Endocrine Flashcards
Calcium levels during prolonged immobilization
(due to increased osteoclastic bone resorption)
Immobilization can cause ____ due to increased osteoclastic bone resorption
(Tx: Bisphosphonates)
Inhibit osteoclastic resorption, reducing bone loss
Proximal myopathy in Cushing syndrome (hypercortisolism) is due to
Muscle atrophy
(from direct catabolic effects of cortisol on skeletal muscle)
___ in transfused blood binds ionized calcium
(causes symptomatic hypocalcemia by affecting ionized calcium only)
Calcium after high-volume blood transfusion
due to citrate-chelation of ionized calcium
Magnesium abnormality in hyperreflexia
Young woman with new-onset absence of menses, next step
Secondary amenorrhea w/u:
- Pregnancy Test (beta-hCG)
- Prolactin, TSH, FSH to test for most common causes of secondary amenorrhea
- Hyperprolactinemia
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Premature ovarian failure (early menopause)
Hyperandrogenism presenting in non-obese adolescent
CAH: 21-hydroxylase deficiency
(elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone)
Estrogen/Pregnancy & Thyroid Function
Estrogen increases TBG, necessitating increased endogenous thyroid production or increased levothyroxine dosing requirements in hypothyroid pts to achieve same level of free T4.
Prolonged glucocorticoid therapy can lead to
Central adrenal insufficiency (low [suppressed] ACTH secretion, low cortisol, normal aldosterone due to regulation by RAAS, not HPA axis)
Best markers to track resolution of DKA
Serum anion gap or beta-hydroxybutyrate levels
AG estimates unmeasured anion concentration in blood & returns to nml w/ disappearance of ketoacid anions
Enlarged hands and feet
(excessive GH secretion from pituitary somatotroph adenoma)
- +Coarsening facial features
- +OSA
- +Concentric LVH
Leading cause of death in acromegaly pts
Cardiovascular disease
Ease of bruising + hyperglycemia
Think Cushing syndrome
HTN + Hypokalemia vs. Hypotension + Hyperkalemia
Primary Hyperaldosteronism vs. Primary Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison Disease) respectively
- Hyperaldo β HTN, Na+ reabsorption, K+ loss
- PAI β Low aldosterone: Decreased Na+ reabsorption, increased K+
Hyperglycemia in Cushing is due to
Hypercortisolism-induced gluconeogenesis (physiological stress response)
Hypernatremia + increased serum Osm
Diabetes Insipidus
(central vs. nephrogenic): Too low ADH
Necrotic migratory erythema rash (w/ central clearing in thighs)
(+ hyperglycemia)
Predisposition in pts with Hashimoto
Thyroid lymphoma
(presents w/ rapidly progressive thyroid enlargement)
Wt gain, psychiatric sx, hirsutism, HTN, hyperglycemia
(Cushing syndrome)
- Dx: Low THen High
Most common cause of primary adrenal insufficiency in developed countries
Autoimmune adrenalitis
(Addison disease)
- Associated w/ other autoimmune diseases, e.g. Hashimoto Thyroiditis
Plaques w/ central clearing & blistering; crusting & scaling at borders
Necrolytic migratory erythema
- Usually in the thighs
Pancreatic tumor w/ elevated glucagon levels (>500)
Carcinoid syndrome diagnosis
Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody
Serum marker for T1DM predisposition
(pancreatic islet autoantibodies)
Palliation of anorexia to improve appetite & wt gain in cancer-related anorexia/cachexia syndrome
Progesterone analogs
(Megestrol acetate orβ Medroxyprogesterone acetate)
Diabetic w/ low blood sugars after meals
Diabetic Gastroparesis
(give metoclopramide)
Diabetic w/ early satiety
(2/2 diabetic autonomic neuropathy of the GI tract)
- Tx: Metoclopramide
Severe hyperglycemia (>1000) without acidosis
(Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State)
- Tx: IVF (Normal Saline) + slow IV Insulin
Hypercalcemia + Lymphoma
Due to increased 1,25-VitD from extrarenal production
(also seen in sarcoidosis)
Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein
Think Cancer-related hypercalcemia
(mimics PTH):
- SCC of lung, renal/bladder, or breast/ovarian cancer
- Released by SCC of lung, causing Humoral Hypercalcemia of Malignancy
Severe, rapid-onset hypercalcemia + hypophosphatemia + smoker
Humoral Hypercalcemia of Malignancy
(SCC of the lung) due to release of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) by tumor cells
Low T3, Normal T4, Normal TSH
Euthyroid sick syndrome
(usually in setting of acute, severe illness)
Riedelβs Thyroiditis
Fibrous thyroiditis
(Fibrosclerosis of thyroid causing hard goiter + hypothyroidism)
Euthyroid sick syndrome
βLow T3 syndromeβ:
Decreased peripheral 5β-deiodination of T4 due to caloric deprivation in setting of acute, severe illness
Pt w/ fever + sore throat within 90d of starting antithyroid drugs (propylthiouracil or methimazole)
DISCONTINUE PTU or MMI and check WBCs (agranulocytosis is a feared but uncommon side effect)
Does primary hyperaldosterone cause peripheral edema?
