Rome Flashcards
Where is Rome and where did it start?
Italy, and the Tiber River
After ______ BC other groups joined the romans in italy, especially ______
800, Etrustcans
Etruscans lived in North of Rome ______, and took over Rome by _____ BC
Etruria, 650
Etruscans were skilled ______ workers, model for roman ______, adopted Greek alphabet, architecture, sculpture, literature, and adopted how to grow olive and grapes
Metal, Army
Senatus Populusque Romanu is _______
The Republic
Senate and people of Rome, a type of government where citizens have power.
Wealthy landowners, and only they could hold office.
artisans, shopkeepers, and owners of small farms.
Marriage between two classes of ________ and ____________ was forbidden.
Plebeians, Patricians
Top government officials, ran army and government. Two new chosen every year, and one could veto anothers decision.
most important legislative body. Made up of 300 men, and served for life.
Senate did what:
Proposed laws, held debates, and approved building programs.
Roman laws:
12 tables
Rule of law applied to everyone:
“All free citizens had the right to be treated equally by the legal system.”
There is a new class of wealthy romans, and they become wealthy by?
control trade and conquering places as a general.
They build lavish mansions, and wealthy families bought huge estates called ______:
Latifundia:Farming Estates
People forced slaves to captured in wars to work on ________, and this hurt ______ farmers
Latifundia, small
All of the ______ coming in from conquered land ____ the prices, and this this causes farms to go out.
land, lowered
People who lost their farms when to the city for a job but this caused?
A lot of homeless people in the cities.
Because there was so many rich people in Rome with lavish houses this angered who?
The homeless and there was riots and mobs.
_____ and ____-_______ replaces morals and hardwork in Rome.
Greed, Self-interest
In 133 BC two patricians _______ and ________ _____ tried to make attempts to reform Rome.
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
The two brothers were trying to give ____ back to the farmers, and take public ______ and buy grain to feed the poor.
land, funds
The two reformers Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were _____ because they wanted to make _____, and someone was _____ to kill them.
killed, change, hired
Bread and Circuses:
A way the government manipulate the masses
Free Food
Free entertainment
Marius Julius Caesars _______ offered Land to people for _______
Uncle, Loyalty
Marius made people for loyal to him and not Rome, this inspired other men to?
lead militaries and cause civil wars.
Julius Caesar was a __________ ________
Successful Lawyer
Julius was held for _____ by pirates, and he told them to ____ the ransom. Then he broke free and ___________ the pirates.
ransom, raise, crucified
Caesar makes it to Consul then forms the Triumphrat with three people:
Himself, Pompey, and Crassus
Caesar is Victorious all across Europe, took control of ______, Breached all borders of _____ and gained great respect
Gaul, Britan
-Dies in battle
-marries caesar’s daughter, but she dies in birth, so the alliance broke and they are at a civil war.
Caesar gains so much respect that who have to turn on him.
Pompey and Crassus
Pompey wants Caesar to come ______ because he thinks that Caesar is a threat to the Senate (_______)
home, treason
Caesar is ________ to come home, but before he got back _________ head was cut off in Egypt, and they sent it to Caesar.
nervous, Pompey’s
They made Caesar dictator of Rome for ____ years
protected the rights of the plebeians from the unfair patricians.
commanded the army and directed the government
democratic side of the government
5,000 heavily armed Soldiers
roman officer in charge of a century
Italic Rights
The exemption of Roman citizens in Italy
Praetorian Guard
legion that was made of free-born roman citizens and Latins.
Romes early language