Rebellion in the North 1:I Flashcards
Peditātus, ūs
Concitō, 1, tr.
Stir up, instigate
In perpetuum
Ulcīscor, ulcīscī, ultus sum, 3, tr.
Avenge, punish
Negōtium, ī
Business, trouble, difficulty
Opprimō, opprimere, oppressī, oppressus, 3, tr.
Overwhelm, destroy, surprise
Profiteor, profitērī, professus sum, 2, tr.; acc. w. infin.
Admit, declare, offer
Adjūtor, adjūtōris
Helper, assistant
Send between, intervene, let up, delay
Intermittō, intermittere, intermīsī, intermissus, 3, tr. and intr.
Peditātus, ūs
Stir up, instigate
Concitō, 1, tr.
In perpetuum
Avenge, punish
Ulcīscor, ulcīscī, ultus sum, 3, tr.
Business, trouble, difficulty
Negōtium, ī
Overwhelm, destroy, surprise
Opprimō, opprimere, oppressī, oppressus, 3, tr.
Admit, declare, offer
Profiteor, profitērī, professus sum
Helper, assistant
Adjūtor, adjūtōris
Intermittō, intermittere, intermīsī, intermissus, 3, tr. and intr.
Send between, intervene, let up, delay