Not significantly, due to aldosterone escape
Tx for BL adrenal hyperplasia
(aldosterone antagonists): Spironolactone, Eplerenone
Recurrent pregnancy loss + thyroid disease
Antithyroid peroxidase antibodies
(Hashimoto Thyroiditis; Anti-TPO Abs)
think high ACTH
(Cushing vs. ectopic ACTH-producing tumor)
Easy bruising, myopathy, virilization, lanugo hair
Cushing syndrome
Dx of Primary Adrenal Insufficiency
ACTH Stimulation Test
(then cortisol and aldosterone measured)
Tx of Primary Adrenal Insufficiency
(Addisonβs disease)
Cortisol, Aldosterone, and Testosterone
Cravings for salty foods, N/V, fatigue, dizziness, syncopal episodes, hypovolemia
Primary adrenal insufficiency
- Low aldosterone - hyponatremia, hypovolemia, hyperkalemia
- Low cortisol - Elevated ACTH, hyperpigmentation
- Low adrenal-produced testosterone - decreased sex drive in women
Hyperpigmentation + fatigue + dizziness
Primary adrenal insufficiency
(elevated ACTH due to low adrenal production of cortisol)
Addisonian Crisis
Acute primary adrenal insufficiency
(injury, surgery, infection)
- Sudden pain in back, abd, or legs
- Dehydration from Vomiting, Diarrhea
- Syncope from Low BP
- Can be fatal
Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome
Acute adrenal insufficiency when sudden increase in BP causes blood vessels in adrenal cortex to rupture β> ischemia, adrenal gland failure
Multiple gastric ulcers + dyspepsia
(pancreatic tail tumor) Tx
- IVF (volume repletion)
- Octreotide (for diarrhea)
- Surgical resection
Watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorhydria, facial flushing & pancreatic tail tumor
(Tx: Surgical)
HTN, hyperglycemia, weight gain, proximal muscle weakness
Cushing syndrome
- Exogenous glucocorticoid intake
- SCLC (ectopic ACTH)
- Pituitary adenoma (Cushing disease [ACTH-producing])
Galactorrhea + amenorrhea + vaginal dryness
(dryness due to prolactin inhibition of LH secretion)
Basal ganglia lesion
Parkinson disease
Difficulty combing hair
Proximal muscle weakness
- Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis (normal DTRs)
- Glucocorticoid use/Cushing disease
- Hypothyroidism/Hyperthyroidism
MG/Lambert-Eaton syndrome Basal ganglia lesion
Parkinson disease
Effects of CKD on Ca, Phos, VitD
Inadequate phosphate excretion, decreased conversion to 1,25-hydroxyvitamin D
(Elevated Phos, Low Ca, Elevated PTH, Low active VitD)
Positive sx in diabetic neuropathy
(pain, paresthesias)
Small nerve fiber neuropathy
Negative sx in diabetic neuropathy
(sensory loss)
Large nerve fiber neuropathy
(late; leads to foot ulcers)
Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies
Hashimoto thyroiditis vs. Painless
(silent) thyroiditis
Tx for painless
(silent) thyroiditis
(BBs for symptoms)
RET proto-oncogene mutation
MEN2A or 2B
Neuroendocrine parafollicular C cell malignancy
Medullary thyroid cancer
(Calcitonin-producing tumor)
- Primary hyperParathyroidism
