All Gaul In Arms 3:309-437 Flashcards
Dēspectus, ūs
A looking down, view
Grātulātiō, grātulātiōnis
Congratulation, rejoicing
Nōscō, nōscere, nōvī, nōtus, 3, tr.
Become acquainted with; in perfect, know
Intentus, a, um
Intent on, attentive
Rārus, a, um
Lead away, draw off, withdraw
Abdūcō, abdūcere, abdūxī, abductus, 3, tr.
A looking down, view
Dēspectus, ūs
Congratulation, rejoicing
Grātulātiō, grātulātiōnis
Become acquainted with; in perfect, know
Nōscō, nōscere, nōvī, nōtus, 3, tr.
Intent on, attentive
Intentus, a, um
Interjiciō, interjicere, interjēcī, interjectus, 3, tr.
Throw between, put between, place between
Succurrō, succurrere, succurrī, succursum, 3, tr.; (+dat)
Run to help, aid, assist
Rēctē, adv.
Properly, rightly, correctly
Cēlō, 1, tr.
Keep covered, secrete, conceal
Ignōminia, ae
Disgrace, dishonor
Merīdiēs, merīdiēī
Midday, noon, the south
Turma, ae
Troop, squadron (of about 30 cavalrymen)
Prōpellō, prōpellere, prōpulī, prōpulsus, 3, tr.
Drive forward, rout, dislodge, drive back
Item, adv.
In like manner, also, just so, likewise
Colligō, colligere, collēgī, collēctus, 3, tr.
Bring together, obtain; w. reflexive pronoun, recover, rally
Maestus, a, um
Dejected, sad
Throw between, put between, place between
Interjiciō, interjicere, interjēcī, interjectus, 3, tr.
Run to help, aid, assist
Succurrō, succurrere, succurrī, succursum, 3, intr.; (+dat)
Properly, rightly, correctly
Rēctē, adv.
Keep covered, secrete, conceal
Cēlō, 1, tr.
(A/the) disgrace, dishonor
Ignōminia, ae
Midday, noon, the south
Merīdiēs, merīdieī
Troop, squadron (of about 30 cavalrymen)
Turma, ae
Drive forward, rout, dislodge, drive back
Prōpellō, prōpellere, prōpulī, prōpulsus, 3, tr.
In like manner, also, just so, likewise
Item, adv.
Bring together, obtain; w. reflexive pronoun, recover, rally
Colligō, colligere, collēgī, collēctus, 3, tr.
Dejected, sad
Maestus, a, um
Bis, numerical adv.
Perītus, a, um (+gen)
Experienced, skilled, familiar with
Septentriōnēs, septentriōnum
The stars of the Great Bear; hence, the north
Circuitus, ūs
A going around, circumference, circuit
Bis, numerical adv.
Experienced, skilled, familiar with
Perītus, a, um (+gen)
The stars of the Great Bear; hence, the north
Septentriōnēs, septentriōnum
A going around, circumference, circuit
Circuitus, ūs
Campester, campestris, campestre
Level, flat
Arx, arcis
Citadel, fortress
Longurius, ī
A long pole
Falx, falcis
Hook (for pulling down walls)
Prōferō, prōferre, prōtulī, prōlātus, irreg., tr.
Bring forth, bring out, produce
Level, flat
Campester, campestris, campestre
Citadel, fortress
Arx, arcis
A long pole
Longurius, ī
Hook (for pulling down walls)
Falx, falcis
Bring forth, bring out, produce
Prōferō, prōferre, prōtulī, prōlātus, irreg., tr.
Abdūcō, abdūcere, abdūxī, abductus, 3, tr.
Lead away, draw off, withdraw
Occurrō, occurrere, occurrī, occursum, 3, intr.; (+dat)
Run in the way of, meet, happen upon, come to, oppose, occur, go to meet
Convenit, convenīre, convēnit, 4, intr.; acc. w. infin.
It is convenient, it is necessary, it is suitable
Perfringō, perfringere, perfrēgī, perfrāctus, 3, tr.
Break through, burst through
Run in the way of, meet, happen upon, come to, oppose, occur, go to meet
Occurrō, occurrere, occurrī, occursum, 3, intr., (+dat)
It is convenient, it is necessary, it is suitable
Convenit, convenīre, convēnit, 4, intr.; acc. w. infin.
Break through, burst through
Perfringō, perfringere, perfrēgī, perfrāctus, 3, tr.
Dēclīvitās, dēclīvitātis
Mōmentum, ī
Weight, influence, importance
In vicem
In turn
Contegō, contegere, contēxī, contēctus, 3, tr.
Cover up
Succumbō, succumbere, succubuī, succubitum, 3, intr.; (+dat)
Sink under, yield
Dīmicātiō, dīmicātiōnis
Fight, contest
Interior, interius
Interior, inner
Praeruptus, a, um
Steep, abrupt
Prōpugnō, 1, intr.
Fight for, defend, rush out to fight, attack
Dēturbō, 1, tr.
Drive off, dislodge
Lōrīca, ae
Dēclīvitās, dēclīvitātis
Elevation, height, descent
Fastīgium, ī
Weight, influence, importance
Mōmentum, ī
In turn
In vicem
Cover up
Contegō, contegere, contēxī, contēctus, 3, tr.
Sink under, yield
Succumbō, succumbere, succubuī, succubitum, 3, intr.; (+dat)
Fight, contest
Dīmicātiō, dīmicātiōnis
Interior, inner
Interior, interius
Steep, abrupt
Praeruptus, a, um
Fight for, defend, rush out to fight, attack
Prōpugnō, 1, intr.
Drive off, dislodge
Dēturbō, 1, tr.
Lōrīca, ae
Restituō, restituere, restituī, restitūtus, 3, tr.
Set up again, rebuild, renew, restore
Circumeō, circumīre, circumiī, circumitus, irreg., tr.
Go around, march around, traverse
Ūndecim, indecl. numeral
Fors, fortis
Accelerō, 1, intr.
Color, colōris
Vestītus, ūs
Omittō, omittere, omīsī, omissus, 3, tr.
Let fall, give up, neglect, dismiss, omit
Repentē, adv.
Suddenly, unexpectedly
Set up again, rebuild, renew, restore
Restituō, restituere, restituī, restitūtus, 3, tr.
Go around, march around, transverse
Circumeō, circumīre, circumiī, circumitus, irreg., tr.
Ūndecim, indecl., numeral
Fors, fortis
Accelerō, 1, intr.
Color, colōris
Vestītus, ūs
Let fall, give up, neglect, dismiss, omit
Omittō, omittere, omīsī, omissus, 3, tr.
Suddenly, unexpectedly
Repentē, adv.
Vīvus, a, um
Alive, living
Septuāgintā, indecl. numeral
Prōtinus, adv.
Continuously, forthwith, immediately
Necessitās, necessitātis
Necessity, constraint, need
Satisfaciō, satisfacere, satisfēcī, satisfēcī, satisfactum, 3, intr.; (+dat)
Do enough for, give satisfaction, satisfy, make amends
Alive, living
Vīvus, a, um
Septuāgintā, indecl. numeral
Continuously, forthwith, immediately
Prōtinus, adv.
Necessity, constraint, need
Necessitās, necessitātis
Do enough for, give satisfaction, satisfy, make amends
Satisfaciō, satisfacere, satisfēcī, satisfactum, 3, intr.; (+dat)
Supplicātiō, supplicātiōnis
Public prayer (to the gods in thanksgiving for sucesses), thanksgiving, public thanksgiving, day of prayer
Public prayer, thanksgiving, public thanksgiving, day of prayer
Supplicātiō, supplicātiōnis