Rheumatology Flashcards
- Chronic autoimmune inflammation of synovial joints
- inflammation of synovial lining, tendon sheaths, bursae
- symmetrical polyarthritis - 5+ joints affected
- joint pain
- stiffness - >30mins in morning, better with activity
- inflammation - red, hot, swollen
- fatigue, malaise, wt loss, myalgia
- symmetrical distal polyarthritis - small joints of hands / feet
- ankle, knee, hips, shoulders, c-spine
- atlanto-axial subluxation
Hand sx
- wrist, MCP, PIP, MTP joints affected
- swan neck (flexed DIP)
- Boutonniere (flexed PIP)
- z thumb
- ulnar deviation
- subluxation
- positive squeeze test - MCP/MTP joints
Extra-articular sx
- pulm fibrosis
- Felty’s syndrome - RA + neutropenia + splenomegaly
- Sjogren’s
- anaemia chronic disease
- CV disease
- rheumatoid nodules
- lymphadenopathy
- amyloidosis
- bronchiolitis obliterans
- Caplan syndrome - pulmonary nodules
Eye sx
- Dry eye syndrome – keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- episcleritis, scleritis, keratitis
- cataracts (steroids)
- retinopathy
- FBC, CRP/ESR, RF, anti-CCP
- XR - LESS - loss of joint space, erosions (bony), soft tissue swelling, soft bones
- US / MRI - if synovitis unclear
- HAQ / DAS28 scoring systems
- physio, podiatry
- DAS28, CRP to monitor tx
- paracetamol, NSAIDs
- prednisolone - at initial px / starting new tx / flares
- DMARDs - methotrexate, sulfasalazine, leflunomide, hydroxychloroquine
- biological therapy - infliximab / etanercept (TNF inhibitors), rituximab (anti-CD20)
- surgery
- pregnancy - hydroxychloroquine / sulfasalazine + folic acid
Psoriatic arthritis
- inflammatory arthritis with psoriasis
- HLAB27, RF-
5 patterns of disease
- Asymmetrical oligoarthritis – 1-4 joints, one side of body
- Symmetrical polyarthritis – like RA
- DIP predominant pattern – primarily DIP joints affected
- Spondylitis – back stiffness, pain – axial skeleton – spine + SI joints
- Arthritis mutilans – phalanges – osteolysis (destruction), shortening of digits – telescoping digit
PsA Px
- joint pain, swelling, stiffness
- psoriatic plaques on skin - knees, elbows, behind ear, scalp
- nail pitting
- onycholysis
- dactylitis
- enthesitis
PsA Ix
- bloods - RF-, high ESR/CRP
- Psoriasis Epidemiological Screening Tool (PEST)
- XR - erosions central in joint (pencil in cup deformity), periostitis, ankylosis, osteolysis, dactylitis
PsA Mx
- physio, exercise, surgery
- steroids - can be intra-articular
- anti-TNF
- ustekinumab
Reactive arthritis
- joint inflammation in autoimmune response to infection
- HLAB27
- Post-STI - SARA - sexually acquired reactive arthritis
ReA Px
- <4wks of infection, may last 4-6mo
- asymmetrical joint pain, warm, red, stiff, swollen
- malaise, fatigue, fever
- dactylitis
- mouth ulcers
- Reiter’s - bl conjunctivitis, anterior uveitis, urethritis, enthesitis / arthritis
- skin changes, nail dystrophy
ReA Ix
- bloods - ESR / CRP raised
- STI screen, GUM referral
- stool culture
- XR - enthesitis
- joint aspiration - MC+S, crystal examination
ReA Mx
- steroid injection
- tx infection
- if sx >6mo - DMARDs, anti-TNF
Ankylosing spondylitis
- inflammatory arthritis of axial skeleton - spine + SI joints
- HLAB27
- enthesitis inflammation, syndesmophyte formation, fibrosis + ossification, ankylosis
- lover back pain, stiffness
- pain at night, worse in morning, >30mins, improves with movt
- peripheral arthritis 1-2 joints
- kyphosis
Extraarticular features
- Anterior uveitis
- Amyloidosis
- Apical lung fibrosis
- Aortic regurg
- AV node block
