Rheumatology/Musculoskeletal Flashcards
Low back pain with paraspinal tenderness + normal neuro exam
- Muscle strain
- Disc degeneration
Low back pain w/ radiation below knee, +straight leg raise test, neurologic deficits
(Herniated disc)
Low back pain w/ pseudoclaudication, relieved by leaning forward
Spinal stenosis
Low back pain worse w/ rest, improved with activity, with pain in the SI joints
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Reactive arthritis
Low back pain, worsens w/ activity, relieved with rest
Lumbar osteoarthritis
Low back pain >50yo, worse at night, not relieved with rest
Metastatic cancer
(spinal mets)
Low back pain + IVDU or recent infection, fever, focal spine tenderness
- Osteomyelitis
- Discitis
Low back pain + midline tenderness
Vertebral fracture
(inflammation/tenderness at tendon insertion sites)
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Psoriatic Arthritis
- Reactive Arthritis
Dry mouth, dry eyes, dysphagia, thrush, dental caries
Sjögren Syndrome
- Anti-Ro, Anti-La; SSA, SSB respectively
- Inflammation of exocrine salivary glands
- Decreased lacrimation
Cochlear dysfunction is a side effect of
- Cisplatin/Carboplatin
- Aminoglycosides
Optic neuritis is a side effect of
- Ethambutol (RIPE)
- Hydroxychloroquine
Thyroid dysfunction is a side effect of
- Amiodarone
- Lithium
Gout is a side effect of this drug
Patients with suspected secondary Raynaud’s Phenomenon (>40yo) should be tested for ____
Autoimmune disorders
(ANA, Rf, Antitopoisomerase)
Localized pain on anteromedial tibia just below the knee
Pes Anserinus Pain Syndrome
Woman with anterior knee pain worsened by activity or prolonged sitting
Patellofemoral Syndrome
Painful swelling directly over patella, usually following trauma
Prepatellar bursitis
Painful LE ulcer with purulent base and violaceous borders, seen in IBD, RA, or AML pts
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Painful subcutaneous nodules on anterior LE
Erythema Nodosum
(ASO Abs, TB test, CXR)
- Benign
- Streptococcal infection
- Sarcoidosis
- TB
- Coccidiodomycosis
- Behçet disease
Inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption
- Bisphosphonates
- Calcitonin
Tx of Paget disease of bone
(inhibits osteoclasts and suppresses bone turnover)
Sensitive marker for SLE vs. Specific marker for SLE
ANA vs. Anti-dsDNA
Painless vesiculopustular skin lesions + Tenosynovitis + Polyarthralgias
(Disseminated Gonococcal Infection)
- +/- Fevers
Charcot joint
Neurogenic arthropathy 2/2 nerve damage from long-standing diabetes, B12 deficiency, peripheral nerve damage, or SCI
Young female w/ exertional arm pain + BP difference in R and L arm
Takayasu Arteritis
- Tx: Systemic glucocorticoids
Numbness, aching, or burning in the metatarsal heads of the third and fourth toes
Morton Neuroma
(mechanically-induced neuropathic degeneration of the interdigital nerves)
- Tx: Metatarsal support: Bar or padded shoe inserts; Surgery if refractory
Methotrexate Side-effects in RA Tx
- Macrocytic anemia
- Stomatitis
- Hepatotoxicity
Isolated elevated alk phos, ASx
Paget disease of bone
(osteoclast dysfunction)
Suspicion of MM
Skeletal survey
Tx for Polymyalgia Rheumatica vs. GCA
Low-dose vs. High-dose Prednisone
Drug-induced Achilles tendinopathy/tendon rupture
