Roaring 1920's & Great Depression Flashcards
Process used in factories where products moved along a conveyor belt enabling mass production of items quicker
Assembly Line
Created the Model T car making it affordable for the average person to buy. He introduced an 8 hour workday, increased worker wages and gave workers weekends off.
Henry Ford
A consumer would make a small down payment and then pay off the rest in monthly payments
Installment Buying
People took out credit to purchase stocks
Buying on Margin
Free-Thinking women who cut their hair short, wore short dresses, drove cars and participated in government.
Programs to meet the needs of the hungry & jobless
Programs to help agriculture & industry
To change the way the nations economy worked
Helped the elderly & handicapped who couldn’t take care of themselves
Social Security
Insured bank deposits so people felt safe putting their money back into the bank
Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Grows out of a fear of the Bolshevik Revolution/Communist Revolution,Fear of communism/socialism
Red Scare
Established quotas to limit immigration
Emergency Quota Act 1920
Italian immigrants executed for crimes they did not commit→example of Red Scare
Sacco & Vanzetti Case
John Scopes is found guilty of teaching evolution,Example of:Conflict between traditional views &new opinions,Conflict between science & religion
Scopes “monkey” Trial
AKA Prohibition/Volstead Act/Temperance Movement, Makes it illegal to manufacture, transport or sell alcohol,RESULT: lead to an increase in organized crime,Unpopular laws are difficult to enforce,21ST Amendment repeals (gets rid of) the 18th Amendment
18th Amendment
Amendment which ended the Prohibition of alcohol in the US, repealing the 18th amendment
21st Amendment
Gov’t officials sold gov’t oil to private oil companies, President Harding exposed as having corrupt advisors
Teapot Dome Scandal
1920’s cultural movement celebrated African American pride and culture Ex: Jazz, writing
Harlem Renaissance
Poor distribution of wealth, overproduction, use of credit, stock market speculation. Buying on margin, under consumption, Stock Market Crash 1929
Causes of Great Depression
Drought in the Great Plains,Over-plowing exposed the soil
Dust Bowl
Believed in Rugged individualism, Individual action would solve the problems of the Depression
Herbert Hoover
Neighborhoods of shacks for the homeless
WWI veterans demand their bonus’ & are violently removed from Washington
Bonus Army
Help unemployed workers ,Immense gov’t involvement in people’s lives,Growth of gov’t involvement in the economy
FDR Position during Depression