- Achilles tendonitis
- Anaemia of chronic disease
- Sausage digit (dactylitis)
- Psoriasis
- Inflammatory back pain
- NSAID good response
- Enthesitis (heel)
- Arthritis
- Crohn’s/colitis/elevated CRP (but can be normal)
- HLAB27
- Eye (uveitis)
- Schober’s - reduced spinal flexion
- Bloods - raised ESR/CRP, anaemia, HLAB27+
- spirometry - restrictive
- XR spine/sacrum - sacroiliitis, fusion of joints, ossification, subchondral sclerosis, squaring of vertebrae, bamboo spine, syndesmophites
- CXR - apical fibrosis
- MRI - bone marrow oedema
- Exercise, OT/PT, stop smoking
- Anti-TNF, MAbs, JAK inhibitor
- intra-articular steroids
- surgery - joint deformity
- soft bones - decreased bone mineral content + low vit D
- uncalcified osteoid + cartilage
Osteomalacia causes
- vit D deficiency
- Drugs - AEDs
- liver cirrhosis
- tumour induced
Osteomalacia Px
- bone pain
bone / muscle tenderness - fractures - eg femoral neck
- proximal myopathy - waddling gait
Osteomalacia Ix
- bloods - low 25-OH vit D (low 1,25-OH vit D in renal failure), low Ca, phos, raised ALP, high PTH
- XR - translucent bands - Looser’s zones
- DEXA scan - low bone mineral density
- (biopsy)
Osteomalacia Mx
- vit D supplementation - colecalciferol / calcitriol
- Ca supplementation
- low bone mass -> fragile bones, fractures
- osteopenia - less severe, reduced bone mass
- hip, vertebral, colles - common
- post-menopause - lack of oestrogen -> increased bone turnover (resorption>formation)
Osteoporosis RFs
- older
- female
- post-menopause
- reduced mobility / activity
- low BMI
- low Ca / vit D intake
- alcohol, smoking
- Hx / FHx fractures
- chronic disease - CKD, hyperthyroid, RA, Cushing’s
- testosterone deficiency - hypogonadism
- long-term steroids
- Meds - SSRIs, PPIs, AEDs, anti-oestrogens, Depo-provera
Osteoporosis Px
- asym
- increased fractures
Osteoporosis Ix
- QFracture Tool
- DEXA scan (femoral neck) - >-1 normal, -1 to -2.5 osteopenia, <-2.5 osteoporosis, +# is severe osteoporosis
- XR
- for secondary causes - FBC, U/E, CRP/ESR, bone profile, TFT, LFTs
- > 75yo with fragility# + suspected osteoporosis - start on bisphosphonate (<75yo, will need FRAX / DEXA)
Osteoporosis Mx
- healthy weight, exercise, stop smoking, reduce alcohol
- adequate vit D / Ca intake
- Tx if T<-2.5
- bisphosphonates - alendronate
- denosumab
- teriparatide
- raloxifene
- strontium ranelate
- > 75yo with fragility# + suspected osteoporosis - start on bisphosphonate (<75yo, will need FRAX / DEXA)
Paget’s disease of bone
- focal bone remodelling due to increased bone turnover
- increased osteoclast/blast activity, new bone weaker, fibrous
- skull, spine/pelvis, femurs
Paget’s Px
- asym 60-80%
- bone pain
- bowing of tibia, bossing of skull
Paget’s Ix
- Bloods - raised ALP
- raised urinary hydroxyproline
- XR - local bony enlargement, sclerotic changes, osteolytic areas, skull (thickened vault, osteolytic lesions, cotton wool appearance)
- bone scintigraphy
Paget’s Mx
- bisphosphonates
- calcitonin
- analgesia - NSAIDs
- Ca / vit D supplements
- surgery - fracture / deformity
- monitor with ALP / sx
- joint inflammation due to deposition of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in joint
- high serum uric acid levels (from purines)
Gout causes
Decreased excretion
- drugs - thiazides
- lead toxicity
- alcohol
- obesity
- DM
Increased production
- high purine diet - meat, seafood
- hyperlipidaemia
- alcohol
RFs - male, FHx, CVD
Gout Px
- acute flare episodes
- pain
- swelling
- erythema
- most 1st MTPJ, also 1st MCPJ, ankle, wrist, knee
