ROMAN Priests + sacrifices Flashcards
What is the sanctuary
The sanctuary was a holy area in a city or town that contained a temple and an altar to a god.
How was the sanctuary separated from the city
The sanctuary was usually separated from the rest of the city by a wall.
What is unique about sanctuaries?
a sanctuary could have temples and altars to many gods, it did not have to be specific to one god or goddess.
What was often at the front of sanctuaries? Why?
The sanctuary often also had a fresh water source at its entrance for people to wash their hands and feet. This was because it was important to the Romans that that their holy sites were not polluted as this could anger the gods.
What was the function of a Roman temple?
A temple is a building dedicated to a god and was used to house the cult statue of that god. It may be more easily understood as a house of the god, and it gave the god a residence on earth for when they left Olympus. Unlike the Greeks, Roman priests were not appointed to a specific temple.
What is one striking difference between Roman and Greek priests? (Temples+worship)
Unlike the Greeks, Roman priests were not appointed to a specific temple
Unlike the Greeks, Roman priests were also not assigned a specific temple or god.
What was the most popular place in the sanctuary for the populace?
The most important part of the sanctuary for the populace was the altar.
What was special about the Altar?
The altar could exist in its own right without a temple. The altar was where sacrifices and offerings to the god took place. The sacrifice also was the most communal part of the gods’ worship and, dependent on the type of sacrifice, could involve the whole city.
What was the Roman temple design based on?
Roman temple design was based on a mix of Etruscan and Greek styling. There were, however, anomalies that existed, most notable of these is the Pantheon in Rome
Describe the layout of typical Roman temples
The temple was usually orientated on an east to west axis. This was to allow the sun to shine on the temple’s entrance in the morning. A Roman temple was placed on a podium (1), much like the Etruscan temples. This meant that you could only enter the temple from the front. The colonnade
(2) stood on the podium and ran around the temple. In the Roman temple the side and rear columns were semi-engaged. The main room in a temple was the cella (3). This would contain the cult statue of the god.
What was the role of a priest?
The priest’s role was to uphold the state religion by maintenance of the pax deorum
How was pax decorum maintained?
This was done by uttering the correct prayer, completing the appropriate sacrifice and fulfilling their priestly roles at festivals. Unlike today, priests did not preach a way of life or moral code, it did not matter if a Roman killed or behaved poorly, provided the pax deorum was maintained.
A good way of explaining the relationship between gods and men in the Roman world is shown in the Latin term do ut des, ‘I give so that you give’. If the Romans offered sacrifice and offerings, then the gods would grant favour to them.
What differentiated Greek priests from Roman? (Clothing)
Additionally, Roman priests veiled their heads when engaging in their various religious duties
What is the difference between present day priests and Roman priests?
Unlike priests today, a Roman priest worked part time. The rest of their time would have been spent engaging in business and politics.
What are the pros of becoming a Roman priest?
Becoming a priest could greatly increase political power and could help to progress a Roman’s political career, thus many ambitious politicians would serve as priests at some point in their lives.
What were the main colleges of priests?
• the pontifices
• the Augurs
• the Vestals.
What did all of the colleges do even if they had various responsibilities?
Work to ensure pax decorum
What were the pontifeces
a Roman priest in charge of protecting temples, regulating religious law and overseeing the rellgious calenadar
The pontifices were the most important college of priests in the Roman world.
How many pontifeces were there?
Although numbers varied through time the most common number of them totalled fifteen.
Who was the head of the pontifeces? What was special about it?
The college of pontifices was headed by the Pontifex Maximus, a post which was life long and so gave the holder great power over the college.
(the head of the pontiffs, greatest pontiff)
How was the pontifex Maximus chosen?
From Rome’s founding, the Pontifex Maximus was always elected from the existing pontifices. However, from Augustus’ election in 13 BC, the post was always held by the emperor. The term pontifex means bridge builder and may allude to the priest’s role as mediator between man and god.
What was the role of the pontifeces? Why was this important
The main roles of the pontifices were the protection of temples, regulation of burial and inheritance laws, and supervision of the religious calendar. Control of the calendar gave the priesthood immense power of when things could happen in Rome.
What was the role of the augurs?
An augur’s main job was ‘taking the auspices’, which meant reading the flight of birds, the behaviour of animals or direction of thunder to work out the will of the gods.