RPIE Concepts Flashcards
Processes, concepts, applications and skills for PR programs
Barcelona Principles, est. 2010, upd 2015 (7)
- Goal setting fundamental to campaigns
- Measuring outcomes, not outputs
- Measure effects on performance when possible
- Use qualitative and quantitative methods
- AVEs reflect costs, not communication value
- Social media should be measured with other channels
- Measurement/evaluation should be transparent, consistent and valid
Research, planning, implementation, evaluation
The systematic gathering of information; answers Who do we want to reach? What do we want our publics to do? and What messages to we want to communicate to each public to increase knowledge, change opinions or encourage desired behavior
When considering research methods, what should be considered?
- What decision will be made from the results and what info is needed?
- What resources are available?
- What research has already been done?
- Does the sample selection for a survey give you an accurate assessment?
- How big is your sample?
- How will you collect the data?
- How much time do you have?
- How scientific do you need to be?
- What questions will you ask?
- Will the results be internal or public?
- How will you tabulate answers?
Provides background on the current situation, guides planning and signals needs for adjustments in the program implementation
Formative research
Assesses the outcomes at the end of a program and may serve as the foundation that establishes benchmarks for the next program
Summative research
The five elements of a PR plan
- Goals
- Publics
- Objectives
- Strategies
- Tactics/tools
The three types of objectives
- Output objectives- measures activities
- Process objectives - calls to inform/educate public
- Outcome Objectives - Specify changes in awareness, opinions, behavior or support
The difference between tactics and activities
Tactics are tools to accomplish a strategy, activities are details of the tactics (have dates, note responsibility, include # of outputs)
The implementation of a PR plan includes the following:
- Executing the actions the org is taking
- Messages sent through channels
- Timetables, budgets & accountability
- Number of people reached
- Monitoring of results
Considered the ultimate sign of PR effectiveness
Changes in behavior
Evaluation of a program identifies the following:
- Measurement of program effectiveness
- How key publics interpreted messages
- Ways to improve
- Adjustments for future programs
- Data to inform the next project
The four reasons public relations plans can fail:
- Public doesn’t see your messages
- Your messages were interpreted differently than intended
- Counterarguments cannot always change opinion
- Your messages may be rejected because incongruent with already held beliefs
Objectives must be SMART, meaning:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Time-specific
In addition to being SMART, objectives should include 4 components:
- Address the desired results in terms of knowledge, opinion or behavioral change
- Designate the publics who would exhibit the desired results
- Specify the level of change desired
- Identify the timeframe to achieve the results
The 8 steps in the Scientific Method Research Procedure
- Select a problem
- Review existing research
- Develop a hypothesis/research question
- Select appropriate research design
- Collect data
- Analyze/interpret results
- Present results
- Replicate the study (when necessary)
The 10 steps for writing a PR plan
- Develop goals
- Identify key publics
- Articulate objectives
- Establish strategies (the how)
- Determine tactics (tools to achieve strategy)
- Outline activities (specific outputs to fulfill tactics)
- Set your evaluation points
- Determine materials needed
- Determine the budget/costs
- Establish a timetable and task list
The grouping of publics into four types (Grunig’s first grouping style):
- All-issue: active on all issues
- Apathetic: inattentive and inactive on all issues
- Single-issue: active on a limited number of issues
- Hot-issue: respond/active after being exposed to issue
The grouping of publics into four types (Grunig’s second grouping style)
- Nonpublics: no connection to/interest in issue
- Latent: not aware of connection to issue
- Aware: aware of issue & affect on them, haven’t acted
- Active: doing something about an issue