ROGERS Flashcards
client centered theory
who is the major proponent of Client-Centered Theory
Carl Rogers
the name of Carl Rogers Theory is
Client Centered Theory
full name of carl rogers
Carl Ransom Rogers
what are the two basic human tendencies according to rogers
formative tendencies
actualizing tendency
tendency for all matter, both organic and inorganic, to evolve
from simpler to more complex forms. For example, complex organisms develop from
single cells; and human consciousness evolves from a primitive unconsciousness to a
highly organized awareness
formative tendency
tendency within all humans (and other animals and plants) to
move toward completion or fulfillment of potentials. Because each person operates as
one complete organism, actualization involves the whole person—physiological and
intellectual, rational and emotional, conscious and unconscious
actualizing tendency
is a subset of the actualization tendency and is not the same. The
actualization tendency refers to organismic experiences of the individual; on the other
hand, self-actualization is the tendency to actualize the self as perceived in awareness
self actualization
what are the two needs according to rogers
similar to the lower steps on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, includes such basic needs as food, air and safety
need to become more, to develop and to achieve growth. These are seen
in people’s willingness to learn things that are not immediately rewarding, such as
curiosity, playfulness, self-exploration, friendship, and confidence
begins when infants develop when a portion of their experience becomes personalized
and discerned in awareness as “I” or “me” experiences.
two subsets of self according to rogers
self concept
ideal self
includes all those aspects of one’s being and one’s experiences that are perceived in awareness
self concept
one’s view of self as one wishes to be. it contains all those attributes, usually positive, that people aspire to possess.
ideal self
a need to be loved, like, or accepted by another person. it is a prerequisite for positive self regard.
positive regard
the experience of valuing one’s self.
positive self regard
people will perceive that their parents, peers, or partners love and accept
them only if they meet those people’s expectations
condition of worth
happens when the mother’s love for the child is granted freely and fully; it
is not conditional or dependent on the child’s behavior
unconditional positive regard
happens when there is a wide gap between the ideal self and real self. The
greater the incongruence between our perceived self and our organismic experience, the more
vulnerable we are.
is the protection of the self-concept against anxiety and threat by the denial or
distortion of experiences inconsistent with it.
two subtype of defensiveness
we refuse to perceive an experience in awareness
misinterpretation of an experience to fit it into some aspect of our self-concept
happen when defenses fail. When the incongruence between people’s
perceived self and their organismic experience is either too obvious or occurs too suddenly to be
denied or distorted, their behavior becomes disorganized.
what are the 4 barriers to psychological health
conditions of worth
this means to be
real or genuine, to be whole or integrated, to be what one truly is. this kind of counselor, is not simply a kind and friendly person but rather a complete
human being with feelings of joy, anger, frustration etc.
happens when therapists
are “experiencing a warm, positive and accepting attitude toward what is the
provides an atmosphere of unconditional acceptance
For Rogers, empathy means
“temporarily living in the other’s life, moving about in it delicately without
making judgments”.
empathic listening
This exists when therapists accurately sense the feelings of
their clients and are able to communicate these perceptions so that clients know
that another person has entered their world of feelings without prejudice,
projection, or evaluation.
emphatic listening
this is a subset of actualizing is the tendency to to actualize the self as percieved in awareness
self actualization
the ideal self could include:
list down 4
notion influenced by your parents
what you admired in others
what society sees as acceptable
what you think is in your best interest