- gouty tophi - hands, elbows, ears
Gout Ix
- serum uric acid
- Joint aspiration - MC+S, polarised light microscopy - needle shaped negatively birefringent crystals
- XR - joint effusion, punched out erosions, sclerotic margins, lytic lesions in bone, joint space preserved
Gout Mx
Acute flares
- colchicine
- oral steroids - prednisolone
- consider intra-articular steroids
- lose weight, hydrate, minimise purine intake, alcohol
- allopurinol
- febuxostat
- don’t start until >4wks after attack, continue during future attacks
- acute inflammation of joint from deposition of calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) crystals
- > 65yo
- in younger pts - HHC, hyperparathyroid, low Mg, low phos, acromegaly, Wilson’s
Pseudogout Px
- asym
- pain, stiffness, swelling, hot joint
- knee, shoulder, hip, wrist
Pseudogout Ix
- joint aspiration - MC+S, polarised light microscopy - positively birefringent rhomboids
- XR - chondrocalcinosis, loss of joint space, osteophytes, sclerosis, cysts
Pseudogout Mx
- colchicine
- intra-articular steroid injection / oral steroids
- syndrome of widespread chronic pain, specific tenderness
Fibromyalgia Px
- chronic pain - specific sites / all over
- lethargy
- cognitive impairment - fibro fog
- sleep disturbance, headaches, dizziness
Fibromyalgia Ix
- clinical dx
- America College of Rheumatology - criteria - lists 18 tender points - if tender in 11/18, dx more likely
Fibromyalgia Mx
- Educate about condition
- Aerobic exercise
- Pregabalin, duloxetine, amitriptyline
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- inflammatory autoimmune multi-system disorder
SLE Patho
- relapsing-remitting - flares of worse sx
- Anti-nuclear ABs (ANA) - auto-ABs against cell nucleus -> chronic inflammatory response
- T3 hypersensitivity - immune complex deposition
- flare triggers - sun, oestrogen, pregnancy, drugs, infection, stress
Drug-induced lupus
- eg procainamide, hydralazine, isoniazid, phenytoin
- arthralgia, myalgia, malar rash, pleurisy
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Fever
- Lymphadenopathy
- Mouth ulcers
- Splenomegaly
- Photosensitive malar rash
- Raynaud’s
- Hair loss
- Livedo reticularis
- Discoid rash
- arthralgia (polyarticular), Jacoud’s arthropathy
- arthritis
- myalgia
- pericarditis
- myocarditis
- pleuritic CP
- proteinuria
- glomerulonephritis / oedema
- anxiety, depression
- psychosis
- seizures
- auto-AB screen - ANA, anti-dsDNA, anti-Sm
- FBC - anaemia, low WCC/platelets
- low C3/4
- urinalysis, urine protein:creatinine ratio
- renal biopsy
- sunscreen / avoid sun
- hydroxychloroquine
- steroids - prednisolone
- biological - rituximab, belimumab
- CV disease
- Infection
- Anaemia
- Pericarditis
- Pleuritis
- Interstitial lung disease
- Lupus nephritis
- Neuropsychiatric SLE - inflammation in CNS - optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, psychosis
- Recurrent miscarriage
Discoid lupus erythematosus
- autoimmune chronic skin condition
- follicular keratin plugs
- <5% progress to SLE
- erythematous, raised rash, +/- scaly
- photosensitive
- face, neck, ears, scalp
- lesions heal with atrophy, scarring, pigmentation, alopecia
- skin biopsy
- topical steroid cream
- hydroxychloroquine
- avoid sun exposure
Systemic sclerosis
- autoimmune disorder - inflammation + fibrosis of connective tissues
- increased fibroblast activity + collagen deposition
- hardening of skin
Limited cutaneous SSc
Diffuse cutaneous SSc
- CREST and internal organs
SSc Px
