Revolt Along The Seacoast 2 Flashcards
Celeritās, celeritātis
Speed, swiftness
Tempestās, tempestātis
Storm, weather
Altitūdō, altitūdinis
Adjiciō, adjicere, adjēcī, adjectus, 3, tr.
Throw to, throw up, hurl
Accēdō, accēdere, accessī, accessum, 3, intr.; ad w. acc.
Come to, approach, is added
Saeviō, 4, intr.
Rage, am fierce
Vadum, ī
Ford (of a river), shallow (of the sea)
Frūstrā, adv.
In vain, to no purpose
Ōrnātus, a, um
Equipped, fitted out
Vel, conj.
Singulī, ae, a
Each, one each, one at a time
Cōnstat, cōnstāre, cōnstitit, 1, intr. acc. w. infin.
It is agreed, it is certain, it is evident, it is known, it is established
Pugna, ae
Fight, battle
Service, allegiance, duty
Officium, ī
Speed, swiftness
Celeritās, celeritātis
Storm, weather
Tempestās, tempestātis
Altitūdō, altitūdinis
Throw to, throw up, hurl
Adjiciō, adjicere, adjēcī, adjectus, 3, tr.
Come to, approach, is added
Accēdō, accēdere, accessī, accessum, 3, intr.; ad w. acc.
Rage, am fierce
Saeviō, 4, intr.
Ford (of a river), shallow (of the sea)
Vadum, ī
In vain, to no purpose
Frūstrā, adv.
Equipped, fitted out
Ōrnātus, a, um
Each, one each, one at a time
Singulī, ae, a
It is agreed, it is certain, it is evident, it is known, it is established
Cōnstat, cōnstāre, cōnstitit, 1, intr.; acc. w. infin.
Fight, battle (noun)
Pugna, ae
Officium, ī
Service, allegiance, duty