Rome and Rise of monotheism Flashcards
Plebian: Common people
Patricians: Nobles
Twelve tables
All laws were written down during the Republic (450 BC) and placed in Forum. This made them harder to break/bend.
Octavian Augustus
After Julius Ceaser’s death, people fought for power: Octavian Augustus won in 31 BC. Cause birth of Empire, but he was careful to maintain the facade of the republic (made it look like power was distributed, but in actuality he had complete power)
Roman entertainment
Bread and circuses to keep poor happy: theaters, amphitheaters, gladiator fights, chariot races, etc.
Pax Romana
Roman time of peace and prosperity
Introduced Monotheism and led people to promised land (Canaan)
Father of Monotheism
A prophet who freed Israelites from captivity and received Torah from God
10 commandments
10 rules for Israelites to follow according to God
The family father who ran the family in Roman life
Why is Judiasm evolutionary?
First monotheistic religion, and enforced justice/ethicalness
First four books of New testament
Spiritual leader who was thought to bring peace
Story that contains a moral lesson
How did Rome create order and security through government and social structure?
Complex government system in both Republic and Empire with many different positions and checks and balances systems
Why was Monotheism revolutionary?
Start to all major world religions today
First religions to believe in one all powerful rule instead of many lesser gods
Stressed ethics and justice
What were the causes of the fall of Rome?
Political issues (bad emperors, military economics, empire size)
Economic issues (decrease in trade, welfare system, expensive gov’t)
Social issues (gap between rich and poor, decline in roman values, christianity)
External issues (invasions of huns and visigoths)
Roman Republic Vs. Empire
Republic: People vote for leaders (Consuls, Tribunes, Magistrates, Senate)
Empire: Large territory containing different ethnic groups and ruled by 1 leader
Both are similar but had key governmental differences
What were the consequences of the fall of Rome?
Chaos throughout Europe and the start of the Early Middle Ages