- hardening of skin - shiny/tight
Limited - CREST
- calcinosis
- Raynaud’s
- (o)esophageal dysmotility - reflux/dysphagia
- sclerodactyly
- telangiectasia
- CV - HTN, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias
- Lung - pulm HTN, pulm fibrosis - dry cough, SOB
- Kidney - glomerulonephritis, scleroderma renal crisis (HTN, renal failure)
SSc Ix
- bloods - anaemia, raised ESR, auto-ABs - anti-centromere (limited), anti-Scl-70 (diffuse), RF+, ANA+
- urinalysis - AKI, proteinuria
- CXR, hand XR, barium swallow, HRCT
- nailfold capillaroscopy
- Mx raynauds
- stop smoking, emollients, OT/PT
- PPI, analgesia, abx, ACEi,
- bosentan, sildenafil
- IV iloprost - digital ulcers
- cyclophosphamide / pred
- stem cell transplant
- episodic vasospasm in fingers (rarely toes) in response to cold/stress
- Raynaud’s disease
- scleroderma, RA, SLE
- leukaemia, cryoglobulinaemia
- vibrating tools
- cervical rib
Factors suggesting connective tissue disease
- > 40yo, unilateral, rashes, auto-ABs, sx of RA / SLE, digital ulcers, calcinosis, abnormal nail-fold capillaries
Raynaud’s Px
- white -> blue -> red discolouration of fingers
- ischaemia -> deoxygenation -> reactive hyperaemia
- usually bilateral
Raynaud’s Mx
- secondary care referral if <12yo, ?secondary, poor sx control
- keep body warm, stop smoking, exercise
- nifedipine
- IV prostacyclin
- losartan, ACEi, sildenafil, fluoxetine
- admit if severe ischaemia
Sjogren’s syndrome
- autoimmune destruction of exocrine glands
- primary / secondary (RA, SLE, SSc)
- lymphocytic infiltration / fibrosis of glands
Sjogren’s Px
- dry eyes - blurry, itchy, red, burning
- dry mouth, caries - cracks/fissures, difficulty swallowing, dry cough
- parotid swelling
- nasal septum crusting/bleeding
- vaginal dryness, dyspareunia
- systemic signs - polyarthritis, Raynaud’s, lymphadenopathy, fatigue, vasculitis
Sjogren’s Ix
- Bloods - anti-Ro, anti-La ABs, RF+ 50%, ANA+ 70%
- Schirmer’s test
Sjogren’s Mx
- artificial tears
- artificial saliva
- vaginal lubricants
- oral pilocarpine
- hydroxychloroquine (consider)
- autoimmune inflammation / necrosis of muscles
- polymyositis - muscle proteins attacked
- dermatomyositis - muscle, skin, other organs attacked
- malignancy association, also Coxsackie, HIV
Myositis Px
- symmetrical progressive proximal muscle weakness - shoulders, hips
- dysphagia, dysphonia, resp failure
- fatigue, myalgia, muscle cramps
- hand fine motor movts affected
- as above
- heliotrope
- periorbital oedema
- Gottron’s sign
- photosensitive erythematous rash on back, shoulders, neck
- GI ulcers, infections
Extra-muscular sx
- fever, arthralgia, Raynaud’s, lung fibrosis
Myositis Ix
- bloods - elevated CK, LDH, aldolase, AST, ALT
- auto-ABs - anti-Jo-1, ANA+ 80%
- muscle biopsy
Myositis Mx
- oral prednisolone
- immunosuppressants - methotrexate, azathioprine
- IV Ig
- biologics - infliximab, etanercept
Behcet’s disease
- complex autoimmune inflammatory condition affecting vessels / tissues
Behcet’s Px
- oral ulcers + genital ulcers + anterior uveitis
- thrombophlebitis, DVT, aneurysms
- arthritis
- Neuro - aseptic meningitis, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
- GI - abdo pain, diarrhoea, colitis
- Skin - erythema nodosum, papules / pustules like acne
- Sx vary, van be relapsing-remitting
Behcet’s Ix
- clinical dx
- positive pathergy test
Behcet’s Mx
- soluble betamethasone tablets - mouth ulcers
- oral prednisolone
- colchicine
- lidocaine ointment - genital ulcers
- immunosuppressants - azathioprine
- biologic - infliximab
