Roman Marriage Flashcards
What was the betrothal called?
What was the betrothed man called
What was the betrothed women called
What was the ring that was worn on the ring finger of the left hand known as a wedding ring?
What was it called when a man could not recover his betrothal presents if he broke the betrothal?
The term for women used to mean “to marry”?
What term was used for men meaning “to marry”?
In matrimonium ducere
What was the term for the marriage hymn?
What was the term for the matron’s dress, that was worn outside of the house?
Stola matronalis
What was the term for the matron’s dress, that was worn outside of the house
What was the term for “Mother’s Day”?
When did Matronalia take place?
March 1st
Under what Emporer did divorce first occur?
What was the term for plebeian marriage?
Under what two things was usus not recognized as a marriage?
The Law and hallowed by the gods
What marriage not involve manus?
Under whose power did the wife remain in an Usus marriage?
Her father’s
Under what circumstance was a wife allowed property?
If she stayed away from her husband for the duration of a trinoctium
What is a trinoctium?
Three nights
Which emperor made it so plebeians were considered citizens, thus allowing them to be legally married?
What was the fictitious sale of the bride?
What was the term for the sale-holder who laid a single coin on a scale?
What was the term for Dowry?
Dos, dotis, F.
Which marriage had to have 5 witnesses?
In what year were patricians and plebeians allowed to intermarry?
445 BC
What is the term for the tunic that was woven on an upright loom, otherwise known as the bridal tunic?
Tunica recta or regilla
What was the saffron veil worn by the bride?
Who dressed the bride?
The brides Mother
What was the knot on the bride’s dress only to be untied by the husband?
Nodus Herculaneus
How was the bride’s hair arranged?
It was divided into 6 locks by a spear head
What was the name of the spear used to part a bride’s hair?
Hasta caelibaris
What were the ribbons used to tie the bride’s hair?
Who gathered the flowers and plants to make the bride’s wreath?
The bride
What did the groom wear?
A toga and a wreath of flowers on his head
Which of the weddings was the most elaborate and religious?
Who brought the bride and groom together?
The Pronuba
Who was the Pronuba?
The matron of honor, also a woman who was married to her first husband
What was it called when the Pronuba join the bride and groom’s right hands?
Dextrarum iunctio
How many people needed to be present for the dextrarum iunctio?
10 witnesses
Give the Latin and English meaning for what the bride was asked after the dextrarum iunctio
Latin: An sibi mater familias esse vellet
English: If she wished to be the mater familias to him (the groom)
What was the covered basket with utensils?
Who was the cumera carried by?
To what god was the bloodless offering offered by the Pontifex Maximus and the Flamen dialis?
Give the Latin and English meaning for the bloodless offering used at aConfarreatio?
Latin: Farreum libum
English: Spelt cake
A prayer was recited by the flamen dialis to what god?
Where was the confarreatio done?
In the Atrium for the pater familias of the bride
During the feast what does the groom do as a joke?
He takes the bride away by force
What was the public procession of taking the bride to the house of the husband?
What was the word shouted during the deductio to say congratulations or good luck?
When are guests to begin arriving?
Before sunrise
How many and for what reasons did the bride drop coins?
She dropped 3 coins. One as an offering to the lares compitales.
One for the groom as a emblem of the dowry.
one to the lares of the groom’s house.
What did the groom scatter through the crowd as a sign of fruitfulness?
What would the wife say to the husband?
Latin: Ubi to Gaius ego Gaia
English: When you are Gaius, and am Gaia
What would the bride carry during the deductio?
A torch
What was thrown into the crowd as a lucky possession?
The unlit torch
What was the wedding feast?
Cena nuptialis
What was used to conclude the feast, also known as the wedding cake?
What was the second feast of the day, where the wife gave her first offering as a matrona?
What were the requirements for nuptiae iustae (for it to be legal)
The Pater familias had to give consent.
Both parties had to be of age. (Male: 14 / Female: 12).
Both had to be unmarried.
They could not be closely related.
When was the Kalends of every month?
The first day of the month
When was the Nones of ever month?
The 7th day of March, May, July, and October, or the 5th of every other month
When were the Ides of every month?
The 15th in March, May, July, and October, or the 13th of the rest.
What was not done during all of May and the first half of June because it was considered “unlucky”?
What was February 13-21?
Dies parentales
What days was the entrance to the underworld opened?
August 24, October 5, and November 8