B2Piedmont Emerge As State To Lead Unification? Flashcards
Reasons why Piedmont emerged as the state to lead unification?
1) ambivalent monarch
2) creating political stability to reassure France and Britain
3) strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers
4) develop diplomacy and challenge Austria
By the end of 1849 VEII appointed who to be PM?
Massimo Azeglio
VEII retained the rights to what?
To command the army and appoint and dismiss ministers at will
When did Siccardi bring in a series of bills which became known as the Siccardi laws?
March 1850
Controlled the power of the church through a range of measures such as: separate law courts for priests were abolished, the right for criminals to seek sanctuary and protection in churches was abolished, religious property rights restricted
(Creating political stability to reassure France and Britain)
D’Azeglio’s days were numbered as he had also…
…upset the Pope
Creating political stability to reassure France and Britain
When did Cavour make the Parliamentary agreement with the leader of the centre-left Ratazzi, which became known as what?
The Connubio
(Creating political stability to reassure France and Britain)
D’Azeglio ministry fell when he tried to move to the next stage of anti-clerical measures such as?
Introduce Civil marriage 1852
Creating political stability to reassure France and Britain
When was Cavour made PM?
November 1852
Creating political stability to reassure France and Britain
When did Cavour begin to attack the wealth of the Church?
Creating political stability to reassure France and Britain
How much was the state giving to the church which resulted in what?
5 million lire per year so he proposed the abolition of all monasteries not involved in education or charity
In total 152 monasteries and 1,700 benefices were suppressed, reducing the influence of the church
(Creating political stability to reassure France and Britain)
What did Cavour do which crushed radicals?
In February 1853 Cavour warned Austria of an impending Mazzinian uprising receiving a thanks from Vienna
Showed Mazzinian methods as weak
(Creating political stability to reassure France and Britain)
How did Cavour use the failures of the Mazzinian revolts?
Used the failures as proof of the unlikelihood of political change being influenced by Mazzini, went further by persecuting Mazzinian democrats, surprising the Mazzini press
(Creating political stability to reassure France and Britain)
What did Cavour do in 1855?
Appointed himself to the 3 main posts in the administration: PM, Foreign Minister and Finance Minister. Ensured the government remained stable
(Creating political stability to reassure France and Britain)
By 1853 what was linked between which two places, and the building of what?
The electric telegraph linked Turin to Pairs
The building of canals in 1857 boosted the construction industry
(strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers)
How many silk workers and cotton workers in Piedmont?
60,000 silk workers
114,000 cotton workers in 1844
(strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers)
How much did trade increase by?
300% however, the result of such government growth was debt
strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers
What did the public debt rose from in which year to what in which year?
120million Lire in 1847 to 725million Lire by 1859
strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers
Name a few counties Cavour made an agreement of free trade with?
Belgium, France and Britain
strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers
What did Cavour encourage?
The investment of foreign capital into Piedmont, majority from France
(strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers)
A line was built when to link what and was mainly funded by who?
1854 link Milan, Turin, Genoa and French border
By the French banker Rothschild
(strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers)
Famous tunnel built from 1857 making through the Alps?
Mount cenis
strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers
Italy’s first steamship built in Genoa 1855
“The Sicilia”
strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers
By the end of the 1850s how much railway did Piedmont have?
strengthen the economy and align with foreign powers
What was Cavour’s most important contribution to the “Italian question”?
Was that he places it firmly in the context of European diplomacy
(develop diplomacy and challenge Austria)
Why was this relative decline of the Austrians based on?
Economic challenges of Prussia and the growth of the Prussian dominated Zollverein an economic free trade arrangement, challenged Austria’s dominance
(develop diplomacy and challenge Austria)
As the Crimean War staged into 1855 GB and France asked for what?
Asked Piedmont for reinforcement
develop diplomacy and challenge Austria
When did Piedmont enter the Crimean War and how many troops did he have?
January 1855
18,000 Piedmontese troops committed to war
(develop diplomacy and challenge Austria)
When was the Peace Treaty in Paris and whilst did it show for Piedmont?
Feb to Apr 1856
Cavours attendance showing Piedmont’s growing diplomatic status
(develop diplomacy and challenge Austria)