B1What Caused The 1848 Revolutions? Flashcards
What are some of the factors for the reasons for the causing of the 1848 revolutions?
- Growth of Liberalism
- Reforms of Pius IX
- Unpopularity of the Austrians
- Social Discontent
- The Growth of Nationalism
What did Piedmont serve as in the early stages? (Growth of Liberalism)
A driving force for unification of Italy
When did Charles Albert present a document called what? (Growth of Liberalism)
-Statuto 1847
What did the Statuto do? (Growth of Liberalism)
Gave the radicals and reformers of Italy civil rights to stand on, which bolstered their drive for unification and a representative government
When was Pius IX elected? (Reforms of Pius IX)
What impact did the release of 2,000 political prisoners have on the public? (Reforms of Pius IX)
Inspired the masses, inciting the crowds in Rome to chant “O Supreme Pius”
An example of where Pius made steps towards a unified Italy,1847? (Reforms of Pius IX)
Questioning the justice system, recruiting a council of law advisers and entering a customs union with Tuscany and Piedmont, promoting free trade among its members and common tariffs abolishing press censorship
When did tensions begin between Pius and Austria, caused by what? (Unpopularity of the Austrians)
-tensions started in 1847 when austrian troops occupied the Papal town of Ferrera (permitted by the 1815 Treaty of Vienna)
Pius lodged a protest proved significant because what happened in January 1848? (Unpopularity of the Austrians)
Pius denied Austrians the right to cross the Papal States, whilst asking the Lord to bless ‘Italia’
What did the huger and poverty serve as in 1848? (Social Discontent)
Central spark of revolution
When did Europe experience wide harvest failures which caused what? (Social Discontent)
1846/47 causes maize and wheat shortages which led to high prices. Leading to riots in towns
The distinct problems of each of the Italian states fed the desire to what?
Revolutions in 1848
Who did the Sicilians blame for the outbreak of cholera in what year which resulted in how many deaths? (Social Discontent)
Blamed their rulers in Naples
How many deaths a year from Malaria? (Social Discontent)
32,000 workers in wool in Lombardy and Venetia, how much had GDP risen by per year between 1830-1860 in the North? (Social Discontent)
South didn’t develop due to lack of entrepreneurs, lack of capital and few skilled workers
How much had population grown between 1800-1850 which led to food shortages? (Social Discontent)
(Rich and Poor)
17.8 million to 24 million
By 1871 how many could speak Italian out of 27 million? (Social Discontent)
South compared to the North. Where did the revolution come from?
North - Middle class - revolution from the middle
South - Peasants - revolution from below
What % of Italians were Catholic? (Reforms of Pius IX)
What was the economic reason for hatred of Austria? (Unpopularity of the Austrians)
High taxes in states with direct Austrian rule e.g. Lombardy and Venetia. 1/3 of Austrian Empire tax revenue came from these two states
What did Pius’ denial of Austria cause? (Unpopularity of the Austrians)
A Catholic country to be in conflict with the central Catholic church
The aim of more liberal constitutions were the aims of which groups? (Growth of Liberalism)
Carbonari and Alfereti
These progressive actions of the Pope inspired change in other states such as? (Reforms of Pius IX)
Abolition of press censorship in Piedmont