Fluoroquinolone use
- Thrombotic event OR adverse pregnancy outcome + 2. Positive anticardiolipin, anti-beta2-glycoprotein-I, or lupus anticoagulant
Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Oligoarthritis + urethritis
- + fever = Gonococcal septic arthritis (abx)
- + mouth sores = Reactive arthritis (NSAIDs)
Trigger point tenderness in trapezius, lateral epicondyles, or greater trochanters
Acute-onset monoarticular arthritis
(12-24 hours)
Acute-onset monoarticular arthritis
(24-72 hours)
Septic arthritis
Bony spurs in cervical spine x-ray
Cervical spondylosis
(usually presents w/ osteophyte-induced radiculopathy)
Elevated urine hydroxyproline
Paget disease of bone
(marker for breakdown of collagen)
Gout PPX
- Alcohol cessation
- Weight loss
- Diet (low red meat, seafood, & added sugars)
Low back pain that increases w/ standing, walking, or lying on back
Vertebral Compression Fracture
(usually 2/2 osteoporosis)
>15% of dermatomyositis pts will develop
(against helicase)
>40yo w/ bone pain + HA + unilateral hearing loss
Paget disease of bone
(Osteoclast dysfunction)
- +Elevated alk phos
- +Increasing hat size
- +Bowing
Migratory non-deforming arthritis + chronic malabsorptive diarrhea + low-grade fever + PAS+ macrophages
Whipple’s disease
- Tropheryma whippelii (gram positive bacillus)
Nephrotic syndrome + hepatomegaly + S4 + recurrent pulmonary infections + palpable kidneys
Secondary amyloidosis (AA)
- Tx/PPX: Colchicine
Low back pain worse at night, improves with rest
Spinal osteomyelitis
Low back pain worse in the morning, improves with activity, + diarrhea/abd pain
IBD-associated arthritis
Acute inflammatory arthritis in setting of surgery or medical illness
Likely pseudogout (CPPD)
Recurrent oral and genital ulcers + uveitis + non-vesicular rash
Behçet Disease
(Turkish, Middle-Eastern, Asian descent)
- +venous/arterial thrombosis (small-medium vasculitis)
Primary Raynaud Phenomenon Tx
(nifedipine, amlodipine) + stress or cold avoidance
Baker cyst is commonly concurrently seen with
Female athlete triad of stress fractures
- Oligo-/amenorrhea
- Decreased caloric intake (anorexia/low BMI)
- Osteoporosis
Knee popping sensation followed by pain and rapid-onset hemarthrosis
ACL injury
(meniscal tear would not have rapid-onset swelling/hemarthrosis)
20-30yo w/ chronic lower back pain & stiffness that is relieved w/ activity and worse at night
Ankylosing spondylitis
- +sacroiliitis on x-ray
- +Reduced chest expansion
- +Dactylitis (sausage digits)
- +Uveitis
- Dx: X-ray of sacroiliac joints
Older pt w/ cortical thickening of bone 2/2 osteoclast dysfunction
Paget disease of bone
(+elevated alk phos)
- Can lead to hearing loss (skull/temporal bone enlargement)
- Tx: Bisphosphonates
Acute knee pain + hypercalcemia
Evidence of cartilage calcification in setting of acute arthritis episode
(Pseudogout: Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal arthritis)
- Also a complication of chronic hypercalcemia in setting of hyperparathyroidism
Achalasia causes ___ LES pressure; Systemic Sclerosis causes ___ LES pressure
Increased; Decreased
Progressive groin, thigh, or buttock pain on weight bearing in setting of chronic glucocorticoid use that is worsened by activity, relieved by rest, and has reduced ROM
Avascular Necrosis
