Monocots Flashcards
What character states define Monocots?
Flower parts in 3s Ovary usually 3 fused carpels 1 cotyledon Leaf veins usually parallel Mostly herbs Scattered vascular bundles Lack true secondary growth
What structure is the Monocot leaf homologous to?
Petiole of other angiosperm leaves
Describe the Potamogetonaceae.
Aquatic Most leaves submerged Broad or narrow grass like leaves Wind or water pollinated Membranous sheathing stipule in leaf axils Flower parts in 4s
What is the floral formula of the Potamogetonaceae?
So, T4, A4, Gs4, achene
Describe the Liliaceae.
Tepals often spotted or streaked
Seeds brown or pale
What is the floral formula of Liliaceae?
So, T6, A6, Gs(3), capsule, berry
What genera of Liliaceae are native to the UK?
Describe the Asparagaceae.
Tepals unspotted
Seeds often black
What is the floral formula of the Asparagaceae?
So, {T6, A6}, Gs(3), capsule, berry
What genera of Asparagaceae are native to the UK?
Asparagus Convallaria Polygonatum Maianthemum Ruscus Loncomelos Ornithogalum Hyacinthoides Prospero Scilla
What feature is often seen in the inflorescence of Amaryllidaceae?
Spathe and umbel
What is the floral formula of the Amaryllidaceae?
So, T6, A6, Gs/i(3), capsule, berry
What genera of Amaryllidaceae are native to the UK?
What is the floral formula of the Orchidaceae?
Sz, T3+3, (A1-2, Gi(3)), capsule
What is the common name of the Juncaceae?
What is the floral formula of the Juncaceae?
So, T6, A6, Gs(3), capsule
Describe the Stem and Pith morphology of Juncaceae.
Pith can be continuous, semi continuous or interrupted
Some species have ridged stems
Luzula has foliage hair
What genera of Juncaceae are native to the UK?
What is the common name of Cyperaceae?
What is the floral formula of Cyperaceae?
So, T0-6, A1-3, Gs(2-3), achene
Describe the Carex.
A sedge has utricle (aka perigynium, only seen in this genus
What is the common name of Poaceae?
What is the floral formula of Poaceae?
So, T2, A2-3, Gs(2-3), caryopsis
Describe the Poaceae.
2 bracts (lemma and palea) precede floret
Glumes precede spikelet
Panicle (spike) has several spikelets in one type of inflorescence
Tepals are lodicules
Ligule apex erect, free of leaf blade
Stem leaf sheath often overlapping