It is as everything else in life that includes many risk
____is a risk, because no matter how much we plan and strategize, ____Will always have its surprises in storage for us
Enumerate the seven major risk
Being mentally or physically but usually mentally blocked due to a specific reason or due to a number of reasons.
Negative self talk, or listening to skeptics.
Focusing too much on external factors and motivators.
Comparing yourself with others/appear of loss and/or giving.
Lack of vision and purpose.
Isolation and lack of support / help.
Not enough self-knowledge / self-esteem.
Most often, the main risk on your path to being a great leader is you yourself, personally
Being mentally or physically, but usually mentally blocked due to a specific reason or, due to a number of reasons
Never ever look down on yourself, or on others. And, never let other people put you down
Negative self talk, or listening to skeptics
You have to find your true purpose inside yourself, and then get out in the world and release all the positive energies in store inside of you
Focusing too much on external factors and motivators
Your life path is always personal, and you should not have to explain your choices or decisions to people around you
Comparing yourself with others / fear of loss and/ or giving
Instead of competing yourself to others start leaving your life and working towards your personal goals
Comparing yourself with others / fear of loss and/or giving
Give yourself time. Sometimes and very often even the best of leaders get lost on their track. Instead of having feelings of despair, focus on the essentials in life, such as breathing, eating, and resting/sleeping enough
Lack of vision and purpose
Many people, and leaders, are lonely.
Two leaders are never afraid of helping or seeking help or support
Isolation and lack of support/help
Leadership comes to those who are ready for it regardless of age or other external criteria
Not enough self-knowledge / self-esteem
You will know and feel your personal readiness and so will the world around you
Not enough self knowledge / self-esteem
Leadership requires emotional maturity, a willingness to lead because of purpose and drive
Not enough self-knowledge / self-esteem
Strategies for self-promotion
• Promoting yourself with humility is effective and valuable to career progression
• Be visible
• Be prepared
Take pride in doing a good job
Avoid belittling accomplishments
Accept compliments gracefully
Avoid self-discounting language .
Be free to share accomplishments Wave accomplishments into the conversation
Avoid repeatedly mentioning accomplishments
Avoid exaggeration
Speak positively of others
Dress for success
Take an active role in mentoring
Protect against burnout
1. Engage, train, and inspire employees to lead effectively within the organization,
empowering others and ensuring shared responsibility
2. Bolster your confidence by taking the time to continually learn and build your
network of people who can support you, answer questions, and provide direction
3. Seek mentors who will provide honest and timely feedback, rather than
placating or misdirecting you.
4. Make your health and well-being a priority.
Leadership requires____a willingness to lead because of purpose and drive
Emotional maturity