Rebellion in the North 3:1 Flashcards
Quaestor, quaestōris
Quaestor (a Roman financial officer)
Ūndecimus, a, um
Quaestor, quaestōris
Quīnque, indecl. numeral
Commodum, ī
Interest, advantage
Quadringentī, ae, a
Four hundred
Antecursor, antecursōris
Forerunner, advance guard
Attribuō, attribuere, attribuī, attribūtus, 3, tr.
Assign, allot
Pūblicus, a, um
Tolerō, 1, tr.
Endure, hold out
Dēvehō, dēvehere, dēvexī, dēvectus, 3, tr.
Carry away, bring
Quīnque, indecl. numeral
Interest, advantage
Commodum, ī
Four hundred
Quadringentī, ae, a
Forerunner, advance guard
Antecursor, antecursōris
Assign, allot
Attribuō, attribuere, attribuī, attribūtus, 3, tr.
Pūblicus, a, um
Endure, hold out
Tolerō, 1, tr.
Carry away, bring
Dēvehō, dēvehere, dēvexī, dēvectus, 3, tr.
Moror, 1, tr. and intr.
Delay, hinder, linger
Captīvus, ī
Epistula, ae
Letter, dispatch
Graecus, a, um
Littera, ae
Letter (of the alphabet)
Delay, hinder, linger
Moror, 1, tr. and intr.
Captīvus, ī
Letter, dispatch
Epistula, ae
Graecus, a, um
Letter (of the alphabet)
Littera, ae
Trāgula, ae
Javelin, dart
Āmmentum, ī
Strap, thong
Dēligō, 1, tr.
Bind down, tie down, fasten
Prīstinus, a, um
Former, original, previous
Praecipiō, praecipere, praecēpī, praeceptus, 3, tr.
Order, bid
Adhaereō, adhaerēre, adhaesī, adhaesum, 2, intr.; w. dat. or ad. w. acc.
Cling to, stick to
Bīduum, ī
A period of two days, two days
Dēmō, dēmere, dēmpsī, dēmptus, 3, tr.
Take down, remove
Ūndecimus, a, um
Strap, thong
Āmmentum, ī
Bind down, tie down, fasten
Dēligō, 1, tr.
Former, original, previous
Prīstinus, a, um
To order, bid
Praecipiō, praecipere, praecēpī, praeceptus, 3, tr.
Cling to, stick to
Adhaereō, adhaerēre, adhaesī, adhaesum, 2, intr. w. dat. or ad w. acc.
A period of two days, two days
Bīduum, ī
Take down, remove
Dēmō, dēmere, dēmpsī, dēmptus, 3, tr.
Perlegō, perlegere, perlēgī, perlēctus, 3, tr.
Read through
Meeting, assembly
Conventus, ūs
Read aloud
Recitō, 1, tr.
Joy, gladness
Laetitia, ae
Do to, treat, affect
Afficiō, afficere, affēcī, affectus, 3, tr.
Fūmus, ī
Incendium, ī
Fire, conflagration
Dubutatiō, dubitatiōnis
Doubt, hesitation
Read through
Perlegō, perlegere, perlēgī, perlēctus, 3, tr.
Conventus, ūs
Meeting, assembly
Recitō, 1, tr.
Read aloud
Laetitia, ae
Joy, gladness
Afficiō, afficere, affēcī, affectus, 3, tr.
Do to, treat, affect
Fūmus, ī
Fire, conflagration
Incendium, ī
Doubt, hesitation
Dubitātiō, dubitātiōnis