Opthalmology Flashcards
Optic nerve damage from rise in IOP
Glaucoma patho
- Imbalance in aq humour production / drainage - usually blockage
- increased pressure on retina / optic nerve - damage to peripheral retina first, then central, cupping of optic disc
- normal pressure 10-21 mmHg
Open angle glaucoma
- chronic
- degeneration of trabecular meshwork -> increased resistance -> increased IOP, degeneration of optic nerve
- older, FHx, black, myopia (near sighted)
Open angle glaucoma Px
- asym - dx on screening
- tunnel vision (lose peripheries)
- pain
- headaches
- blurred vision
- halos around lights (worse at night)
Open angle glaucoma Screening
- strong FHx - every 2yrs from 30yo
- every 5yrs >40yo, every 2yrs >60
Open angle glaucoma Ix
- optic disc cupping - ratio >0.5
- pale disc - atrophy
- vessel bayonetting
- haemorrhage at risk
- vertical thinning
Visual field assessment
- loss of peripheral vision
Non-contact tonometry
- puff of air, estimate IOP (raised)
Goldmann applanation tonometry
- gold std for IOP - device on slit lamp in contact with cornea
Open angle glaucoma Mx
- start when IOP >24
- 360-degree selective laser trabeculoplasty
- Latanoprost eye drops - prostaglandin
- Timolol - BB
- Acetazolamide - carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
- Brimonidine - sympathomimetics
- Trabeculectomy
- plastic tube shunt
- Inform DVLA
Acute angle closure glaucoma (AACG)
- acutely raised IOP from physically obstructed outflow (iridocorneal angle)
Pupillary block
- lens pushes against iris, blocks aq humour flow through pupil, iris / lens pushed anteriorly - closes iridocorneal angle + blocks trabecular meshwork
Closure of outflow angle
- pupil dilates, iris thickens, IC angle reduces, can close spontaneously
- retina damaged from stretching, decreased blood supply
- hyperopic (far-sighted) - shallow anterior chambers
- older, F>M, FHx, Chinese
- meds causing pupil dilation - antihistamines
- red, painful eye
- N+V, headache
- halo around lights
- sx worse with pupil dilatation - eg will be watching TV in dark room
- pupil sluggish + dilated
- eye hard to palpation
- reduced visual acuity
- hazy cornea (oedema)
- tonometry - IOP >60
- gonioscopy - look at angle (lens on slit lamp)
- lie on back w/o pillow, urgent ophthal referral
- timolol - topical BB
- prednisolone
- oral/IV acetazolamide
- oral glycerol + IV mannitol
- pilocarpine - miotic eye drops
- analgesia +/- antiemetics
- laser iridotomy - both eyes
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD)
Degeneration of macula (central retina) -> blindness
ARMD Patho
Degeneration of retinal photoreceptors, formation of drusen, atrophy of retinal pigment epithelium
Dry / atrophic - 90% - early
Drusen, changes in pigmentation of retinal pigment endothelium
Wet / exudative - 10% - late
choroidal neovascularisation, VEGF, oedema, rapid vision loss
older, F>M, smoker, FHx, IHD, HTN, dyslipidaemia, DM
- reduction in visual acuity - near field / central
- worse vision at night
- day to day change in vision
- photopsia - flashing lights
- glare around objects
- visual hallucinations -> Charles-Bonnet syndrome
- Snellen - reduced acuity
- Amsler grid testing - line crooked
- Fundoscopy - Drusen, red patches in wet ARMD
- Slit lamp - pigmentary/exudative/haemorrhagic changes
- colour fundus photography
- fluorescein angiography
- indocyanine green angiograph - see choroidal circulation
- optical coherence tomography (OCT) - 3d retina
- stop smoking, control BP
- zinc, vit A, C, E
- Anti-VEGF
- laser photocoagulation (risk of acute visual loss)
Diabetic retinopathy
Retinal deterioration from blood vessel damage due to high blood sugar levels
Diabetic retinopathy Px
- painless reduction of central vision
- dark painless floaters - haemorrhages
- painless visual loss - severe haemorrhage
Diabetic retinopathy Ix
- visual acuity
- spots in red reflex - vitreous haemorrhage
- fundoscopy
- dilated retinal photography + ophthalmoscopy
- OCT / fluorescein angiography
Diabetic retinopathy Mx
- optimise BMs, BP, lipids, healthy diet, stop smoking
- anti-VEGF
- observation / panretinal laser photocoagulation
- panretinal laser photocoagulation
- anti-VEGF
Vitreous haemorrhage
- vitreoretinal surgery
Diabetic retinopathy fundoscopy
Blot haemorrhages
Hard exudates
Venous beading
Cotton wool spots
Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities
Diabetic retinopathy classification
- Mild - 1+ microaneurysms
- Moderate - microaneurysms, blot haemorrhages, hard exudates, cotton wool spots, venous beading
- Severe - blot haemorrhages + microaneurysms in 4 quadrants, venous beading in 2 quadrants, IMRA in any quadrant
- neovascularisation
- fibrous tissue
- vitreous haemorrhage
Diabetic maculopathy
- macular oedema
- ischaemic maculopathy
- hard exudates
Diabetic retinopathy Cx
Retinal detachment
Vitreous haemorrhage
Rebeosis iridis - new blood vessel formation in iris
Optic neuropathy
Hypertensive retinopathy
damage to small blood vessels in retina from systemic HTN