RPIE Key Definitions Flashcards
Common vocabulary for PR Research, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
Cognitive predisposition, often unconscious, relating to likes and dislikes. Affective rather than cognitive, subjective, global or general and enduring. Cannot be measured through direct questions.
Breakdown of audience based on common characteristics
Audience segmentation
Data collected before or at the beginning of a project or program
Baseline data
Comparing products and services from one org to those of competitors or those recognized as “best in the industry” or signifying milestones or progress achieved during the life of a project
A complete analysis of an organization’s communications processes, both internal and external
Communications audit
A study of publications, print, online and broadcast reports, speeches and letters to measure, codify, analyze and evaluate the coverage of an organization, its people and activities
Content analysis
Collecting information that describes existing conditions
Descriptive research
Monitoring of an organization’s internal and external environments for detecting early signs of opportunities and threats that may influence its current and future plans
Environmental scanning
Gathering information using scientific principles, which allows accurate statements about publics based on evidence drawn from scientifically representative samples.
Formal research
Gathering information for use in making decisions before a program begins
Formative research
A bar chart that shows the visual and linear direction of projects tasks
Gantt Chart
Statement that spells out the overall outcomes of a program, directly related to the problem/opportunity at hand.
Collecting information that exists on the record
Historical research
Gathering information that doesn’t necessarily follow the scientific method and are usually subjective and exploratory
Informal research
The overarching reason an organization exists
Mission statement
Measurable result that must be achieved with each public
Quantitative research method that combines questions from several organizations into a research company’s national or regional poll. Often less expansive than a standalone effort.
Omnibus survey/study
Observable responses or statements concerning issues or topics. Specific to a topic and time, rational and changeable.
Measureable result of change in attitude, action, awareness, behavior, opinion or support
Measure of tools, tactics or activities supporting a plan
Individuals whose opinions are sought in a survey
How an organization wants to be seen and known among its publics
Investigation or data collected, done yourself or by someone you have hired
Primary research
Brief summary of a situation as it currently exists, written in the present tense, without blame or solution (identifies source, where, when, who is affected, how, and why)
Problem statement
Method to ensure a survey sample includes representatives of each subset in the survey population in proportion to the group’s size in the universe
Proportional sampling
Research that gathers impressions and feelings about topics or probes understanding of issues without relying on statistical methods.
Qualitative research
An equal chance of being selected for a survey
Random sample
A survey that yields the same results on repeated trials
The systematic gathering of information to describe and understand situations, check assumptions and make decisions. Helps define the problem.
A person who participates in a survey
Determination of how likely certain emergencies or crises are to occur
Risk assessment
Assessing risk and developing strategies to manage them
Risk management
A portion of the larger whole
The systematic pursuit of data through replicable observation and experimentation. using a testable hypothesis, methods that can be replicated, empirical data and compared results
Scientific method
Using research findings of other or collecting information secondhand
Secondary research
Information pulled together to define a situation
Situational analysis
A person or group with an interest in an org or cause, someone affected by an org or who can affect an org
The approach taken for a plan to achieve objectives. It is the “how” of a PR plan. The “ladder” to achieve an objective.
Formulating plans for achieving goals
Strategic thinking
Gathering information as a way of monitoring a program and documenting the effectiveness of the whole program or its parts
Summative research
The exact activities and methods used at the operational level to implement a strategy and reach an objective. The “rungs on the ladder” to achieve an objective
Tracking an analyzing trends in news coverage, online activity, marketplace events and the overall environment to prepare and respond as changes occur.
Trend analysis
The degree to which a research study accurately assesses what the researcher set out to evaluate
The extent to which the results of the study can be transferred to other settings or groups
External validity
Assesses a study’s methodology and alternative explanations for study results
Internal validity
A 100 percent sample, best if your universe is less than 300.
A systematic sample drawn in such a way the likelihood of being chosen is equal or known. A random sample is an example.
Probability sample
An informal selection of people to be interviewed. Chosen by convenience (who is near you at a given time), quota (same number of each kind), dimensional (anyone who matches identified dimensions), snowball (finding people through others meeting ID’d characteristics) or purposive (a sample that suits your purpose) circumstances
Nonprobability sample
Assumptions people live by. Understandings about the way things in the world work or should be. Building blocks of attitudes and opinions.
Explicit standards for evaluating right or wrong, desirable or undesirable. Determine what people think are important in life. Usually covert. Most people cannot explain why they make these judgments
Differences among people within a group
Achieved when a business recognizes the strengths and specific needs/preferences of its diverse publics
Managing diversity
Relating to people in various cultural groups
Multicultural relations/workplace diversity