India Flashcards
Caste System
Social classes based on “purity of your soul” that greatly effected daily life
Lowest Caste- so unclean that you could not even touch them. They had to do the dirty work of society (i.e. cleaning and touching dead animals)
The idea that after you die your soul is reborn into another body.
Your destiny/calling/duty in life
Arrived in first Indian civilization and were nomadic, unsophisticated herders
Sacred hindu texts including hymns and essays
Sum of your actions in life and is based on dharma (follow your dharma to get good kharma). Good karma will ‘move you up’ in the next life
Soul (which is reincarnated)
Ultimate goal- the end of reincarnation when you merge with Brahman (eternal salvation)
The most important Hindu god (out of many)
Heavy rains and flooding brought by seasonal winds which altered trade routes
The way to reach Enlightenment
Siddhartha Gautama
Buddha- Prince who initiated Buddhism
Belief system began by Buddha as a reaction to the Caste system- believed in followed the 4 noble truths and the eightfold path
Four Nobles Truths
Buddhist beliefs:
- life is full of suffering
- cause of suffering is self centered desires and cravings
- suffering can stop if people reach enlightenment
- to overcome desires, people should follow the eightfold path
Eightfold Path
(Buddhist) You must have: Right views, attitude, speech, action, job, effort, mindfulness, and concentration
Dalai Lama
Spiritual leader who has reached enlightenment but who still is reincarnated so he can help others
Eternal salvation/ when an enlightened person dies and no longer is reincarnated
How did India’s geography effect the development of civilizations?
Subcontinent/mountains caused a lack of trade and communication which created unique cultures
What are the main beliefs of hinduism?
Follow your dharma to get good karma and eventually reach Moksha
How did Hinduism influence Indian society?
The castes created a social, political, and economic divide
What are the main beliefs of buddhism?
Believe in the Four Noble truths and follow the Eightfold path or “middle way” to reach enlightenment