Rheumatology Flashcards
OA : Joints affected and typical history
- Large weight bearing joints - hip, knee
- Joint pain and stiffness following use, improves with rest
Signs of OA in the hands
- Heberden’s nodes (in the DIP joints)
- Bouchard’s nodes (in the PIP joints)
- Squaring at the base of the thumb (CMC joint)
- Weak grip
- Reduced range of motion
Signs of OA on X-ray
- L : Loss of joint space
- O : osteophyte formation
- S : Subchondral cysts
- S : Subarticular sclerosis
What are the non pharmacological management options for OA?
- Therapeutic exercise to improve strength and function and reduce pain
- Weight loss
- Occupational therapy to support activities and function
Pharmacological management options of OA ?
- 1st = Topical NSAIDs (Ibuprofen 5% gel, 3x a day).
- 2nd = Oral NSAIDs with PPI cover (Ibuprofen 400mg 3x daily).
RA : presentation and typical joints affected
- Symmetrical distal polyarthritis affecting the MCP, PIP, wrist and the MTP
- Joint pain, swelling and stiffness -> better with use
- Systemic Sx : fatigue, weight loss, flu-like illness, muscle aches and weakness
what antibodies are tested for in RA?
- First line = rheumatoid factor (RF)
- Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP)
what are hand signs seen in advanced RA disease ?
- Z-shaped deformity to the thumb
- Swan neck deformity (hyperextended PIP and flexed DIP)
- Boutonniere deformity (hyperextended DIP and flexed PIP)
- Ulnar deviation of the fingers at the MCP joints
What X-ray changes are seen in RA?
- Early sign = Periarticular/Juxta-articular osteoporosis and loss of join space
- Later : periarticular erosions, soft tissue swelling and subluxation
How is a flare or initial presentation of RA managed ?
Short term steroids (oral or IM)
what is the stepwise management of RA?
- Monotherapy with methotrexate, leflunomide or sulfasalazine
- Combination treatment with multiple cDMARDs
- Biologic therapies (usually alongside methotrexate)
what two cDMARDS are deemed safest for RA management in pregnancy ?
- Hydroxychloroquine : only in mild disease or palindromic disease
- Sulfasalazine (extra folic acid required)
when are biological therapies considered for RA management and give examples
- Inadequate response to at least 2 DMARDS
- TNF inhibitors (adalimumab, infliximab, etanercept)
- Rituximab (anti-CD20 on B cells).
How often is methotrexate given and what is given alongside it on a different day ?
- Once weekly
- 5mg Folic acid
Give 4 SE of methotrexate
- Mouth ulcers and mucositis
- Liver toxicity
- Bone marrow suppression and leukopenia (low white blood cells)
- Teratogenic (harmful to pregnancy) and needs to be avoided before conception in both women and men
Give 4 SE of sulfasalazine
- Orange urine
- Oligospermia
- Heinz body anaemia
Give a SE specific to leflunomide
- Peripheral neuropathy
Give 3 SE of hydroxychloroquine
- Retinal toxicity (reduced visual acuity)
- Blue-grey skin pigmentation
- Hair lightening (bleaching)
What is a unique SE of anti-TNF medication ?
Reactivation of TB
Give 2 SE of rituximab
- Night sweats
- Thrombocytopenia
How is response to treatment monitored in RA
- CRP and DAS28 score
what are the typically features of ankylosing spondylitits ?
- Young man (20s), presenting with lower back pain and stiffness of insidious onset
- Stiffness = worse in AM and improves with exercise
- Pain at night which improves on getting up
- Sacroiliac pain
Give 6 conditions associated with ank. spond
- A – Anterior uveitis
- A – Aortic regurgitation
- A – Atrioventricular block (heart block)
- A – Apical lung fibrosis (fibrosis of the upper lobes of the lungs)
- A – Anaemia of chronic disease
- A : Achilles tendonitis
what is seen on examination in ank. spond?
- Reduced lateral flexion
- Reduced forward flexion (<5cm increase on Schober’s test)
- Reduced chest expansion
what is the most useful investigation for diagnosing ank. spond and what are the most common findings !
- Plain X-ray
- Sacroilitis : subchondral erosions, sclerosis
- Squaring of lumbar vertebrae
- Syndesmophytes
If X-ray is negative but suspicion of ank. spond is still high, what can be done ?
- Shows bone marrow oedema
what is the stepwise management of ank. spond ?
what are the most common triggers of reactive arthritis ?
- STI = chlamydia
- Gastroenteritis
How does reactive arthritis present ?
