RJ Wilson Flash cards
What are the steps of the budget process?
Plan, gather feedback, build consensus, present final plan, get approval, implement the plan, and evaluate the plan.
What should be included in a job description?
Title, who it reports to and supervises, responsibilities, skills, and qualifications/experience.
What are the four components of negligence?
Duty, Breach, Cause, Harm.
Any athlete showing signs of _______ can be treated with supplemental oxygen therapy.
Nonrebreather masks can only be used as a method of supplemental oxygen delivery under what condition?
The athlete is breating normally
Hyponatremia is characterized by what?
Abnormally low blood sodium levels
What brain injury is characterized by symptoms supsiding rapidly creating an asymptomatic “lucid” period that can last for hours or days before signs of severe neurological dysfunction appear?
An Epidural Hematoma
Muscle weakness, swelling, pain, and darkened urine are symptoms of what syndrome? In Severe cases it can lead to sudden collapse, renal failure, and even death.
Thirst but not hunger is a sign of _____, while hunger but not thirst is a sign of _____.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Hypoglycemia
Palpatations, anxiety, weakness, dizziness, fainting, sweating, shortness of breath, and chest pains are all symptoms of what?
A heart arrhythmia
Ahtletes who return to play too early from a traumatic brain injury are susceptible to what life threatening condition?
Second Impact Syndrome
For every pound of weight lost while practicing in the heat, an athlete should drink how much water?
20 oz
An athlete that performs constant repeated extension, has a palapble step-off deformity has pain in the lumbar spine that radiates down into the buttocks may have what condition?
An ischemic lesion of the femoral head that develops in the first decade of life is known as what?
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
Pain over the adductor tendon and pubic tubercle, pain during hip adduction may be indicative of what condition?
Athletic Pubalgia (Sports hernia)
A hip dislocation will usually present in what position?
Internal rotation and adduction.
What condition is similar to Osgood-Schlatter Disease, and what is the difference between the two?
Osgood-Schlatter Disease and Sinding-Larsen-Johannsson Disease are both an avulsion of the patellar tendon. In Osgood-Schlatter, the site of avulsion is the tibial tuberosity. In Sinding-Larsen-Johannsson, the site of avulsion is theInferior pole of the patella.
Motor testing for L2-L4 is done how?
L2 is done by trying to break hip flexion, L3 is done by breaking knee extension, and L4 is done by breaking dorsiflexion.
If a person has pain in the malleolar zone and bone tenderness on the tip of the lateral malleolus, should they be sent for an X-ray?
Yes, according to the Ottawa Ankle Rules, an X-ray is required if a person has pain in the Malleolar zone and bone tenderness on the tip of the lateral malleolous.
Hemarthrosis in the knee is most often associated with what injury?
ACL tear, though it is also seen in patellar dislocations, meniscal tears, and a few other injuries.