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
- Disabling fatigue affecting physical / mental function >50% of the time, in the absence of other disease explaining sx
- Fatigue (suspect after >6wks), >50% of the time
- Sleep problems
- Muscle / joint pains
- Headaches
- Painful lymph nodes, without enlargement
- Sore throat
- Cognitive dysfunction - difficulty thinking, memory impairment
- Sx worse with physical / mental exertion
- Malaise, flu-like sx
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Palpitations
- Bloods to r/o other causes - FBC, U/E, LFTs, glucose, HbA1c, TFT, ESR, CRP, Ca, phosph, CK, ferritin, coeliac screen, urinalysis
- clinical dx
- sx >3mo
- refer to CFS service
- energy management
- physical exercise / activity
- inflammation of blood vessels
- also necrosis, vessel wall destruction, thrombosis, ischaemia
- anaemia, raised ESR
Large vessel
- GCA/temporal arteritis/PMR
- Takayasu’s arteritis
Medium vessel
- polyarteritis nodosa
- Kawasaki’s
Small vessel
ANCA associated
- microscopic polyangiitis (p-ANCA - perinuclear)
- granulomatosis with polyangiitis (c-ANCA - cytoplasmic)
- eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (p-ANCA)
Immune complex
- essential cryoglobulinaemia
- Goodpasture’s
- cutaneous leucocytic vasculitis
Vasculitis general Px
- Joint / muscle pain
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Renal impairment
- Purpura
- Necrotic skin ulcers
- GI sx - diarrhoea, abdo pain, bleeding
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Night sweats
- Wt loss
- Anorexia
- Anaemia
Vasculitis general Ix
- CRP / ESR raised
- check ANCA
Vasculitis general Mx
- steroids
- cyclophosphamide / rituximab
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)
- inflammatory condition causing pain/stiffness in shoulders, pelvic girdle, neck
- GCA associated
- rapid onset days/wks
- sx present >2wks for PMR dx
- pain / stiffness - shoulders, pelvic girdle, neck
- worse in morning/after rest
- sleep interference
- > 45mins morning stiffness
- systemic - wt loss, fatigue, fever
- muscle tenderness
- peripheral oedema
- raised ESR/CRP
- bloods to r/o ddx - FBC, U/E, LFTs, Ca, serum protein electrophoresis, TFTs, CK, RF, urine dip
- consider - ANA, anti-CCP, urine bence-jones, CXR
- oral prednisolone 15mg - reducing regime (may last 1-2yrs)
Long term steroid mx - dont STOP
Don’t - stop abruptly
S - sick day rules - increase dose when unwell
T - Tx card
O - osteoporosis - bisphosphonates, Ca, vit D
P - PPI - omeprazole
Temporal arteritis / GCA
- vasculitis of medium/large arteries
- 50% of GCA pts will have PMR
- ocular cx - from anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy - occlusion of posterior ciliary artery (branch of ophthalmic)
- onset <1mo
- unilateral headache
- jaw claudication
- amaurosis fugax
- scalp tenderness
- tender / thickened artery
- PMR sx
- lethargy, depression, fever, anorexia, night sweats
- muscle tenderness, CTS, peripheral oedema
- raised ESR, maybe CRP
- fundoscopy
- temporal artery biopsy - skip lesions, multinucleated cells
- Duplex USS
- steroids - prednisolone / IV methylpred - wean over 1-2yrs
- ophthal / rheum referrals, maybe vascular
- bisphosphonates, vit D, Ca, PPI
- low dose aspirin
Takayasu’s arteritis
- large vessel vasculitis - aorta, branches, pulmonary arteries
- vessels swell - aneurysms / narrow + block
- <40yo
- fever, malaise, muscle aches
- claudication sx - upper/lower limbs
- unequal BP in limbs
- carotid bruit / tenderness
- absent / weak peripheral pulses