- Develops 4 wks after infection
- Arthritis (asymmetrical oligoarthritis).
- Urethritis
- Eye : conjunctivitis, anterior uveitis
- Circinate balanitis
- Dactylitis
How is reactive arthritis managed ?
- Joint aspiration -> microscopy, culture and sensitivity and crystal examination (exclude septic arthritis)
- Symptomatic : analgesia, NSAIDs, intra-articular steroids
What are the 5 patterns of arthritis associated with psoriasis ?
- Symmetrical polyarthritis : (>4, similar to RA)
- Asymetrical oligoarthritis : (1-4 joints).
- Sacrolitis : (spine and sacroiliac joints)
- DIP joint disease
- Arthritis mutilans : (phalanges - osteolysis leads to telescoping digits).
what 5 other signs are seen in psoriatic arthritis ?
- Plaques of psoriasis on the skin
- Nail pitting
- Onycholysis (separation of the nail from the nail bed)
- Dactylitis
- Enthesitis
what is seen on X-ray in psoriatic arthritis ?
- Periostitis
- ’ Pencil-in-cup’ appearance of digits
what is the stepwise management of psoriatic arthritis ?
- Steroids
- DMARDs (e.g., methotrexate, leflunomide or sulfasalazine)
- Anti-TNF medications (etanercept, infliximab or adalimumab)
- Ustekinumab is a monoclonal antibody that targets interleukin 12 and 23
what is SLE ? What kind of hypersensitivty reaction is it ? and who is it more common in ?
- Inflammatory autoimmune connective tissue disorder.
- Type 3
- Young to middle aged women
- Asian, African, Caribbean and Hispanic ethnicity
what antibodies are associated with SLE
- Anti-nuclear antibodies (Highly sensitive, low specificity).
- anti-dsDNA (highly specific, less sensitive)
what bloods are used to monitor SLE ?
- Low C3/C4
what lifestyle advice is given to people with SLE ?
- Suncream and sun avoidance !! For photosensitive malar rash
what are the 3 first line treatment options for SLE?
- Hydroxychloroquine
- Steroids (e.g., prednisolone)
what is discoid lupus erythematosus and 3 RF ?
- Autoimmune chronic skin condition
- Women, darker skin and smoking
What are the features of DLE
- Photosensitive erythematous, raised rash
- Common on face, neck, ears and scalp
- Can lead to scarring alopecia
How is DLE managed ?
- Skin biopsy to confirm
- Sun protection
- Topical steroids
- Hydroxychloroquine if necessary
what is systemic sclerosis ?
- Autoimmune connective tissue disease involving inflammation and fibrosis of the connective tissues, skin and internal organs
what are the features of limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis ?
- C : Calcinosis
- R : Raynaud’s
- E : oEsophageal dysmotility
- S : Sclerodactyly
- T : Telangiectasia
what extra features are associated with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis ?
- Cardiovascular problems (e.g., HTN and coronary artery disease)
- Lung problems (e.g., pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary fibrosis)
- Kidney problems (e.g., glomerulonephritis and scleroderma renal crisis)
what is used to manage Raynaud’s and what can make it worse ?
- Keeping hands warm and CCB (nifedipine)
- BB can worsen the symptoms
What antibodies are seen in systemic sclerosis ?
-> ANA
-> Anti-centromere = limited
-> Anti-Scl-70 = diffuse
what is the common presentation of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)
- > 60yrs
- Rapid onset (<1mnth)
- Pain and stiffness of shoulders, pelvic girdle and neck.
- Worse : in morning, after rest, interferes with sleep.
- Raised ESR
What is the management of PMR?
- 15mg prednisolone daily
- If no respone = consider alt. diagnosis. Usually respond rapidly and v well to steroids
what are the additional management points for patients on long term steroids ?
Don’t STOP
- Don’t abruptly stop
- S : Sick day = increase in unwell
- T : Treatment card
- O : Osteoporosis prevention with bisphosphonates, calcium & vit D
- P : PPI
what is GCA, who does it more commonly affect and what is it strongly linked too ?
- Systemic vasculitis affecting medium and larger arteries
- Older white pts
- Linked to PMR
How does GCA typically present ?
- Unilateral headache
- Jaw claudication
- Tender and thickened temporal artery
- Blurred / double vision
what investigations are done in GCA ?
- ESR (Raised)
- Temporal artery biopsy = multinucleated giant cells
- Duplex USS = hypoechoic “halo” sign and stenosis of temporal artery
how is GCA managed ?
