B3 Garibaldi Uniting South With North Flashcards
Garibaldi heard about an uprising taking place in Sicily against the King of Naples, what happened?
Mazzini urged to take his men to the island and help the Young Italy volunteers. G gathered 1,200 volunteers set sail May 1860 “The Thousand”
What was Cavours opinion on Garibaldi sailing to Sicily?
Uncertain whether he wanted the attach to succeed as in his opinion, the south were too poor and backward for Piedmont to take over
Cavours opinion on the uprising in Sicily led to what?
He therefore refused Garibaldi’s request for arms and equipment and made it clear that Garibaldi did not have official Piedmontese support
Garibaldi reached Marsala in Sicily when?
11th May but was lucky as he arrived alongside some British naval ships, so he wasn’t attacked
Garibaldi advanced to Palermo, The Thousand now numbering to what?
By the end of May found what?
20,000 enemy troops waiting for Garibaldi. G won and led to the enemies retreating to Naples and was helped by peasants, bandits and local mafia
Garibaldi appointed himself dictator of Sicily and supported the peasants initially, how?
Abolished milling tax and promised land redistribution
Garibaldi soon changed sides..
Suppressed some peasant revolts, so lost peasant support and gained support of the landlords
Why was Cavour worried?
That Garibaldi would attempt to take Naples and move northwards so he tried to arrange a revolution in Naples in favour of VE, but failed
What else did Cavour do to try and hinder Garibaldi progressing?
He gave orders to stop Garibaldi and sent ships to arrest them but Garibaldi was too quick and crossed the straits to Calabria 22nd August
Garibaldi fought his way northwards towards the city of Naples…
…The King fled and G arrived by train in early September
What was Garibaldi’s plan?
Was to move northwards, to the Papal States and then to Rome, and so complete the geographical unification. Gave Cavour to act
What did Cavour fear, relating to Rome?
That an attack on Rome would lead to difficulties with France
How strong was Garibaldi’s army?
Amounting to 60,000, many of whom were Mazzian and opposed to the Catholic Church and teachings
All this led to what?
Army led by VE, his army marched South, defeating a Papal army on the way and shooting anyone who resisted them as traitors
In October the Piedmontese army reached Neapolitan territory and VE and G met when?
26th October in a highly tense scene
Garibaldi had no intention of causing problems, what happened?
Saluted VE as “the first King of Italy” and agreed to hand the south over to him
In ballots that soon followed in…
…Sicily, Naples, Umbria and the Papal Marches there was an overwhelming wish for annexation to Piedmont
On November 7th…
…VE and Garibaldi rode together entry to Naples
Garibaldi was offered title of Major General, the title of Prince, a large pension and even a castle, what was Garibaldi’s response?
Refused as he felt the Red Shirts were treated badly and they soon disbanded. He retired to Caprera with a year’s supply of macaroni
Role of Britain and Palmerstone?
Gave full backing to the newly unified Italy as they saw it as the popular will of the people
January 1861 elections were held for new parliament and…
…in March 1861 a new constitution was adopted. VE was now new king of the Kingdom of Italy