HAMG 2388 Hospitality Internship - Final Exam Review Flashcards
Which of the following best describes the historical relationship between kitchen and service staff?
Frustration is fueled by:
Lack of Training
Anxiety develops when:
The source of danger cannot be identified
Dealing with complaints in a systematic approach includes:
Admitting supervisory mistakes when found
_____ is dependent on the extent to which the job and all aspects associated with it meet employees’ needs and wants.
Job satisfaction
A positive and safe environment contributes to :
Job satisfaction
OSHA in an acronym for:
Occupational Safety and Health Act
The Hazard Communication Standard:
includes MSDS
All management theories include which of the following elements?
According to which of the following is employee performance to be judged based on success in the achievement of set objectives established through consultation with managers and supervisors?
Management by Objective
Management by objective shifts the emphasis from:
Appraisal to self-analysis
Managers and supervisors are driven to address issues in relation to the total organization when the tenets of which of the following management theories are applied?
“The customer is the boss” is a tenet of which of the following?
Total Quality Management
One of _____ principles of 14 points to quality is “zero-defects planning.”
Which of the following can assist in applying the principle of “Eliminate work quotas substitute leadership” to the commercial kitchen?
Rotate team members
The primary aim of Deming’s philosophy is:
According to _____, humans possess five basic needs: physiological, security, social, esteem, and self-actualization.
________ identified two sets of contradicting assumptions that he designated Theory X and Theory Y.
The Pygmalion Effect states that:
The expectations the team members have of themselves will determine how well they perform
The successful kitchen team will fall into:
Theory Y
The chef supervisor who will make the greatest impact on morale is the one who:
Believes in people
Giving praise when it is merited is:
An element of building morale
Use of ridicule or sarcasm are examples of:
Negative Strokes
When people are happy at work, which of the following decreases?
Conversion of a group to a team requires which of the following?
Sense of common goals and objectives
In an effective team:
All members participate in a process that clarifies team goals
A mission statement is:
A general statement of purpose and direction
Successful ________ leads to a team culture that is in alignment with contributions needed from the team by the overall organization.
A successful team will have:
Shared management
A successful team leads to:
Open communication
The paradox of power is:
To gain power you must give some away
A vision is a:
Portrait of greatness; how things ought to be
Individual working in a Golden Rule environment:
Will do things because they want success for everyone
A supervisor is enabled to drive fear out of the workplace when he or she:
Is fair and equitable in the distribution of work
To give negative feedback in a positive manner, the supervisor should:
Listen carefully to what individual team members have to say
The supervisor can achieve positive results from criticism if:
He or she shows respect for the team and the individual
The most important element in achieving positive results from negative feedback is:
One of the most common forms of harassment in the foodservice industry is:
Sexual Harassment
A company must have a clear policy addressing sexual and other forms of harassment and:
Distribute the policy to all employees and maintain proof on file that employees have read the policy.
When an employee complains of sexual harassment, the company must:
Take immediate action
True discipline involves an entire program that teaches and guides individuals to become:
Loyal team players
Effective discipline requires that:
Rules are clear and communicated in advance
Communication of the reason for rules increase employee:
The sequence of steps in progressive discipline is shown in which of the following?
Oral reprimand, Written reprimand, Suspension, Termination
When discipline is being considered, be:
Fair and Firm
Termination of an employee is a major step and requires that a number of questions be considered and answered before the decision. These questions include which of the following?
Were all other options of disciplinary action considered?
The termination meeting should be:
Conducted in private, brief, business-like manner and handled in an honest, straightforward manner.
Exit interviews provide:
Valuable information about the operation
Leadership is:
The process of directing the behavior of others toward the accomplishment of some objective and getting things accomplished through people
Supervisor is:
An assigned organizational role
Leadership development begins with:
The “Great Man Theory” does not propose that:
The primary characteristic of an effective leader is the desire to lead
According to Kouzes and Posner, qualities that individuals want leaders to exhibit include:
Competence and inspiration
Is influencing, guiding, and leading people to follow a course of action or line of thought
Is the right and power to command.
Is both the act of controlling something such as business and the group invested with the authority to control something.
Communication moves:
In many directions
The source/sender is the:
The person who originates and encodes the message
In verbal communication, _______ is important.
Using the person’s / receiver’s name
For a receiver to interpret a message correctly, it is best to:
Summarize the content or verify the sender’s message
Age and skin color are considered to have a(n):
Subconscious impact on communication
People will make decisions about your attitudes based on:
How you sound
Eye contact is:
Positive gesture in American society
All communication begins with the determination of the:
Lack of time is the result of:
Poor Supervision
Productive chefs:
Waste less time
Common misconceptions about time management include which of the following?
Do the little tasks first
Responding to the need for time by working more hours results in which of the following?
Physical and mental fatigue
An issue that has high urgency and high importance should have:
High Priority
Time management tools include which of the following?
A to-do-list
Doing things that can be done by modern equipment, delegated to team members, or that are not part of the job can be described as which of the following?
Time leaks
Keys to time management include which of the following?
Effective communication
The basic options in making a decision include which of the following?
Take no action
Objective is an element of decision-making that can best be described by which of the following?
What is the desired result of the decision?
Implement is an element of decision-making that can best be described by which of the following?
Determine is an element of decision making that can best be described by which of the following?
What are the alternatives and other options?
The empowered model of decision making shifts the chef from the role of:
Decision-maker to facilitator
The lowest level of decision making is:
Telling people what to do
The Pareto Principle states that:
80% of anything can be attributed to 20% of its cause
“Evaluate the facts” is one of the ______________ steps in decision making.