- No vision loss = high-dose pred (40-60mg)
- Evolving vision loss = IV methylpred (500-1000mg)
what other medications are considered in GCA ?
- Aspirin 75mg daily decreases vision loss and strokes
- PPI while on steroids
- Bisphosphonates and calcium and vitamin D for bone protection while on steroids
- Severe pain in the first MTP joint
- Swelling
- Erythema
what is seen on aspiration of joint fluid in gout ?
- Needle shaped negatively birefringement crystals of monosodium urate
what can be seen in x ray in gout ?
- Maintained joint
- Lytic lesions in the bone
- Punched out erosions
- Erosions can have sclerotic borders with overhanding edges
what is the acute management of gout ?
- First : NSAIDs (naproxen) with PPI
- 2nd : Colchicine
- 3rd : Oral prednisolone (15mg/day)
If the pt is already on allopurinol it should be continued
When is colchicine given for the acute management of gout over NSAIDs?
- In those with renal impairment or significant heart disease
- SE : diarrhoea
What is given for gout prophylaxis ?
- Xanthine oxidase inhibitors
- Allopurinol -> 100mg of, titrated up to aim for uric acid <300umol/L
- Colchicine cover when starting allopurinol
What is a typical presentation of pseudogout ?
- Pt >65 y/o with a rapid onset hot, swollen, stiff joint
- Usually : knee, shoulder, hip or wrist
what is seen on joint aspiration in pseudogout ?
- Rhomboid shaped weakly positively birefringent crystals of calcium pyrophosphate
what is commonly seen on X-ray in pseudogout ?
- Chondrocalcinosis
what are 4 underlying RF for pseudogout which can cause it to develop at a younger age
- Haemochromatosis
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Low magnesium, low phosphate
- Acromgely, wilson’s disease
Define osteoporosis
- Significant reduction in bone density = weaker and more fracture prone
- Osteopenia = less severe decrease in bone density
Define the T / Z score
- DEXA scan = measures bone mineral density
- T score = no. of standard deviations pt is from an average healthy young adult
- Z score = no. of standard deviations pt is from the average for their age, sex and ethnicity
Explain the diagnosis based on T score at femoral neck
- Normal : > -1
- Osteopenia : -1 to -2.5
- Osteoporosis : <-2.5
- Severe osteoporosis : <-2.5 + fracture
What are the RF for osteoporosis ?
- Advancing age
- Female sex
- Histort of glucocorticoid use
- RA
- Alcohol excess
- Hx of parental hip fracture
- Low BMI
- Current smoking
- Post menopausal
when should somebody be assessed for a 10 yr risk of major osteoporotic fracture and hip fracture ?
- Anyone on long-term oral corticosteroids or with a previous fragility fracture
- Anyone 50 and over with risk factors
- All women 65 and over
- All men 75 and over
What 2 tools are used to osteoporotic fracture risk
- QFracture tool
- FRAX tool
Based on the QFracture tool, what pts are considered for a DEXA scan ?
Pts >10%
what are the 3 steps to managing osteoporosis
- Address reversible RF : increase exercise, healthy weight, stop smoking, reduce alcohol
- Calcium (1000mg) and vitamin D (400-800 IU)
- Treatment : bisphosphonates
Give 4 SE of bisphosphonates
- Reflux and oesophageal erosions
- Atypical fractures (e.g., atypical femoral fractures)
- Osteonecrosis of the jaw (regular dental checkups are recommended before and during treatment)
- Osteonecrosis of the external auditory canal
How should bisphosphonates be taken ?
- Alendronate (70mg once weekly)
- Empty stomach with a full glass of water
- Remain upright for 30 mins afterwards)
How are patients >=75 yrs following a fragility fracture managed ?
- Presumed to having underlying osteoporosis
- Begin alendronate without need for DEXA scan
How is a patient <75 yrs following fragility fracture managed ?
- Arrange DEXA
what is osteomalacia ?
- Softening of bones secondary to low vitamin D levels = decreased bone mineral content
How can osteomalacia present ?
- Fatigue
- Bone pain
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle aches
- Pathological or abnormal fractures (especially femoral neck)
What is seen on bloods in osteomalacia ?
- Low vit D (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D of <25 nmol/L = deficiency)
- Raised ALP
- Low calcium, phosphate
What can be seen on x-ray in osteomalacia
- Translucent bands (looser zones or pseudofractures)
How is osteomalacia treated ?
