Mottoes Flashcards
Venice, Italy
Esto perpetua - May she last forever
London, England
Domine, dirige nos - Lord, direct us
Paris, France
Fluctuat nec mergitur - She is tossed by the waves but does not sink
Urbs in horto - A city in a garden
Washington, DC
Iustitia omnibus - Justice for all
Sicut patribus, sit Deus nobīs - As with our fathers, may God be with us
United States
E pluribus unum - Out of many, one
Annuit coeptis - He (God) has favored our undertakings
Novus ordo seclorum - A new order of the ages
Puerto Rico
Ioannes est nomen eius - John is his name
A mari usque ad mare - From sea to sea
Deī gratiā - By the grace of God
Nemo me impune lacessit - no one provokes me with impunity
US Marine Corps
Semper fidelis - Always faithful
US Coast Guard
Semper paratus - Always prepared
MGM Studios
Ars gratia artis - Art for the sake of art
Ad maiorem Deī gloriam - To the greater glory of God
Dum vivimus, vivamus - While we live, let us live
American Fed. of Labor
Labor omnia vincit - Labor overcomes all
Benedictine Order
Domino, optimo maximo - To the Lord, the best, the greatest
Citius, Altius, Fortius - Swifter, Higher, Stronger
Festina lente - Make haste slowly
In hōc signō vinces - In this sign you will conquer
Oderint dum metuant - Let them hate me provided they fear me
Oderint dum probent - Let them hate me provided they respect me
Kings of England
Defensor fidei - Defender of the faith
Kings of Scotland
Nemo mē impune lacessit - No one crosses me with impunity
Frederick III of Austria
Austriae est imperare orbi universo - It is Austria’s destiny to rule the whole world
Cogito ergo sum - I think therefore I am
Amherst College
Terrās irradient - Let them illuminate the lands
Baylor University
Prō ecclesiā, Pro Texana - For the church, for Texas
Brooklyn College
Nil sine magno labore - Nothing without great labor
Brown University
In Deō speramus - In God we trust
Cambridge University (UK)
Hinc lucem et pocula sacra - Hence light and sacred draughts
Centenary College
Labor omnia vincit - Labor overcomes all
City College of New York
Respice, adspice, prospice - Look to the past, look to the
present, look to the future
Colgate University
Deō ac veritatī - For God and truth
Columbia University
In lumine tuo videbimus lumen - In Thy light we shall see light
Dartmouth College
Vox clamantis in desertō - The voice of one crying in the wilderness
Delaware College
Scientia, sol mentis - Knowledge, the sun of the mind
Duke University
Eruditio et religio - Learning and religion
Emory University
Lux, lex - Light, law
Florida State University
Virēs, artēs, morēs - Strength, arts, character
Fordham University
Sapientia et doctrina - Wisdom and teaching
Harvard University
Veritas - Truth
Hunter College
Mihi cura futuri - My concern is for the future
Johns Hopkins University
Veritas vōs liberabit - The truth will set you free
Mens et manus - Mind and hand
New York University
Perstare et praestare - To persevere and surpass
Oxford University
Dominus illuminatio mea - God, my illumination
Princeton University
Dei sub numine viget - He flourishes in the presence of God
Queens College (SC)
Non ministari sed ministrare - Not to be served but to serve
Southern Methodist University
Veritas liberabit vos The truth will set you free
Trinity College
Pro ecclesiā et patriā - For church and country
Tulane University
Non sibi, sed suīs - Not for herself, but for her own
United States Naval Academy
Ex scientia tridens - Out of knowledge, a trident
University of California
Fiat Lux - Let there be light
University of Chicago
Crescat scientia, vita excolatur - Let knowledge grow, let life be enriched
University of Florida
Civium in moribus rei publicae - In the character of its citizens
salus lies the welfare of the state
University of Georgia
Et docēre et rērum exquirere causas - Both to teach and to inquire
about the nature of things
University of Miami
Magna est veritas - Great is the truth
University of Michigan
Artēs, scientia, veritas - Arts, knowledge, truth
University of Mississippi
Pro scientia et sapientia - For knowledge and wisdom
University of Missouri
Salus populī - The welfare of the people
University of Nebraska
Litterīs dedicata et omnibus artibus - Dedicated to letters and all the arts
University of New Mexico
Lux hominum vita - Light, the life of mankind
University of North Dakota
Lux et lex - Light and law
University of Notre Dame
Crux spes unica - The cross, the only hope
University of Oregon
Mens agitat molem - The mind moves the mass
University of Paris
Hic et ubique terrārum - Here, there and everywhere
University of Texas
Disciplina praesidium civitatis - Discipline, the defense of the state
Univ. of the South (Sewanee)
Ecce quam bonum - Behold how good
University of Vermont
Studiīs et rēbus honestīs - Through studies and honorable pursuits.
University of Washington
Lux sit - Let there be light
Yale University
Lux et veritas - Light and truth
Audemus iura nostra defendere - We dare to defend our rights
Ditat Deus - God enriches
Regnat populus - The people rule
Eureka - I have found it
Nil sine numine - Nothing without divine guidance
Qui transtulit, sustinet - He who transplanted, sustains
Dist. Of
Iustitia omnibus - Justice for all
Esto perpetua - May she last forever
Ad astra per aspera - To the stars through difficulty
Deo gratiam habeamus - Let us be grateful to God
Dirigo - I point the way
(1)Scuto bonae voluntatis Tuae, coronasti nos - With the shield of your good will, you have covered us
(2)Crescite et multiplicamini - Grow and multiply* (rarely used)
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem - With the sword, she seeks calm peace under liberty
Si quaeris paeninsulam amoenam, circumspice - If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about
Virtute et armis - By valor and arms
Salus populi suprema lex esto - The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law
New Mexico
Crescit eundo - It grows as it goes
New York
Excelsior - Ever upward
North Carolina
Esse quam videri - To be rather than to seem
North Dakota
Serit ut alteri saeclo prosit - One sows so that it benefits another age
Imperium in imperio - An empire in an empire
Labor omnia vincit - Work conquers all
Alis volat propriis - She flies on her own wings
South Carolina
(1) Dum spiro, spero -While I breathe, I hope
(2) Animis opibusque parati - Prepared in mind and in resources
Sic semper tyrannis - Thus ever to tyrants
West Virginia
Montani semper liberi - Mountaineers are always free
Cedant arma togae - Let the arms yield to the toga