(Osteonecrosis of the femoral head)
- Dx: MRI
- SLE is also a strong risk factor for AVN
Exertion-dependent claudication
Vascular claudication
(2/2 aortoiliac atherosclerosis)
Postural-dependent claudication
Neurogenic claudication
(2/2 nerve root compression from degenerative arthritis)
Claudication seen in obstructive atherosclerotic arterial disease (e.g. 2/2 aortoiliac atherosclerosis)
Vascular claudication
- Improves with rest
- Abnormal ABI
Claudication due to lumbar spinal stenosis
Neurogenic claudication
(2/2 nerve root compression from noninflammatory degenerative arthritis, such as spondylosis)
- Improves with position (shopping cart sign: pain lessens w/ spine flexion)
- Does not improve immediately with rest (~10 min)
Preexisting joint disorders (e.g. gout, pseudogout, osteoarthritis) increase the risk for
Secondary joint infection
(septic arthritis)
Pain on resisted supination of forum + weakness of wrist extension & 3rd digit
Radial tunnel syndrome
Pain w/ passive wrist flexion or resisted wrist extension
Lateral epicondylitis
(Tennis elbow)
- +tenderness at lateral epicondyle
Noninflammatory angiofibroblastic tendinitis at common wrist extensor origin from repetitive, forceful wrist extension
Lateral epicondylitis
(Tennis elbow)
Tx of Tendonitis
Rest > Immobilization
(Splinting) > Steroid injection
Signs of Tendonitis
- Focal Tenderness
- Pain on Activation
- Pain on Stretch
Wrist extension + radial nerve
Lateral epicondyle
Wrist flexors + Pronator teres; Median nerve
Medial epicondyle
Best test for biceps tear
Deltoid nerve innervation
Axillary nerve
Burning hand pain that is worst when sleeping, driving, or holding a magazine
(Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
Bowing of knees (varus deformity), asymmetric joint space narrowing, DIPs swelling
Primary OA
PIN, dorsal hand (sensory), extrinsic extension
Radial nerve
AIN, sensory of thumb to half of ring; extrinsic flexion
Median nerve
Forceful hyperextension of wrist in FOOSH
Scaphoid fracture
(pain at anatomic snuffbox)
Pain w/ radial flexion of wrist and point tenderness over trapezium
Flexor carpi radialis tenosynovitis
Positive Finkelstein test
De Quervain tenosynovitis
(grasping of flexed thumb into palm w/ fingers during wrist flexion)
Mother w/ radial wrist pain
De Quervain tenosynovitis
- Inflammation of abductor pollicis longus & extensor pollicis brevis tendons within fibrous sheath at radial styloid process
Chronic low C4 (hypocomplementemia) + HCV +/- SLE
Fibromyalgia Tx
- 1st Line: Regular exercise + Good sleep hygiene
- 2nd Line: Amitriptyline
- 3rd Line: Duloxetine (SSRI), Pregabalin, or Milnacipran
Systemic Sclerosis
Anti-smooth muscle antibodies
Autoimmune hepatitis,
Young to middle-aged woman w/ widespread pain, fatigue, cognitive/mood disturbances, and point muscle tenderness
Stiffness in neck, shoulders, & hips + elevated ESR
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- Tx: Low-dose prednisone
- Associated w/ GCA
Stiffness in neck, shoulders, & hips + point tenderness
- Tx: Aerobic exercise + Good Sleep Hygiene
- 2nd Line: Amitriptyline
Pain w/ exertion, Relief w/ rest
(Neurogenic vs. Vascular claudication?)
Vascular Claudication
Relieved w/ walking, persists w/ rest or standing still (Neurogenic vs. Vascular claudication?)
