dont really know Flashcards
different ways to find out about reality eg. quantitative questionnaire to test knowledge pre + post lecture. Qual: Observe and ask people their point of view
Epistemology social construction
people construct their knowledge together eg. ideal community build ideas together and learn from one another ‘oh yes I also read that paper and thought…’
Sensitivity vs Specificity
Sensitivity: the ability of a test to correctly identify patients with a disease
Specificity: the ability of a test to correctly identify people without the disease
Qual Terminolgy
Individual perspective
Qual: Empirical
Something proved/ discovered by experience
-lots of student nurses drop out
Grounded theory would be why do they drop out ^^
Qual: Iterative process
data analysis starts before data collection has finished because data saturation is reached eg. all 5 student nurses thought that they don’t get enough support. Common theme so most student nurses think they don’t get enough support
Qual: Paradigm
the philosophical position that is taken within the research.
Qual: Theoretical sampling
a method of sampling that occurs as researchers build new theories and idea from the data they have collected and test these theories by interviewing more subjects to see if the new theories still hold true. Usually a feature of grounded theory research. Also called handy sampling.
Normal disruption. More assumptions. Larger sample size. No outliers. Equal variances. Interval or ratio
non-normal distributed data. Less assumptions. Small sample size. Outliers. Unequal variances. Nominal (named or labelled) or ordinal (specific order and named)
per-protocol anaylsis
Only considers participants that have always adhered to ALL the study protocol – always receive the intervention and showed up for check ups
D: overestimates treatment effects. distortion of true study results if the only form on analysis
As treated anaylsis
Analysis based on actual treatment received regardless of the original group assignment. Receive additional therapy other than that assigned by randomization
Completers only anaylsis
Only people who complete study are analysed
true zero or no true zero
true zero
no. of children
survey anaylsis
sampling bias
every nth term
subgroup random selection
chi 2
nominal/ordinal data x2
numerical x2
ordinal + numerical
ordinal/ nominal (x3) + numerical (x3)