- aortic regurg 20%
- CT / MRI angiography
- steroids
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN)
- medium-vessel vasculitis, necrotising inflammation, aneurysms
- associated with hep B
- fever, malaise, arthralgia, wt loss, HTN
- mononeuritis multiplex
- testicular pain, livedo reticularis, haematuria, renal failure
- MI, stroke, mesenteric arteritis (GI pain), tender, erythematous skin nodules
- pANCA (20%), hep B serology, anaemia, raised WCC/ESR
- Biopsy - eg kidney
- angiography
- ACEi
- prednisolone
- immunosuppression - azathioprine / cyclophosphamide
- tx HBV - antivirals
ANCA-associated vasculitis
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic ABs (ANCA), associated with
- Microscopic polyangiitis – pANCA – perinuclear
- Granulomatosis with polyangiitis – cANCA – cytoplasmic
- Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis – pANCA
Common features
- Renal – immune complex glomerulonephritis -> raised creatinine, haematuria, proteinuria
- Resp – SOB, haemoptysis
- Systemic – fatigue, fever, wt loss
- Vasculitic rash – in minority
- ENT – sinusitis
General Ix
- urinalysis
- bloods - FBC, CRP, ANCA
General Mx
- renal / rheum / resp referral
- kidney / lung biopsies
- immunosuppression
Microscopic polyangiitis
- small vessel vasculitis
- glomerulonephritis -> renal failure - raised creat, haematuria, proteinuria
- lungs - diffuse alveolar haemorrhage, haemoptysis, cough, SOB
- fever, lethargy, myalgia, wt loss
- mononeuritis multiplex
- pANCA in 50-75%, cANCA 40%
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
- Wegener’s granulomatosis - small vessel vasculitis affecting lungs + kidneys
- epistaxis, nose crusting
- saddle-shaped nose
- sinusitis
- hearing loss
- cough, wheeze, haemoptysis
- glomerulonephritis
- vasculitic rash, proptosis, CN lesions
- cANCA+
- renal biopsy
- steroids
- cyclophosphamide
- plasma exchange
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
- Churg-Strauss syndrome
- small vessel vasculitis affecting lungs, skin, kidneys…
- severe asthma
- sinusitis, allergic rhinitis
- mononeuritis multiplex
- FBC - raised eosinophils
Antisynthetase syndrome
Syndrome caused by anti-Jo1 autoABs
Characterised by
- Myositis
- Thickened / cracked skin of hands
- Raynaud’s
Type 1 - anaphylactic
- Ag reacts with IgE bound to mast cells
- anaphylaxis, atopy
Type 2 - cell bound
- IgM / IgG binds to Ag on cell surface
- AIHA, ITP, Goodpasture’s, pernicious anaemia, acute haemolytic transfusion reaction, rheumatic fever
Type 3 - immune complex
- free Ag and Ab (IgG/IgA) combine
- SLE, post-strep glomerulonephritis, EAA
Type 4 - delayed hypersensitivity
- T cell mediated
- TB, graft vs host disease, scabies…
(Type 5 - ABs bind to cell receptors)
- Graves, MG
Langerhans cells histiocytes
Abnormal proliferation of histiocytes – childhood, bony lesions
- Bone pain, typically in the skull or proximal femur
- Cutaneous nodules
- Recurrent otitis media/mastoiditis
- Tennis racket-shaped Birbeck granules on electromicroscopy
McArdle’s disease
- autosomal recessive type V glycogen storage disease
- myophosphorylase deficiency -> decreased muscle glycogenolysis
- Muscle pain, stiffness after exercise
- Muscle cramps
- Myoglobulinuria
- Low lactate during exercise
Still’s disease in adults
- Bimodal age distribution – 15-25yo, 35-46yo
- arthralgia
- salmon pink, maculopapular rash
- fever
- lymphadenopathy
- raised serum ferritin
- RF / ANA -
- Yamaguchi criteria to dx
- Steroids
- consider methotrexate, biologics