River Landscapes Flashcards
A River’s Long Profile and Cross Profile _______ Over its Course.
The Path of a River as it Flows Downhill is Called its __________.
Rivers have an Upper (Closest to the Source of the River), Middle and Lower ________ (Closest to the Mouth of the River).
Rivers Form ___________ and Valleys as they Flow Downhill.
Rivers Erode the ______________, then Transport the Material to somewhere else where it’s Deposited.
The Shape of the Valley and Channel Changes Along the River Depending on Whether Erosion or ______________ is Having the Most Impact (is the Dominant Process).
The ______ Profile of a River Shows you How the ____________ Changes Over the Different Courses.
The ________ Profile Shows you what a Cross-Section of the River Looks Like.
Gradient of the Upper Course?
Gradient of the Middle Course?
Gradient of the Lower Course?
Valley and Channel Shape of the Upper Course?
V-Shaped Valley, Steep Sides, Narrow and Shallow Channel.
Valley and Channel Shape of the Middle Course?
Gently Sloping Valley Sides, Wider and Deeper Channel.
Valley and Channel Shape of the Lower Course?
Very Wide, Almost Flat Valley, Very Wide and Deep Channel.
Different Types of Erosion in the Cross Profile of a River?
Vertical or Lateral.
What is Vertical Erosion?
This Deepens the River Valley Making it V-Shaped. It’s Dominant Course of the River. High Turbulence Causes the Rough, Angular Particles to be Scraped Along the River Bed, Causing Intense Downwards Erosion.
What is Lateral Erosion?
This Widens the River Valley During the Formation of Meanders. It’s Dominant in the Middle and Lower Courses.
The River ______ is in the North-West England Between the Mountains of the Lake District and the Pennies.
Upper Course of the River Eden?
- Source of the Eden is 600M Above Sea Level in an Area of Hard, Resistant Rock.
- Valley is Steep-Sided Due to Vertical Erosion and the Channel has a Steep Gradient.
- The River Channel is Narrow and Shallow.
- The River Carries Large, Angular Stones.
Middle Course of the River Eden?
- Middle Parts of the Eden Basin are Made From Sandstone.
- Valley Sides Become Gentle Slopes and the Gradient of the Channel is Less Steep.
- The River Channel Becomes Wider and Deeper.
- The River’s Sediment Load is Made Up of Smaller and More Rounded Rocks.
Lower Course of the River Eden?
- The Valley is Very Wide and Flat.
- It’s Only a Few Metres Above Sea Level.
- It has a High Velocity.
- The River Channel is Very Wide and Deep.