Lesson 21 Flashcards
Āvertō, āvertere, āvertī, āversus, 3, tr.; ab (ā) w. abl.
Turn away, turn away from, turn aside, turn from, am hostile to
Fugitīvus, ī
Runaway slave
Commūtō, 1, tr.
Change, alter
Convertō, convertere, convertī, conversus, 3, tr.
Turn around, turn about, wheel about, change
Ā novissimō agmine
From the rear, in the rear
Īnsequor, īnsequī, īnsecūtus sum, 3, tr.
Triplex (gen. triplicis)
Veterānus, a, um
Jugum, ī
Yoke, ridge
Gallia (ae) Citerior (Citeriōris)
Hither Gaul (region in Italy between the Po River and the Alps)
Sarcina, ae
Succēdō, succēdere, successī, successum, 3, intr.
Come up to, advance, am next to
Tandem, adv.
At last, at length, finally
Dēfessus, a, um
Exhausted, wearied, worn out
More, adv. (give two)
Amplius, adv.; magis, adv.
Turn away, turn away from, turn aside, turn from, am hostile to
Āvertō, āvertere, āvertī, āversus, 3, tr.; ab (ā) w. abl.
Runaway slave
Fugitīvus, ī
Change, alter
Commutō, 1, tr.
Turn around, turn about, wheel about, change
Convertō, convertere, convertī, conversus, 3, tr.
Īnsequor, īnsequī, īnsecūtus sum, 3, tr.
Triplex (gen. triplicis)
Veterānus, a, um
Yoke, ridge
Jugum, ī
Hither Gaul
Gallia (ae) Citerior (Citeriōris)
Sarcina, ae
Come up to, advance, am next to
Succēdō, succēdere, successī, successum, 3, intr.
At last, at length, finally
Tandem, adv.
Exhausted, wearied, worn out
Dēfessus, a, um
Amplius, adv.