Cold War Flashcards
US Capitalist Democracy-Belief in free elections, economic & religious freedom; private property/SU-Communist dictatorship, communist party made all economic, political & military decisions. People could not worship, own private property, or express views freely From 1945-1991 Worldwide rivalry b/w the US & SU where both superpowers never faced each other directly in a hot military conflict
Causes of Cold War
Term coined to describe the border b/w the Soviet Satellite states & Western Europe
Iron Curtain
The program provided food, to reduce famine, fuel to heat house & factories, $ to jump start economic growth. The good relations that the aid created worked against expansion of communism.
Marshall Plan
Fear that communism was spreading to the USA
Red Scare
they were found guilty of giving atomic secrets to the Soviet Union during WWII.
Rosenberg Trial
Supreme Court case that overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson ending segregation in public schools
Brown V Board of Ed
Going against laws that are unjust and the following people have practiced it:
MLK, Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers, James Meredith (Trying to integrate Mississippi College)
Civil Disobedience
Organized refusal to ride buses in Montgomery, Alabama to express opposition to Rosa Parks arrest & segregation in general
Montgomery Bus Boycott
President Eisenhower sent federal troops to LR-HS to protect the 9 African American students attempting to attend school there & to enforce the Court’s decision.
Little Rock 9
Protest in which people occupy a business until their demands are met
Protest by activists who rode buses through southern states to test their compliance with the ban on segregation on interstate buses
Freedom Rides
The act banned literacy tests & empowered the federal govn’t to oversee voting registration & elections in states that had discriminated against minorities.
24th Amendment-Banned Poll Taxes
Voting Rights Act 1965
Kennedy’s proposals to improve the economy, edu, healthcare, & CR
*Space Program: John Glenn 1st to orbit earth
-Minimum Wage
-Extension of SS Benefits
-Equal Pay Act
JFK’S New Frontier
-On 4/17/1961, A CIA led force of Cuban exiles attacked Cuba to overthrow Castro & resist communist expansion in the Western Hemisphere.
-300 of the 1400 invaders were killed or captured. It strengthened Castro’s position in Cuba & turned Cubans against the US.
Bay of Pigs Invasion
In 1962, Soviets built nuclear missile sites in Cuba to protect Castro from another American invasion. Kennedy demanded removal of the missiles which could threaten US cities.
He responded with a naval blockade of Cuba to prevent the Soviets from completing the bases.
He negotiated agreeing to remove US missiles in Turkey & Italy if the Soviets removed their missiles in Cuba. Kruschev agreed to remove the missiles.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Johnsons vision for America to help the poor. Elementary & Secondary Education Act
-Clean Water Act
Medicare-care for the elderly, basic hospital insurance for people 65 & over
Medicaid-Give aid to the poor, basic medical services to poor & disabled Americans
LBJ’S Great Society
If one country fell to communism; its closest neighbors would follow.
Domino Theory
The resolution authorized the President “to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the US.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Limited the President ability to send troops into combat broad unless approved by Congress
War Powers Act
2 Students suspended for wearing an armband in school protesting the Vietnam War. Supreme Court sided with students arguing it was “symbolic” speech (1st amendment rights can’t be violated)
Tinker V Des Moines
Contain communism, Give aid to Greece & Turkey
Truman Doctrine
US led delivery of food to West Berlin after Soviet blockade of all roads into West Berlin
Berlin Airlift (1949)
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Grouping of nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union, “an attack on one is an attack on all”
Communist North Korea invades South Korea U.N. & U.S. use military force to stop the aggression. The war ended in a stalemate, neither side won, no peace treaty was signed and today there are 2 separate nations North and South.
Korean War