Rebellion in the North 2:2-3 Flashcards
Potestās, potestātis
Power, control, opportunity
Commemorō, 1, tr.
Remind of, state, mention
Approach, access, entrance
Aditus, ūs
Power, control, opportunity
Potestās, potestātis
Remind of, state, mention
Commemorō, 1, tr.
Addō, addere, addidī, additus, 3, tr.
Place on, add
Ostentō, 1, tr.
Show, exhibit, display
Errō, 1, tr.
Wander, err, am mistaken
Diffīdō, diffīdere, diffīsus sum, 3, intr.
(+dat) distrust, lack confidence
Nisi, conj
If not, except, unless
Recūsō, 1, tr.
Refuse, reject, object to
Inveterāscō, inveterāscere, inveterāvī, inveterātum, 3, intr.
Grow old, become established
Cōnsuētūdō, cōnsuētūdinis
Habit, custom
Nōlō, nōlle, nōluī, irreg., tr. and intr.; w. infin.; acc. w. infin.; ut (nē)
Do not wish, am unwilling
Modo, adv.
Only, at least, just now
Jūstitia, ae
Justice, fair dealing
Place on, add
Addō, addere, addidī, additus, 3, tr.
Show, exhibit, display
Ostentō, 1, tr.
Wander, err, am mistaken
Errō, 1, tr.
Distrust, lack confidence
Diffīdō, diffīdere, diffīsus sum, 3, intr.; w. dat.
If not, except, unless
Nisi, conj.
Refuse, reject, object to
Recūsō, 1, tr.
Grow old, become established
Inveterāscō, inveterāscere, inveterāvī, inveterātum, 3, intr.
Habit, custom
Cōnsuētūdō, cōnsuētūdinis
Do not wish, am unwilling
Nōlō, nōlle, nōluī, irreg., tr. and intr.; w. infin.; acc. w. infin.; ut (nē)
Only, at least, just now
Modo, adv.
Justice, fair dealing
Jūstitia, ae
Aditus, ūs
Approach, access, entrance