- Pituitary tumors
- Pancreatic tumors (or gastrinomas)
- Medullary Thyroid Cancer (calcitonin)
- Parathyroid hyperplasia
- Pheochromocytoma
- Medullary Thyroid Cancer (calcitonin)
- Pheochromocytoma
- Mucosal neuromas/Marfanoid habitus
Diuretics that increase calcium resorption
Polyuria, polydipsia, shortening of QT interval
Symptomatic hypercalcemia and AKI from excessive calcium intake
Milk-Alkali Syndrome
(often seen in OTC-treated osteoporosis)
Thyroid storm is often triggered by
- Surgery
- Trauma
- Infection
- Iodine Contrast
- Childbirth
Lid lag + normal reflexes
Lid lag + absent reflexes
Malignant hyperthermia tx
T cell activation and stimulation of orbital fibroblasts
Graves Ophthalmopathy
Autoantibodies against ACh receptors
Myasthenia Gravis
(on the motor endplate)
Increases sensitivity to catecholamines
Thyroid hormone
Acid/Base in hyperaldosteronism
Metabolic alkalosis
(due to aldosterone-induced H+ loss)
Increased aldosterone, decreased renin
Primary Hyperaldosteronism
(Presents w/ HTN + hypokalemia)
- Aldosterone-producing tumor, or
- BL adrenal hyperplasia
PCOS increases risk for
Metabolic syndrome
- T2DM
- Dyslipidemia
Dx of Carcinoid Syndrome
Elevated 24hr urinary 5-HIAA
Tx for Carcinoid Syndrome
Carcinoid cells cause increased production of serotonin from tryptophan, resulting in ____ deficiency
(tryptophan is required for niacin synthesis) β> Pellagra (dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia)
At risk for autoimmune thyroid disease
(e.g. Graves)
Marfanoid habitus + thyroid cancer
Defective formation of type 1 collagen
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Low bone mass w/ normal mineralization
Marker of bone formation
Alkaline phosphatase
Symmetric pseudofractures (looser zones) on x-ray
(VitD deficiency)
Hypophosphatemia > Hypocalcemia; Elevated PTH & alk phos
Vitamin D Deficiency
(Osteomalacia / Rickets)
Follicular thyroid carcinoma vs. benign follicular adenomas
Invasion of tumor capsule and/or blood vessels
Thyroid carcinoma that metastasizes via hematogenous spread to distant tissues (e.g. bone, lung)
Follicular thyroid carcinoma
Thyroid tumor + elevated calcitonin
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
(secreted by parafollicular cells)
Slow spreading thyroid cells with large cells w/ ground glass cytoplasm, pale nuclei w/ inclusion bodies and central grooving, and lamellated calcifications
Papillary thyroid cancer
Psammoma bodies
Papillary thyroid cancer vs. Papillary breast carcinoma
HTN + hypokalemia
Think hyperaldosteronism
(check Plasma aldosterone/renin ratio to differentiate primary vs. secondary vs. non-aldosterone causes)
Progressively worsening proximal muscle weakness, ptosis, dry mouth
Lambert-Eaton syndrome
Proximal muscle wasting
Cushing syndrome
(Dexamethasone suppression test)
Episodic HA, sweating, palpitations + tachycardia
Elevated IGF-1, next step?