Neurogenic Claudication
Narrowed joint space on x-ray
Exercise/wt loss —> NSAIDs —> Steroid injections/Hyaluronic acid injections —> Surgery vs. Chronic Pain Management
(non-surgical candidates)
Needle-shaped, negatively birefringent crystals
(YeLLow under ParaLLel light)
Rhomboid-shaped crystals, weakly positively birefringent crystals
Tophus deposits in external ear, olecranon bursa, or achilles tendon
High-dose methylprednisolone
Sudden loss of vision + HA, abnormal fundoscopic exam, Elevated ESR
(Giant Cell Arteritis) [+/- jaw claudication]
Extrusion of synovial fluid from knee joint into gastrocnemius or semimembranous bursa
(Baker) Cyst
Twisting force on a fixed foot
Medial meniscus tear
- Popping sound followed by pain
- Crepitus, locking, or catching on exam +/- small effusion
Anserine bursitis
Well-defined area of subacute medial knee pain and tenderness
(Pes anserinus pain syndrome)
Crescent-shaped ecchymosis distal to medial malleolus
(Baker) cyst rupture (Crescent sign)
Anterior knee pain that worsens w/ climbing or descending stairs
Patellofemoral Syndrome
- Young female athletes
- Dx: Patellofemoral compression test
- Tx: Quadriceps strengthening exercises
Tenderness at tibial tubercle
Osgood-Schlatter disease
(common during pre-adolescent/adolescent growth spurts
Localized back pain worse at night, not relieved w/ rest
Spinal metastasis
(hx of lung/breast/prostate cancer)
Positive straight leg test
Disc herniation
Low back pain radiating down below knee
Spinal stenosis vs. Disc herniation
Morning stiffness + Dactylitis
Psoriatic arthritis
Dactylitis + Esophageal dysmotility + ILD + HTN + Anti-topoisomerase Abs (Anti-Scl-70)
Systemic Sclerosis (SSc)
Joint pain that improves with activity vs. worsens with activity
Inflammatory vs. Noninflammatory Arthritis respectively
(RA vs. OA)
Violaceous plaques, slightly scaly
(Gottron’s Papules)
Red plaques w/ silvery scaling
Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis Tx
NSAIDs, MTX, & TNF-inhibitors
Monosodium urate
Gout deposition crystal that creates tophi
Swollen hands + Dactylitis (sausage digits) + Arthritis of DIPs + Nail changes
Psoriatic arthritis
(+red plaques w/ silvery scaling)
>50 w/ shoulder & hip stiffness + can have GCA (Giant Cell Arteritis)
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
(elevated ESR/CRP)
Polymyositis Tx
Prednisone +/- MTX or azathioprine
Weakness that worsens w/ activity
Myasthenia Gravis
Caplan syndrome
RA associated with pneumoconiosis
Still’s disease = Juvenile RA w/ predominantly extraarticular manifestations
Juvenile RA w/ predominantly extraarticular manifestations
TNF-alpha Inhibitor side-effects
- Infection
- Demyelination
- Malignancy
Hydroxychloroquine side-effects
(requires baseline & periodic ophthalmologic assessments)
RA patient + oral ulcers
MTX Toxicity
RA patient w/ neutropenia & splenomegaly
Felty Syndrome
MTX Toxicity side-effects
- Oral ulcers/Stomatitis
- Hepatotoxicity
- Alopecia
- BM suppression (cytopenias)
- Pulmonary toxicity (ABBMNR)
- Rash
Folate antimetabolite
(first line Tx for RA)
- Folic acid supplementation w/ chronic MTX Tx
- Drugs that induce folate deficiency: “TMP”
- Phenytoin
Tenosynovitis + dermatitis + migratory polyarthralgias
(Disseminated Gonococcal Infection)
Peeling of feet
Keratoderma blennorrhagicum
(Reactive arthritis 2/2 Chlamydia trachomatis or GI infection)
Chrondrocalcinosis on joint x-ray
(Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate crystal deposition: Pseudogout), Causes:
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Hemochromatosis (bronze diabetes)
Anticitrullinated peptide Abs
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Shoulder pain w/ active ROM but normal passive ROM
- Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
- Rotator Cuff Tear (>40)
- Biceps Tendinopathy
Decreased active and passive ROM:
