Role Of Cavour During The Unification Process Flashcards
Cavour was asked by VE to become the PM what did this start?
Economic reform and started the decline of Mazzini
When did Anti-Clericalism begin with Cavour as PM?
What did Cavour do that was seen to be anti-clerical?
He decided to attack the wealth of the Church and their estates
In total how many monasteries and benefices were suppressed? Which reduced the influence of the church
152 monasteries
1,700 benefices
How much did suppressing these monasteries and benefices add to the states income?
When did Cavour sack Rattazzi and end the Connubio?
Cavour had to deal with the diplomatic impact of a Mazzian-inspired insurrection in Austrian-controlled Milan. When was this and what was his response?
February 1853. He warned Austria of the impeding uprising and received a thanks from Vienna
During the 1850s what did this show for Mazzini’s methods?
Were weak
Cavour had to deal with the diplomatic impact of a Mazzian-inspired insurrection in Austrian-controlled Milian. How did Cavour respond?
Warned Austria of the impending uprising and received a thanks from Vienna
What had the National Society published which led to Garibaldi and Manin turn away from Mazzini?
Published letters from Orsini showing Mazzini to be a cruel leader
What did Cavour do in January 1855 (politically)?
Appointed himself to the 3 main posts in the administration: PM, Foreign Minister and Finance Minister
When was Cavour pressured in joining the Crimean war?
How many Piedmontese troops were committed to war?
Where was Piedmont allowed to attend in 1856?
Peace Treaty
When was the Congress of Paris?
February to April 1856 saw the Peace treaty in Paris
What did Cavour achieve through the Peace Treaty?
- Attendance showed Piedmont’s growing diplomatic status
- The Italian question was the main point of discussion on April 8th, showing it was a diplomatic issue
- GB and FR was grateful for Piedmont and now owed them one
Cavour joining the war presents Cavour as what type of person?
What did Cavour allow to grow in Piedmont and how many members did it have by 1857?
- The National Society
- 8,000
When did Cavour meet Manin?
Cavour met with Garibaldi to discuss possible war with Austria. What was Cavour worried about?
That he didn’t want France and Napoleon III to think that he was organising and backing a group of dangerous radicals
What was rapid and began to culminate?
Progress between Piedmont and France, evident through secret meetings between Cavour and Napoleon such as at Plombieres 1858
An example of where Cavour is seen to be determined after the war broke out?
Cavour encouraged pro-Piedmontese agents to cause revolts in the Central Duchies
What did the National Society encourage at the time of the 1859 war?
Encouraged change in the Central Duchies
When did Cavour return as PM and negotiated what which resulted in what happening?
- 1860
- Negotiated the Treaty of Turin with Napoleon which agreed that Savoy and Nice would be handed over to France in exchange for central duchies annexation
Why couldn’t Cavour do anything about Garibaldi’s actions?
Elections were coming up, didn’t want to upset the National Society, VE liked Garibaldi. Garibaldi was too popular
Why couldn’t Cavour upset the National Society if he had intervened with Garibaldi?
National society had helped him succeed in the Central Duchies
What had Garibaldi’s actions forced Cavour to do?
First send Persano to try and start a pro-Piedmontese uprising in Naples, which failed and he even tried to make an alliance with the Bourbons
What was Cavour worried about when Garibaldi and Bertani amassed near the border with the Papal States?
Garibaldi had an army of 20,000 troops and Bertani’s 9,000 republicans
What risk did Cavour take in response to Garibaldi and Bertani amassing near the Papal States border?
Sending troops into the Papal States
The indecent pace in which Garibaldi completed his conquest of the South had what impact on Piedmont?
Left Piedmont with huge economic problems as they could not fulfil Garibaldi’s promises of lower taxation and land reform. Currently under huge financial pressures by war with Austria
What had Garibaldi’s failed promises indirectly help cause?
Led to the Brigand’s War as unpopular administrative, economic and legislative reforms were introduced to the South through Piedmontisation
Cavour organised what in Naples and Sicily which led to the annexation instead of Bourbon rule?
What decision of Cavour could be said to have what led to the Brigand’s war?
Cavour’s decision not to allow self rule for the south resulted in the Brigand’s War