- Colecalciferol (vitamin D supplements)
- 50,000 IU once weekly for 6 weeks
- 4000 IU daily for 10 weeks
Following the loading regime (if needed) what is the maintenance dose of vitamin D in osteomalacia treatment ?
800-2000 IU per day
What is Paget’s disease of bone ?
- Increased, uncontrolled bone turnover
where is most commonly affected in Paget’s disease ?
- Skull
- Spine / pelvis
- Long bones of lower extremeties
What is seen on bloods in paget’s disease of the bone ?
- Isolated raised ALP
what are common X-ray findings in paget’s ?
- Bone enlargement and deformity
- Osteoporosis circumscripta
- Cotton wool appearance of the skull (poorly defined patchy areas of increased and decreased density)
- V-shaped osteolytic defects in the long bones
How is paget’s managed and monitored?
- Bisphosphonates (either oral risedronate or IV zoledronate)
- Checking serum ALP
What are 4 key complicatons of paget’s ?
- Hearing loss
- Heart failure
- Osteosarcoma
- Spinal stenosis and spinal cord compression
what is antiphospholipid syndrome ?
- Autoimmune disorder where antiphospholipid antibodies bind the cell surface and cause inflammation and increased thrombosis risk
- Can occur in isolation or secondary to conditions like SLE
what are the key complications of antiphospholipid syndrome ?
- Arterial thrombosis (stroke, MI)
- Pregnancy related (recurrent moscarriage)
what investigations are done in antiphospholipid syndrome ?
- Antibodies : Lupus anticoagulant, Anticardiolipin antibodies, Anti-beta-2 glycoprotein I antibodies
- FBC : thrombocytopenia
- Clotting : prolonged APTT
How is antiphospholipid syndrome managed ?
- No previous thrombosis = low dose aspirin
- Previous venous / arterial blood clot = Long term warfarin with INR target of 2-3
what rash is associated with antiphospholipid syndrome ?
Livedo reticularis (netlike reddish-blue skin discoloration)
What heart condition is associated with anti-phospholipid syndrome ?
- Libmann-Sacks endocarditis
- Non bacterial endocarditis
- Vegetations on the heart valves
what is Sjogren’s syndrome ?
- Autoimmune disorder affecting exocrine glands = dry mucosa
- Can be primary or secondary to RA / other connective tissue disorders
what are the features of sjogren’s
- Dry eyes
- Dry mouth
- Vaginal dryness
- Arthralgia
- Raynaud’s
- More common in women, presents in middle age
what malignancy does Sjogren’s increase the risk of ?
what antibodies are seen in Sjogren’s
- Anti-SS-A = anti-Ro
- Anti-SS-B = anti-La
- RF
what test can be done for Sjogren’s ?
Schirmer’s test
<10mm = significant
how is Sjogren’s managed
- Artifical tears
- Pilocarpine = stimulates muscarinic receptors = promoting salivary and lacrimal gland secretion
what is Behcet’s syndrome and its associations ?
- Complex inflammatory condition
- HLA B51
- More common in men, young adults and eastern mediterranean pts
What are the classical symptoms of Behcet’s ?
- Oral ulcers (3x a year).
- Genital ulcers
- Anterior uveitis
- Thrombophlebitis and DVT
- Arthritis
- Erythema nodosum
- GI : abdo pain, diarrhoea, colitis
what investigation can support the diagnosis of bechet’s
- Pathergy test
- Erythema and enduration 24-48 hrs after skin pricking
what is polymyositis and what can 2 conditions can it be associated with
- Inflammatory disorder causing symmetrical, proximal muscle weakness
- Connective tissue disorders
- Malignancy
How does polymyositis present ?
- Gradual onset symmetrical proximal muscle weakens +/- tenderness
- Raynaud’s
- Resp muscle weakness
- Dysphagia, dysphonia
what is elevated in polymyositis and dermatomyositis
- Creatinine kinase
what antibody is associated with polymyositis ?
- Anti-Jo-1
- More common in a pattern of disease that also involves the lungs, raynaud’s and fever
What is the first line treatment for polymyositis and dermatomyositis ?
Along with proximal muscle weakness, what else is seen in dermatomyositis ?
- Gottron papules on hands (roughened red papules over extensor surfaces of fingers)
- Heliotrope rash on eyelids
- Periorbital oedema
- Photosensitive erythematous rash on the back, shoulders and neck
Name 3 small-vessel vasculitis
- Microscopic polyangitis
- Granulomatosis with polyangitis (Wegener’s granulomatosis)
- Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis (Churg-Strauss)
What are the main features of microscopic polyangitis and what is its associated antibodies ?