- Adhesive capsulitis
- Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis
Decreased active ROM but normal passive ROM, >40
Rotator cuff tear
Decreased active and passive shoulder ROM w/ hx of shoulder injury/trauma
Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis
Chronic inflammation, fibrosis, and contracture of the shoulder joint
Adhesive Capsulitis
(Frozen Shoulder)
Anterior shoulder pain w/ lifting/carrying/overhead reaching
Biceps tendinopathy/rupture
Middle-aged w/ shoulder stiffness
Adhesive capsulitis
(frozen shoulder) vs. Polymyalgia Rheumatica (elevated ESR/CRP)
Frozen Shoulder
Adhesive Capsulitis
Neer/Hawkins positive + weakness w/ external rotation
Rotator cuff tear
Normal ROM + positive Neer, Hawkins
Rotator Cuff Impingement or Tendinopathy
Malignancy + symmetrical proximal muscle weakness
(immune-mediated muscle injury)
Erythematous rash over dorsum of fingers
Gottron’s sign
Erythematous rash over upper eyelids
Heliotrope eruption
Antibodies against presynaptic membrane
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
(presents w/ proximal muscle weakness, dry mouth, ED, absent/diminished DTRs)
Proximal muscle weakness + Raynaud phenomenon + polyarthritis + esophageal dysmotility
(+Gottron papules, heliotrope rash in dermatomyositis)
Carpal tunnel syndrome structures
Transverse Carpal Ligament
- Median nerve
- Flexor digitorum profundus
- Flexor digitorum superficialis
- Flexor pollicis longus
Thenar atrophy + weakness of thumb abduction/opposition
(Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
Sudden “grabbing” pain in lower back w/ lifting
Lumbar Strain
(Tx: NSAIDs + Continue moderate activity)
First line Tx for RA
(DMARDs: Disease-Modifying AntiRheumatic Agents)
- Test for HBV, HCV, TB, and Pregnancy before beginning MTX therapy
Next level:
- TNF-alpha inhibitors (etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, rituximab, tocilizumab)
- Non-biologic DMARDs (Hydroxychloroquine, sulfasalazine, azathioprine, leflunomide)
Positive straight leg raise test
- 2/2 irritation to sciatic nerve that travels down leg
- Tx: Treat symptoms (pts experience spontaneous resolution)–NSAIDs or APAP; Maintain moderate activity
- Cyclobenzoprine only if refractory
Raynaud’s + Sausage digits + Fine crackles BL
Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma/CREST syndrome)
- +Anti-topoisomerase I Abs (anti-Scl-70), Anticentromere+ (antiCRESTomere), ANA+ (nonspecific)
- Path: Progressive tissue fibrosis & CT thickening from collagen deposition 2/2 fibroblast dysfunction & increased collagen + ground substance production
- Can progress to obliteration of skin appendages (e.g. hair, follicles, sweat glands)
- Raynaud component = vascular dysfunction
- Extradermal complications: CREST
- Calcinosis (CCBs)
- Raynaud’s phenomenon (CCBs)
- Esophageal dysmotility (PPI)
- Sclerodactyly (penicillamine)
- +Interstitial lung disease (fine crackles)
- +HTN (renal involvement)
- +Scleroderma renal crisis (oliguria, thrombocytopenia, MAHA)
- +Myocardial fibrosis, pericarditis, pericardial effusion
Dry eyes, dry mouth, dysphagia w/ solids only
Sjögren Syndrome (SS)
- Autoimmune inflammation of exocrine glands seen in middle-aged women
- +Schirmer test (strip of filter paper placed under lower eyelid & measured after 5 min for absorbed fluid
- +histologic e/o lymphocytic infiltration of salivary gland
- +Anti-SSA (Ro) and/or Anti-SSB (La)
- Can also be seen w/ Raynaud, cutaneous vasculitis, arthralgia/arthritis, & ILD
Nontender nodules on the elbow
(Rheumatoid nodules–firm, nontender, subcutaneous, close to pressure points)
Part of spine affected in RA
Cervical spine
(Cervical spine subluxation can lead to spinal cord compression)
- Sacroiliac joints = seronegative PAIR spondylarthropathies
- Thoracic = Disc herniation or other spinal d/o
- Lumbar = Disc hernation, spinal stenosis
