Revolution - Lecture 2 Flashcards
formal vehicle through which policies are made and affairs of state conducted
formal institutions through which a land and its people are rules
state =
def of state (country)
it is a territory with DEFINED boundaries, a government, a people and has sovereignty
the ability to determine for itself how to rule
sovereignty means that __(1)__ because __(2)__
- every country is equal to each other
- bc every state gets to decided what to do within their borders
what where the specific economic relationship with the mother country?
mercantile economic view of trade and economics
mercantilism =
he who has the most wins
each colony has a political contract called a ____ with the mother country
role of a charter
outline the relationship between the mother country and the colonies
where the charters in each of the 13 colonies different or all the same
that where all distinct and unique
why where the colonist taxed?
because the British needed to pay for the french and indian war
what where the 2 main taxes that parliament enforced onto the colonies
tea tax and stamp act
how did britian view representation
they claimed that it is an occupational thing
did the colonies go straight to war?
no they sent out an olive branch but the king did not read it
why where the continental congress formed?
because the king decided to ignore their olive branch
what did john locke come up with?
the idea of natural rights
early version of human rights
natural rights
a right you are born with
god given rights
it is the duty of the monarch to protect these rights
what are the 3 things that natural rights include
life,liberty, and property
because the king did not respond to the olive branches what occurred?
the colonies decided to separate from the mother country aka lead to the declaration of independence
Hobbes’s social contract theory
this idea that if you are the government you are obligated to protect your people
social contract theory is an
an exchange between the colonist and mother country or the government and the people
what happens if someone breaks the social contract?
then either side can attack the other
“we are obligated to get rid of the king”
a formal statement of colonists’ aspiration
declaration of independence
what did the DOI embrace
the notion of social contract theory by Hobbes
war hero and leader of continental army
george washington
what was George Washingtons strategy during the war (2)
- outlast
- guerrilla warfare
outlast =
to drag the war out as long as possible bc the longer the war the less support the red coats will get back home
guerrilla warfare
hit them from all angles, do it quickly and leave
what did we not want in the article of confederation
a monarchy and a strong central gov.
the A.O.C were
an entity in which, self-governing states form a union for the purpose of acting together in areas such as defense
power is not concentrated but flows to the 13 states
who was the most dominant according to the AOC
because the colonist were fearful of replacing one oppressive government with another led to
an alliance of sovereign states held together by a weak central gov.
what were the problems with the AOC(7)
no national miltia
worthless money
no judicial system
1 state 1 vote `
what was a result of scared radicals in individual states
shays rebellion
what did they do to fix the AOC
created in constitutional convention