Rosids Flashcards
What group is sister to Rosids?
What two main groups are Rosids divided into?
Which Rosid group does not fall within the Eurosids?
Eurosids are Malvids and Fabids
When Rosids and Saxifragales are grouped together, what is the clade known as?
Give some clades within the Fabids.
Zygophyllales Celastrales Oxalidales Malpighiales Cucurbitales Fagales Fabales Rosales
Give some clades within the Malvids.
Geraniales Myrtales Crossosomatales Picramniales Sapindales Huerteales Malvales Brassicales
What features define Rosids?
Perianth usually differentiated or absent Petals usually free, if present Two or more whorls of stamens Well-developed stipules Anthers versatile Embryo large
Describe the features of Rosaceae.
Leaves - alternate, toothed, often compound, stipulate
Flowers - valvate calyx, epicalyx often present
Petals - free, often clawed
Hypanthium present
Cyanogenesis common
What is the floral formula of Rosaceae?
So, (K5, C5, A10-n), Gs(1-n); achene, drupe, follicle, pome
What fruits can Rosaceae produce?
Achene, drupe, drupelet, pome
What 3 classes of Rosaceae are native to the UK?
What genera of Rosoideae are native to the UK?
-Herbaceous Agrimonia Filipendula Geum Potentilla Alchemillae Fragariae Poterium Sanguisorba -Scrambling with prickles Rosa Rubus
What genera of Amygdaloideae are native to the UK?
Prunus Sorbus Crataegus Cotoneaster Malus Pyrus
What genera of Dryoideae are native to the UK?
What is the floral formula of Fabaceae?
Sz, K(5), C3+(2), A(10)/(9)+1, Gs1;
Describe the features of Fabaceae.
Leaves - alternate, stipulate, compound
Flowers - papilionoid (banner, 2 wings, 2 connate petals forming the keel)
What are the four groups of UK native Fabaceae?
What genera of woody Fabaceae are native to the UK?
What genera of lotus Fabaceae are native to the UK?
What type of inflorescence do lotus Fabaceae have?
What genera of Vicia Fabaceae are native to the UK?
Vicia Lathyrus Trifolium Medicago Ononis
What type of inflorescence do Vicia Fabaceae have?
What genera of Astragalus Fabaceae are native to the UK?
What type of inflorescence do Astragalus Fabaceae have?
What are the floral formulae for Euphorbiaceae?
Male: So, P{0-3}, A1-n, G0
Female: So, P{0-3}, A0, Gs(2-3), schizocarp
Describe the features of Euphorbiaceae.
Leaves - alternate Latex producing Stipules common but not in UK natives Flowers - small, unisex Perianth - inconspicuous, contained in cyathium in Euphorbia 2-3 capels with prominent stigmas
Describe the inflorescence of Euphorbia.
Cup shaped cyathium
Contains 5 male and 1 female flower
Male single samen on long pedicel
What is the floral formula for Geraniaceae?
So/z, K5, C5, A5+5, Gs(5), capsule, schizocarp
Describe the features of Geraniaceae.
Often herbs with jointed stems Leaves stipulate; simple or compound All flower parts free except carpel Sepals often aristate or acuminate Fruit (capsule) consists of 5 cells, each producing one seed, joined to a column produced from the centre of the old flower
What genera of Geraniaceae are native to the UK?
Describe the features of Geranium.
Leaves with palmate venation
Fruit capsule splitting into component carpels, each becoming reflexed but remaining attached distally
Describe the features of Erodium.
Leaves with pinnate venation or pinnately compound
Fruit capsule splitting into component carpels, with style becoming coiled, eventually separating completely
What is the floral formula of the Onagraceae?
So/z, (K{4}, C0/4, A2/4+4) Gi(2/4), capsule, berry, nut
Describe the Onagraceae.
Herbs or shrubs
Leaves - opposite or alternate, simple, usually exstipulate
Flowers often 4 merous, inferior ovary, well developed hypanthium
Calyx thin and reflexed
Stamens up to 8 in two whorls of 4
Pollen has viscin threads so conspicuously clumped
What genera of Onagraceae are native to the UK?
Ludwigia Epilobium Chamerion Oenothera Circaea
What is the floral formula of the Brassicaceae?
So/z, K4, C4, A2+4, Gs(2), capsule, berry
Describe the Brassicaceae.
Leaves - alternate, simple or compound, exstipulate
Petals - 4, often clawed, arranged in +shape
Stamens - 6; 2 short, 4 long; tetradynamous
Fruit long and thin (siliqua) or short and fat (silicule), divided by persistent placentae and septum (replum)
What genera of Brassicaceae are native to the UK?
28 genera
Mustard family