Oral Glucose Suppression Test
(glucose should suppress GH secretion)
Coarse facial features, arthralgias, uncontrolled HTN, hyperhidrosis, digit enlargement, carpal tunnel syndrome
(excessive GH secretion 2/2 pituitary somatotroph adenoma) β> Check IGF-1 levels
Acromegaly Dx
Elevated IGF-1 levels
(GH-stimulated hepatic secretion)
- GH varies widely throughout day and is not reliable
Acute-onset hirsutism
Androgen-secreting neoplasm of ovary or adrenal glands:
- Ovarian tumor (Elevated Testosterone, Normal DHEAS)
- Adrenal tumor (Normal Testosterone, Elevated DHEAS)
Prolactinoma therapy
Dopaminergic agonists
(cabergoline, bromocriptine)
Radioactive iodine uptake in Graves disease
(hormone overproduction)
Radioactive iodine uptake in painless thyroiditis
(release of preformed hormone)
Radioactive iodine uptake in subacute thyroiditis
(post-viral & painful; hormone overproduction)
Decreased RAIU (radioactive iodine uptake)
Release of preformed hormone
- Painless thyroiditis
- Subacute thyroiditis (post-viral)
Myalgias, proximal muscle weakness, elevated CK, delayed reflexes
Hypothyroid myopathy
(Polymyositis has nml DTRs)
Chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla
Catecholamine surge due to anesthesia
Despite normal to elevated serum potassium levels in DKA or HHS, pts have
total body potassium deficit due to excessive urinary loss caused by hyperglycemia-induced osmotic diuresis.
- Provide potassium after IV insulin/fluids administration
Fetal hyperthyroidism
Graves disease
(TSHR antibodies cross placenta)
Untreated hyperthyroid pts are at greatest risk for
- Bone loss from chronically increased osteoclastic activity
- AFib or other cardiac arrhythmias
Stones, Bones, Abd Moans, Psychiatric Overtones
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
(elevated calcium & PTH)
Tx of hypoparathyroidism
- IV Calcium Gluconate (severe)
- PO Calcium (mild-moderate)
Tx of primary hyperparathyroidism
- Surgery (parathyroidectomy) - first line
- Diuretics (except thiazide!!)
Tx of Toxic Adenoma or Toxic Multinodular Goiter (MNG)
BBs (symptomatic tx)
Thionamide (reduce thyroid hormone levels) - propylthiouracil, methimazole
Surgery vs. Radioiodine ablation (definitive tx)
Hypocalcemia, High PTH, Hyperphosphatemia, low urinary cAMP
(end-organ resistance to PTH)
Hypoparathyroidism is most commonly due to
Head & Neck surgery
Elevated calcium & elevated PTH
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Low renin + elevated aldosterone
Primary Hyperaldosteronism
(Conn syndrome: excess aldosterone due to adrenal adenoma vs. BL adrenal hyperplasia)
Na+, K+, & acid/base in hyperaldosteronism
- Hypernatremia
- Hypokalemia
- Metabolic alkalosis (due to H+ secretion and hypokalemia-induced bicarbonate resorption)
Conn syndrome leads to metabolic
Elevated aldosterone + adrenal mass
Conn syndrome
(too much aldosterone 2/2 adrenal adenoma or BL adrenal hyperplasia)
Muscle weakness and decreased exercise tolerance
Cardiac effects of hyperthyroidism
- Chronotropic (tachycardia)
- Inotropic (Systolic HTN & widened PP) 2/2 increased contractility & cardiac output
Prussian blue+ on urine
G6PD Deficiency
Cause of refractory hypokalemia
Common cause of hypocalcemia in hospitalized alcoholics
(decreases PTH and induces resistance to PTH)
Slows progression of diabetic nephropathy
- ACE-I (Tight BP control)
- Tight glucose control
Low thyroglobulin in hyperthyroid state
Exogenous or factitious thyrotoxicosis
C-peptide is to insulin as ____ is to T3 & T4
(elevation indicates endogenous release)
Synthesized and formed in thyroid follicle cell with iodinated tyrosine (T3 and T4) before breaking down into T3, T4, and amino acids to diffuse out from follicular cells into circulation
