Renaissance + Reformation Flashcards
Martin Luther
Began the protestant reformation by publicly speaking against the selling of indulgences
“95” theses
Martin Luther hung these on a church door and they criticized the power of the Pope
Edict/Diet of worms
A decree that declared Luther an outlaw and condemned his writings
Act of supremacy
Required subjects to take an oath declaring the king the head of church and state
King Henry VIII
A devout christian king who was against Luther
John Calvin
Another Protestant reformer who believed in predestination and was a strict leader
Counter Reformation
Reforms within the church in response to Protestant complaints
Ignatius Loyola
Founder of the Jesuits. He helped with the Catholic Counter Reformation
Council of Trent
A council called by the Pope in order to address the validity of Protestant complaints
A church court to fight protestantism and heretics.
Where Luther went to hide when he was being pursued
The anti-church idea that God already chooses who is good/bad and that being a good christian in life will not change your outcome after death. Your fate is predetermined
A government where church and state are one
Monastic order founded by Ignatius Loyola that took part in intense praying and complete loyalty to pope
Heliocentric theory
The theory the sun was the center of the universe- a new theory proposed by Copernicus
Geocentric Theory
Christian/ancient belief the the earth was the center of the universe
Ancient thinkers who believed the Geocentric theory
Scientist who invented the Heliocentric theory and created mathematic models to prove it
Johannes Kepler
Proved Copernicus Heliocentric theory further and corrected it by adding that planets revolve in a ellipse shape (oval, not perfect circle)
Built first telescope and studied many space objects
Scientific method
Method involving in depth observation and hypothesizing
John Knox
Formed theocracy in Geneva based on Protestantism
What were the main causes of the Protestant reformation?
Issues within the Catholic church and the unfair selling of indulgences inspired Martin Luther speak up against the church, which sparked the reformation
How did protestantism lead to political, social, and other changes within Europe?
Christendom broke apart, the Papacy had less power, and there was general political and social turmoil
How did the Catholic church attempt to regain faith of their followers?
The council of trent addressed complaints, made administrative reforms, created better education and training, and tried to lessen church abuses. Church institutions supported reforms and the Inquisition went after heretics.
How did the scientific revolution add to issues already faced by the Catholic Church?
Disproved previous church beliefs (i.e. Geocentric theory) and therefore weakened validity of all church beliefs.
Medici Family
Powerful, rich, and ruling family of Florence for many years
Architect who built incredibly tall dome of Duomo
Free standing nude sculptor
Technique that creates depth via size
Wrote “The Prince”, which advised rulers to be politically effective
Northern Rennaisance
Smaller Renaissance brought on by the spread of ideas outside of Italy
Rennaissance women
Strict standards- must be beautiful but modest, a good hostess, and graceful
The courtier
A popular book detailing the ideal renaissance man and woman
Leonardo Da Vinci
Multi talented renaissance man and famous artist
Famous sculptor of “David” and famous painter of sistine chapel
Johannes Gutenberg
Invented the Printing press which allowed the faster spread of books, and therefore, the spread of everything
Spent 50 years creating baptistry doors of incredible depth
Lifelike, wet plaster paintings that created a revolution in art
Celebration of human body and classics
Worldly, secular matters (not church related)
Celebration of individual achievements
Someone who financed art
Wrote the Divine Comedy
Famous painter- “School of Athens”
A slip of paper sold to people on streets which could “buy” people out of time in purgatory- very criticized practice
Italian Renaissance painter
What were the key ideas formed in the renaissance?
Humanism, secularism, and individualism
How was the renaissance different from the middle ages?
Massive incline in culture and talent and technology- less religious, more people focused
What were the major achievements of the Rennaissance
Incredible art, artists, and writers
Belief in H.I.S.
Printing press
Absolute Monarch
When a ruler has total and complete power
Royal palace in France
Sir Thomas More
Wrote “Utopia” and Criticized English governmemt