Pain w/ extending the knee while compressing the patella
Patellofemoral syndrome
(young female athlete w/ chronic knee overuse)
- P/w anterior knee pain
Popliteal cyst (Baker cyst; posterior knee) is associated w/
- Thus, seen in older pts
Rhomboid-shaped crystals on arthrocentesis
Pseudogout (CPPD)
- Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition
- +Chondrocalcinosis on XR
- Can be 2/2:
- Hyperparathyroidism (e.g. pt w/ chronic hypercalcemia)
- Hemochromatosis (BDAC–bronze DM, arthritis, cardiomyopathy)
The pes anserinus in the medial knee is formed by the joining of these 3 tendons
- Gracilis
- Sartorius
- Semitendinosus
Male in 20s or 30s w/ LBP
Classically PAIR (seronegative spondylarthropathy)
- LBP DDx: “MRS. C-Mii has LBP”
- Mechanical (strain, spasm, paraspinal TTP)
- Radiculopathy (+straight leg raise if sciatica)
- Stenosis (worse w/ extension)
- Compression fx
- Metastasis (lung > breast > prostate > thyroid > kidney)
- Inflammatory (PAIR)
- Infection (osteo, discitis, abscess [IVDU])
Testosterone type specific to adrenals
- Ovarian T:
- Testosterone
- Androstenedione
- Elevated T + normal DHEAS suggests ovarian tumor > adrenal tumor (both p/w rapidly progressive hyperandrogenic symptoms)
Extrusion of synovial fluid from knee joint into the gastrocnemius or semimembranosus bursa
Popliteal cyst (Baker cyst)
(chronic, painless bulge behind the knee)
- Triggered by increased synovial fluid from RA or OA
- Rupture of Baker’s cyst can extend into calf or form a “crescent sign” on calf or at ankle
Tx & PPX of Amyloidosis
(also treats acute gout)
- Gout PPX: Allopurinol
Inhibits xanthine oxidase
(Tx of hyperuricemia and gout PPX)
- Acute gout: Colchicine
Reactive arthritis usually follows ____ infections
GI or GU
(Tx: NSAIDs)
- Salmonella
- Shigella
- Campylobacter
- Chlamydia
- Yersinia
Note: Reiter syndrome = Reactive arthritis w/ triad of arthritis, uveitis, & urethritis
A mostly LE arthritis that can include
- Assymmetric oligoarthritis
- Urethritis (nongonococcal)
- Conjunctivitis
- Mucucutaneous lesions
- Enthesitis (achilles tendon pain)
Reactive Arthritis
- Usually follows GI or GU infection (1-4 weeks post)
- PAIR arthritis, thus suspect when young male
- Tx: NSAIDs
MRI if:
- Neuro deficits
- Cauda equina syndrome features
- Suspected epidural abscess
XR if:
- Elevated risk of malignancy (e.g. nocturnal pain, progressive, hx of smoking or cancer, older, weight loss or other B symptoms)
Skeletal Survey if:
- Suspect Multiple Myeloma (Bone pain + anemia + hypercalcemia + AKI)
Uncomplicated → NSAIDs
Persistent → PT
CT scan only if needs MRI but cannot tolerate it
Achy pain in the shoulders & hips
(Polymyalgia rheumatica)
- +Elevated ESR
- >50yo
- Often progresses to GCA
- BP discrepancies between R & LUE
- Pulse deficits
- Bruits
- Fever, arthralgias, weight loss
- Exertional arm pain
Takayasu Arteritis
(large-vessel vasculitis)
- Asian Female <40
- Mononuclear infiltrates & granulomatous inflammation
- Arterial wall thickening w/ aneurysmal dilation or narrowing & occlusion
- Elevated ESR/CRP
- Tx: Systemic glucocorticoids
Note: if >50, suspect GCA, especially if more shoulders/hips (like PMR)
Male heavy smoker w/ gangrenous digits
Thromboangiitis obliterans
(Buerger disease)
Scalp tenderness + Jaw claudication
(Giant Cell Arteritis)
- Temporal HA
- Older
- Elevated ESR
- Shoulder & Hip pain (think of it like advanced PMR)
Ankylosing Spondylitis pts have an increased risk of:
- Aortic Regurgitation (early diastolic murmur)
- Vertebral Fracture (2/2 bone loss from chronic inflammation & rigidity)
- Anterior Uveitis
- Dactylitis (swelling of fingers & toes)
- Enthesitis (tenderness at tendon insertion sites)
Are NSAIDs effective in treating CTS?
Splinting → Steroids → Surgery (surgical decompression)
Tx of Paget disease of bone
(osteoclast inhibitors; like calcitonin but stronger)