. a and c**
e. All of the above.
- Which of the following is not one of the three aspects of delegation?
a. Responsibility
* *b. Designation**
c. Authority
d. Accountability
e. None of the above.
- The lines along which responsibility and authority are delegated from top to bottom in an organization is known as:
- *a. chain of command.**
b. accountability.
c. channels of communication.
d. reverse delegation.
e. None of the above.
- Which of the following is not one of the four basic reasons supervisors fail to delegate as much as they should?
a. Fear of superiors
b. Misjudgments of time
c. Desire for personal credit
d. No faith in subordinates
* *e. They are too busy**
- Which of the following is one of the benefits of delegation?
a. The supervisor can fall back into coaching and supportive role.
b. Delegation will sharpen leadership skills, both conceptual and human.
c. the supervisor is no longer responsible for the results.
* *d. a and b**
e. All of the above.
- You create barriers that prevent you from delegating when you:
a. accept the loss of power.
b. feel a strong need to work at tasks with which you are familiar.
c. prefer to do the work yourself and think no one can do it as well.
* *d. b and c**
e. All of the above.
- Delegation is:
- *a. a managerial tool by which responsibility for the work is divided among people, level by level, throughout the organization.**
b. the anatomy of an organization, the lines of responsibility, authority, and accountability, the channels of communication and chain of command.
c. authority, responsibility, and empowerment.
d. None of the above.
- Which of the following is not a condition for success in delegation?
a. Advance planning
b. Trust
c. A positive attitude toward your people
d. Ability to let go and take risks
* *e. Reliability**
- Delegation is all of the following EXCEPT:
a. a contrast.
b. an agreement between two parties that is fully understood and accepted by both.
c. giving a portion of one’s responsibility and authority to a subordinate.
* *d. a skill that we have all heard of and understand.**
e. a and d
- Adding more work without adding interest, challenge, or reward is known as:
a. reverse delegation.
b. chain of command.
* *c. job loading**
d. responsibility.
e. None of the above.
- All of the following are true regarding accountability EXCEPT:
- *a. accountability moves in the same direction as responsibility.**
b. all employees are accountable to whoever delegated responsibility to them.
c. the chief executive officer is accountable to the owners or board of directors.
d. accountability goes automatically with the responsibility delegated.
e. a and d
- _____ means that when you send information or requests or instructions to people on levels above or below you, you go one level up or down your own channel.
a. Channel surfing
* *b. Going through channels**
c. Chain of command
d. Going through levels
e. Hierarchy
- If you are a line cook in a restaurant, who would you ask for authority to spend the company’s money?
a. The CEO
b. The restaurant manager
* *c. Your immediate supervisor**
d. The executive chef
e. None of the above.
- You should always remember as a supervisor, you have:
a. authority
b. accountability
c. responsibility
* *d. All of the above.**
e. a and c