- p-ANCA
- Glomerulonephritis = renal failure
- Diffuse alveolar haemorrhage = haemoptysis
What are the main features of granulomatosis with polyangitis and what is its associated antibody ?
- URT: epistaxis, sinusitis, saddle shaped nose, nasal crusting
- LRT : cough, wheeze, haemoptysis
- Kidneys : glomerulonephritis
- c-ANCA
what are the common findings of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polangitis and what antibody is associated
- Lungs, skin and kidneys
- Severe asthma in middle age
- Sinusitis and allergic rhinitis
- Raised eosinophils
- p-ANCA
Name 2 medium vessel vasculitis
- Polyarteritis nodosa
- Kawasaki disease
what are the typical features of polyarteritis nodosa
- Renal impairment
- Hypertension
- Tender, erythematous skin nodules (similar to erythema nodosum)
- Myocardial infarction
- Stroke
- Mesenteric arteritis causing intestinal symptoms
Name 2 large vessel vasculitis
- Takayasu’s arteritis
Where does takayasu’s arteritis affecrt and how does it present ?
- Aorta + branches
- Pulmonary arteries
- <40 yrs
- Claudication symptoms
- Non specific : fever, malaise, muscle aches
what is the approach to diagnosing vasculitis ?
- Urinalysis for haematuria and proteinuria
- Bloods:
urea and creatinine for renal impairment,
full blood count: normocytic anaemia and thrombocytosis may be seen - CRP: raised
- ANCA testing
- Chest x-ray: nodular, fibrotic or infiltrative lesions may be seen
what antibodies are seen in those with drug induceded lupus
Anti-histone antibodies
what is seen on arthrocentesis in RA ?
- High WBC count
- Predominantly polymorphonuclear neutrophil predominance
- Appearance is yellow and cloudy
Exam questiin presentation of osteomalacia
Bone pain, tenderness and proximal myopathy (-> waddling gait).
what should NEVER be prescribed alongside methotrexate
- Trimethoprim : can cause fatal pancytopenia
- Co-trimoxazole also contains trimethoprim !
what is antisynthetase syndrome, what causes it and how does it present
- Subtype of dermatomyositis caused by anti-Jo-1 antibodies
- Myositis
- Interstitial lung disease
- Thickened and cracked skin of the hands (mechanic’s hands)
- Raynaud’s phenomenon
- Red, hot swollen joint
- Aspiration = gram +ve cocci in clusters that are coagulase positive
- Likely organism
Staphylococcus aureus
- Red, hot swollen joint
- Aspiration = gram +ve cocci in clusters that are coagulase positive
- Flucloxacillin resistant
- Likely organism
MRSA (methicillin-resistant S.aureus)
Management of septic arthritis caused by MRSA
teicoplanin and linezolid could also be used
What antibodies are seen in antiphospholipid syndrome
IV antibiotic for septic arthritis
Clindamycin if pen allergic
4-6 wks (switched to oral after 2)
what blood results are seen in osteoporosis ?
all normal !
Presentation of SLE
- Young female
- Fatigue, fever, mouth ulcers
- Skin : malar rash
- MSK : arthralgia
- CVD : pericarditis, myocarditis
- Resp : pleurisy
- Renal : proteinuria
- Neuro : anxiety, depression, psychosis
Presentation of primary Raynaud’s disease
Young women
Bilateral symptoms
6 secondary causes of Raynaud’s phenomenon
- Connective tissue
- Leukaemia
- Type 1 cryoglobulinaemia
- Use of vibrating tools
- Drug : COCP
- Cervical rib
2 common causes of drug induced lupus
Inheritance of EDS and what is affected
- AD
- Connective tissue disorder affecting type III collagen
6 features / complications of EDS
- Elastic, fragile skin
- Joint hypermobility: recurrent joint dislocation
- Easy bruising
- Aortic regurgitation, mitral valve prolapse and aortic dissection
- Subarachnoid haemorrhage
- Angioid retinal streaks
How many points does a pt need to be tender in for a diagnosis of fibromyalgia
11 out of 18
Inheritance and effect of Marfan’s
AD : chromosome 15
Defect in protein filbrillin-1
Connective tissue disorder
6 general features of marfan’s
Tall statue with wide arm span
Pes planus
Pectus excavatum
High arched palate
Effect of marfans on heart
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Dilation of aortic sinus : AAA, dissection, aortic regurg
Effect of marfan’s on lungs
Repeated pneumothoraces
Effect of marfan’s on eyes
Upward lens dislocation