Thyroid cancer order of prognosis
Papillary > Follicular > Medullary > Anaplastic
(often fatal)
Thyroid suppression drugs
(Propylthiouracil or Methimazole)
Post-radiation cancer of thyroid
Papillary carcinoma
HΓΌrthle Cell Tumor
A more aggressive variant of follicular thyroid carcinoma w/ lymphatic spread
Elevated ratio of alpha-subunit to TSH
Pituitary adenoma
(Beta-subunit is thyroid-specific; alpha-subunit is pituitary specific)
Malignancy that produces calcitonin
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
(Parafollicular cells [C cells] are the calcitonin-producing cells)
If thyroid medullary carcinoma, screen for ___
Pheochromocytoma (MEN2)
Most common thyroid cancer
Papillary carcinoma
- Least aggressive, excellent prognosis
- Hx of radiation to head/neck
- Positive iodine uptake
Thyroid cystic masses are not malignant if
>4cm diameter
FNA is reliable for all thyroid cancers except ___
follicular neoplasms β>
Thus surgery is always indicated in follicular FNA results
___ nodules more likely to be malignant on thyroid scan
Cold nodules (20%) β> Surgery
Fever, elevated ESR, painful tender thyroid gland
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis
(βde Quervainβs thyroiditisβ)
- Usually post-viral (HLA-B35)
- Hyperthyroid state β> Hypothyroid state
- Low RAI uptake (damaged thyroid follicular cells)
- Elevated T4 & T3 (at first), low TSH
Antithyroid peroxidase antibodies
Hashimoto thyroiditis
autoimmune hypothyroidism w/ transient initial hyperthyroid phase)
99% of circulating T4 is bound to:
- Transthyretin
- Albumin
Increases T4-Binding Globulin levels (TBG) [w/ normal free T4, elevated total T4]
- Estrogen
- Hepatitis (acute)
- Meds (Tamoxifen) β
Decreases T4-Binding Globulin levels (TBG) [w/ normal free T4]
- Elevated cortisol or glucocorticoid use
- Hypoproteinemia
- Meds (Niacin, high-dose androgens)
TSH, Free T4 in Graves
Elevated Free T4, Decreased TSH
Calcium, phosphate, PTH in vitD deficiency
- PTH elevated (secondary hyperparathyroidism)
- Normal calcium
- Normal to low phosphate
Vitamin D deficiency is diagnosed by measuring:
25 hydroxyvitamin D
Calcium & PTH in primary hyperparathyroidism
Renal failure leads to phosphate
- Decreases Ca2+
- Increases PTH
Renal failure leads to Phosphate Retention (hyperphosphatemia from decreased GFR, decreased renal phosphate excretion). Effects on calcium and PTH?
Hypocalcemia + Increased PTH
- Increased phosphate/calcium binding β> Hypocalcemia β> Increased PTH
- Directly stimulates increased PTH production
- Decreases renal production of calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) β> Decreased intestinal calcium absorption β> Hypocalcemia β> Increased PTH
Hypocalcemia + hyperphosphatemia + Increased PTH
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism 2/2 Renal Failure
Use ____ w/ Radioactive Iodine Ablation in Graves disease due to risk of ____
- Use glucocorticoids w/ RAI due to risk of worsening of Graves ophthalmopathy 2/2 increased TRAB titers
- Use Propylthiouracil or Methimazole w/ RAI due to risk of radiation-induced hyperthyroidism
Thyrotropin Receptor Antibodies (TRAB)
Graves autoimmune disease
(TSH receptor antibodies)
Graves ophthalmopathy MOA
Thyrotropin receptor antibody damage to TSH receptors on retro-orbital fibroblasts and adipocytes
First line hyperthyroidism Tx (e.g. Graves)
Propylthiouracil or Methimazole
Antithyroid drug for Graves or hyperthyroidism
(along with methimazole)
Lid lag
(e.g. Graves)
Insulin effect on K+
Pushes K into cells
- Can cause hypokalemia (C BIG K)
- Via enhancing activity of Na/K ATPase in skeletal muscle
Insulin effect on cells
- Increases hepatic glycogen stores (increased glycogenesis, decreased glycogenolysis)
- Increases glycogen storage in adipocytes and skeletal muscle
