revision powerpoint: Methodologies Flashcards
Methodologies in Qual
Uses interviews or observation to look at culture
eg. student nurse culture
Methodologies in Qual
Interviews people with a lived experience/ human experience eg. what is it like being a student nurse
Methodologies in Qual
Grounded theory
Interviews are used to Understand why a social interaction/ lived experience happens to generate a theory
- why do student nurses drop out
Empiral - lots of student nurses drop out
Methodologies in Qual
Case study
Interviews/ documents/ reports or observations are used to
explore a detailed investigation of the development of a single or multiple events/ individuals
Methodologies in Quan
Scientific experiment, blinding (placebo), large sample size
Methodologies in Quan
Quasi- experiment
Not random. the researcher can manipulate the design to suit
Class of 30 to split into 2 teams
RCT: pick 15 names out of a hat to make 1 team
QUASI: splitting a class directly down the middle so 15 on each side
Methodologies in Quan
Case control
case: with disease
Control: no disease
Methodologies in Quan
Cohort study
a group of people with defining characteristics that start something at the same time and are studied over a long period of time .eg. first year nursing students studied over 3 years of their degree
Mixed method research types
ExplANatory sequential
quAN first then qual
Mixed method research types
Exploratory sequential
Qual then Quan
Mixed method research types
Quan and Qual side by side
Mixed method research types
Quan and qual mixed together
Methodologies in Quan
Fixed cohort study
cohort study that starts and finishes at the same time
cohort study- A long term study looking at a similar group of people
What is a methodology?
the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information about a topic.
In a research paper, the methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability.
Methodologies in Qual
Stories from individuals or documents to learn about an individuals experience or sequence
Different methodologies in Qual
Generic Qualitative
Follows a method but does not identify a methodology