All Gaul in Arms 1:108-228 Flashcards
Jūmentum, ī
Yoke, beast of burden
Sescentī, ae, a
Six hundred
Posterus, a, um
After, following, next
Excubō, excubāre, excubuī, excubitum, 1, intr.
Lie outside, keep guard
Silentiō, adv.
Surround with a rampart, invest
Circumvallō, 1, tr.
Yoke, beast of burden
Jūmentum, ī
Six hundred
Sescentī, ae, a
After, following, next
Posterus, a, um
Lie outside, keep guard
Excubō, excubāre, excubuī, excubitum, 1, intr.
Silentiō, adv.
Expedītus, a, um
Unimpeded, free, unobstructed, without baggage, light-armed
Circumvallō, 1, tr.
Surround with a rampart, invest
Unimpeded, free, unobstructed, without baggage, light-armed
Expedītus, a, um
Intrōmittō, intrōmittere, intrōmīsī, intrōmissus, 3, tr.
Send in
Obviam, adv. or prep. w. dat.
In the way, to meet, towards, against
Equus, ī
Antecēdō, antecēdere, antecessī, antecessus, 3, tr. and intr.
Go before, precede, excel, surpass
Oppidānus, a, um
Pertaining to a town
Oppidānus, ī
Inhabitant of a town
Send in
Intrōmittō, intrōmittere, intrōmīsī, intrōmissus, 3, tr.
In the way, to meet, towards, against
Obviam, adv. or prep. w. dat.
Equus, ī
Go before, precede, excel, surpass
Antecēdō, antecēdere, antecessī, antecessus, 3, tr. and intr.
Pertaining to a town
Oppidānus, a, um
Inhabitant of a town
Oppidānus, ī
Dēstringō, dēstringere, dēstrīnxī, dēstrictus, 3, tr.
Unbind, unsheathe, draw
Equester, equestris, equestre
Of cavalry, cavalry, adj.
Unbind, unsheathe, draw
Dēstringō, dēstringere, dēstrīnxī, dēstrictus, 3, tr.
Of cavalry, cavalry (adj.)
Equester, equestris, equestre
Anteā, adv.
Before, formerly, previously
Modus, ī
Manner, method, kind, measure
Sublevō, 1, tr.
Lift from beneath, support, assist, lighten
Pābulum, ī
Fodder, provender
Secō, secāre, secuī, sectus, 1, tr.
Cut, reap
Necessāriō, adv.
Necessarily, of necessity, unavoidably
Dispersus, a, um
Concīdō, concīdere, concīdī, concīsus, 3, tr.
Cut down, slay
Rēs (reī) familiāris (is)
Before, formerly, previously
Anteā, adv.
Manner, method, kind, measure
Modus, ī
Lift from beneath, support, assist, lighten
Sublevō, 1, tr.
Fodder, provender
Pābulum, ī
Cut, reap
Secō, secāre, secuī, sectus, 1, tr.
Necessarily, of necessity, unavoidably
Necessariō, adv.
Dispersus, a, um
Cut down, slay
Concīdō, concīdere, concīdī, concīsus, 3, tr.
Rēs (reī) familiāris (is)
Vīcus, ī
Hamlet, village
Quōcumque, adv.
Suppetō, suppetere, suppetīvī, suppetītum, 3, intr.
Am at hand, am supplied, hold out
Opēs, opum
Resources, wealth
Conjūnx, conjugis, c.
Wife, husband
Dēlīberō, 1, tr.
Consider, deliberate
Placet, placēre, placuit, placitum, 2, intr.; w. dat.; w. infin.; acc. w. infin.; ut (nē)
It pleases, it seems good, it is decided
Prōcumbō, prōcumbere, prōcubuī, prōcubitum, 3, intr.
Lean forward, fall down, lie down
Hamlet, village
Vīcus, ī
Wherever, adv.
Quōcumque, adv.
Am at hand, am supplied, hold out
Suppetō, suppetere, suppetīvī, suppetītum, 3, intr.
Resources, wealth
Opēs, opum
Wife, husband
Conjūnx, conjugis, c.
Consider, deliberate
Dēlīberō, 1, tr.
It pleases, it seems good, it is decided
Placet, placēre, placuit, placitum, 2, intr.; w. dat.; w. infin.; acc. w. infin.; ut (nē)
Lean forward, fall down, lie down
Prōcumbō, prōcumbere, prōcubuī, prōcubitum, 3, intr.
Pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
Beautiful, noble, glorious
Prope, adv.
Almost, nearly, recently
Ōrnāmentum, ī
Ornament, mark of honor
Circumdō, circumdare, circumdedī, circumdatus, 1, tr.
Put around, encompass, surround
Venia, ae
Indulgence, favor, pardon
Dēligō, dēligere, dēlēgī, dēlēctus, 3, tr.
Choose, pick out, select
Beautiful, noble, glorious
Pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
Almost, nearly, recently
Prope, adv.
Ornament, mark of honor
Ōrnāmentum, ī
Put around, encompass, surround
Circumdō, circumdare, circumdedī, circumdatus, 1, tr.
Indulgence, favor, pardon
Venia, ae
Choose, pick out, select
Dēligō, dēligere, dēlēgī, dēlēctus, 3, tr.
Adhortor, 1, tr.
Urge, encourage
Tenuitās, tenuitātis
Thinness, poverty
Indīligentia, ae
Thinness, poverty
Tenuitās, tenuitātis
Indīligentia, ae
Pābulor, 1, intr.
Mājestās, mājestātis
Greatness, honor, majesty
Careō, 2, intr.
(+abl) am without, am free from, miss, want, lack
Am without, am free from, miss, want, lack
Careō, 2, intr. (+abl)
Greatness, honor, majesty
Mājestās, mājestātis
Pābulor, 1, intr.
Māne, adv.
In the morning, early
Carrus, ī
Dēnsus, a, um
Thick, dense
In the morning, early
Māne, adv.
Carrus, ī
Thick, dense
Dēnsus, a, um
Profugiō, profugere, profūgī, profugitum, 3, intr.
Flee, flee from, run away, escape
Mātrēs (mātrum) familiae (familiārum)
Fleō, flēre, flēvī, flētum, 2, intr.
Weep, shed tears, lament
Īnfirmitās, īnfirmātis
Weakness, fickleness, inconstancy
Plērumque, adv.
Generally, very often
Significō, 1, tr.
Make signs, show, indicate, signify
Praeoccupō, 1, tr.
Seize upon beforehand, take possession of
Inūtilis, e
Useless, worthless, disadvantageous
Incautius, comp. adv.
Rather incautiously
Custōdia, ae
Custody, guard, sentinel, protection
Languidius, comp. adv.
Rather sluggishly
Flee, flee from, run away, escape
Profugiō, profugere, profūgī, profugitum, 3, intr.
Mātrēs (mātrum) familiae (familiārum)
Weep, shed tears, lament
Fleō, flēre, flēvī, flētum, 2, intr.
Weakness, fickleness, inconstancy
Īnfirmitās, īnfirmātis
Generally, very often
Plērumque, adv.
Make signs, show, indicate, signify
Significō, 1, tr.
Seize upon beforehand, take possession of
Praeoccupō, 1, tr.
Useless, worthless, disadvantageous
Inūtilis, e
Rather incautiously
Incautius, adv.
Custody, guard, sentinel, protection
Custōdia, ae
Rather sluggishly
Languidius, comp. adv.
Vīnea, ae
Vine arbor
Occultum, ī
Place of concealment, secret
Aliquandō, adv.
At some time, at length, finally
Frūctus, ūs
Fruit, profit, reward, produce
Percipiō, percipere, percēpī, perceptus, 3, tr.; acc. w. infin.
Obtain, learn of, hear, perceive
Vine arbor
Vīnea, ae
Place of concealment, secret
Occultum, ī
At some time, at length, finally
Aliquandō, adv.
Fruit, profit, reward, produce
Frūctus, ūs
Obtain, learn of, hear, perceive
Percipiō, percipere, percēpī, perceptus, 3, tr.; acc. w. infin.
Pateō, patēre, patuī, 2, intr.
Lie open, is open, is passable, stretch out, extend
Cuneātim, adv.
In wedge-shaped masses
Quisquam, quidquam
Anyone, anything
Mulier, mulieris
Woman, wife
Īnfans, īnfantis, c.
Lie open, is open, is passable, stretch out, extend
Pateō, patēre, patuī, 2, intr.
In wedge-shaped masses
Cuneātim, adv.
Anyone, anything
Quisquam, quidquam
Woman, wife
Mulier, mulieris
Īnfāns, īnfantis, c.
Urge, encourage
Adhortor, 1, tr.