- Increases protein synthesis in skeletal muscle
Insulin inserts ___ into peripheral tissue membrane of adipose & muscle cells
GLUT4 transporter
Indicates endogenous insulin production
(pancreatic beta cells are producing their own insulin)
A1C goal in pts w/ risk of hypoglycemia
A1C goal in diabetics
Benefit of intensive glycemic control in diabetes (A1C <6.5%)
Less microvascular complications
(retinopathy, nephropathy)
Pretibial myxedema
Graves disease
(or can be Hashimoto)
Nonpitting swelling of the skin and underlying tissues giving a waxy consistency
(severe hypothyroidism)
- Due to deposition of mucopolysaccharides in dermis
- Mucopolysaccharides include glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate
Hoarseness in hypothyroidism
Due to:
- Vocal cord thickening from mucopolysaccharide build-up due to low T4 levels (same path as myxedema)
- Thyroid cyst, nodule, or inflammation (Hashimoto)
- Can present as βfullness in throatβ
Free T4, Serum cortisol, and Aldosterone in panhypopituitarism
Low, Low, Normal
Hypercortisolism (Cushing) work-up
Low THen High
- Low-dose dexamethasone suppression test
- ACTH level
- High-dose dexamethasone suppression test
Distinguishes post-anesthesia pheochromocytoma vs. thyroid storm
Fever = Thyroid storm (pyrexia)
No fever = Pheo
Dawn Phenomenon
Increased fasting hyperglycemia in early morning hours
(2/2 diurnal increase in counterregulatory hormones)
Insulin preparations, fast to slow acting
- Lispro (fast-acting; post-prandial)
- Aspart (fast-acting; post-prandial)
- Glulisine (fast-acting; post-prandial)
- Regular Insulin
- Detemir
- Glargine (basal; peakless coverage; ~24 hrs)
3 therapies for Graves disease (TRAb autoimmune disease) are:
- Antithyroid Rx (MMI or PTU)
- Thyroidectomy
When is Antithyroid Rx indicated?
- Mild disease
- Pregnant
- Older w/ limited life expectancy
- Otherwise, always treat w/ RAI or Thyroidectomy
- Use w/ beta blocker for hyperthyroid sx*
- beta blockers alone if only thyrotoxic phase of silent or painless thyroiditis (Hashimoto/anti-TPO)*
Calcium levels in CKD
- due to decreased renal production of vitamin D
Adrenal hemorrhage occurs in
- Warfarin user w/ acute stress (e.g. sepsis) even if within INR range
- Meningococcemia (children)
- Pseudomonas sepsis (children)
Cosyntropin Test
ACTH Stimulation Test
(Cosyntropin = ACTH synthetic analog)
- Used to identify pts w/ primary adrenal insufficiency (positive if minimal increase in cortisol)
- If suspecting HYPERcortisolemiaβuse Low THen High diagnostic steps:
- Low dex suppression test
- ACTH level
- High dex suppression test
Treats infertility in PCOS
Clomiphene Citrate
(through ovulation induction)
Stabilizes uterine lining
- Progesterone stimulates endometrial differentiation
Stimulates endometrial differentiation
- Estrogen stabilizes uterine lining
Pancreatic tail tumor
- +watery diarrhea (secretory)
- +hypokalemia
- +episodic flushing in face
- Age 30-50yo
- Can have MEN1 (PPP: Pituitary, Parathyroid, Pancreatic/Gastric neuroendocrine tumors)
- +Hypercalcemia (increased bone resorption)
- +Achlorydia (or hypochlorydiaβdue to decreased gastric acid secretion)
- Confirmation: VIP level >75 (vasoactive intestinal peptide)
Elevated free T4 + low thyroglobulin
Exogenous hormone intake (or factitious)
Autoimmune disorder of the exocrine glands
SjΓΆgren Syndrome
- p/w dry eyes, dry mouth, & dysphagia w/ solids
- ANA+
- Usually younger pts; if older pt, more likely age-related sicca syndrome (age-related exocrine gland atrophy of lacrimal & salivary glands, due partially to decreased blink rates, oxidative damage, & use of anticholinergic meds)
Carpopedal spasm

Increased extracellular pH (e.g. respiratory alkalosis) effect on calcium?
Increase in albumin-bound calcium due to alkalosis-induced H+ ion dissociation from albumin, decreasing ionized calcium and thus causing physiologic hypocalcemia
Timing of:
- Maximal gout symptoms after onset of gout flare
- Lyme arthritis onset
- 12-24 hours
- Months after initial infection
Effect of malabsorption on calcium and phosphate
Hypocalcemia & Hypophosphatemia
(+elevated PTH)
- Malabsorption β Vitamin D deficiency
- Vitamin D mediates intestinal calcium & phosphorus absorption
Felty Syndrome
Advanced RA
Purine antimetabolite that treats RA (1st line)
(folate antimetabolite; DMARD; nonbiologic)
- Supplement long-term MTX therapy w/ folate
- ADE:
- Stomatitis (e.g. oral ulcers)
- Hepatitis
- Macrocytic anemia + other cytopenias (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia)
____ is to low-dose methylpred as GCA is to high-dose methylpred
PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica)
Hydroxychloroquine side-effect
Retinal toxicity
- Treats SLE
- Requires ophthalmologic eval & periodic assessment
Lid retraction
Lid lag β Thyroid dysfunction
(sustained lid retraction w/ downward gaze)
MOA of hyperthyroid HTN vs. hypothyroid HTN
- Hyperthyroid HTN: Increased Contractility & CO
- T3 acts directly on cardiomyocytes
- Decreased SVR
- Inotropic & chronotropic
- Hypothyroid HTN: Increased SVR
Rapidly progressive hyperandrogenic Sx in older woman
Ovarian or Adrenal tumor
- Check T & DHEAS levels
- High T + normal DHEAS = ovarian tumor
- High T + high DHEAS = adrenal tumor
- Note: PCOS is diagnosed younger
Joint w/ punched-out erosions w/ a rim of cortical bone on XR
Leading cause of death in acromegaly
Cardiovascular effects of acromegaly
Concentric myocardial hypertrophy
- +HTN
- +HF
- +Valvular disease (MR & AR)
Rapidly enlarging, firm goiter w/ compressive sx in pt w/ Hashimoto thyroiditis
Thyroid lymphoma
- Gland fixed to surrounding structures (does not move up when swallowing)
- Facial plethora from retrosternal tumor extension causing venous compression
- Pemberton sign: more prominent venous distension & facial redness w/ raising arms 2/2 compression of subclavian vein & R internal jugular vein
- Doughnut sign on CT: diffuse enlargement of the thyroid around the trachea
- Papillary thyroid cancer is SLOWLY enlarging & solitary, rather than rapid & diffuse
Reidel thyroiditis
Fibrosis of thyroid gland
(chronic & slowly progressive)
Proximal Muscle Weakness DDx
(Short List - covers most but not all)
(βMs. Tennesseeβ canβt reach the cookie jar = Ms. TN)
- Myositis: Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis
- Steroids: Glucocorticoids/Cushing
- Thyroid: Hypo-/Hyperthyroidism
Effect of hypothyroidism on cholesterol levels
Hypothyroidism INCREASES cholesterol levels
(Increased Total cholesterol & LDL)
- LDL is not broken down & removed as efficiently as usual
Posterior Pituitary hormones
- Oxytocin (released from paraventricular nucleus)
- ADH (released from supraoptic nucleus)
Note: Posterior pituitary is neurally-mediated

Anosmia + delayed puberty
Kallmann Syndrome
- Tx: Pulsatile GnRH therapy
Acanthosis nigricans occurs due to
Pituitary stalk compression 2/2 craniopharyngioma (benign, slow-growing, calcified suprasellar tumor) in 5-14yo
- Growth failure in children (β TSH or GH)
- Pubertal delay in children (βLH & FSH)
- Sexual dysfunction in adults (β ADH)
Give this with antibiotics to reduce the risk of sensorineural hearing loss in Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis