Not in Revision Powerpoint Flashcards
Study of disease and their treatments from a population perspective
different ways to find out about reality eg. quantitative questionnaire to test knowledge pre + post lecture. Qual: Observe and ask people their point of view
Epistemology social construction
people construct their knowledge together eg. ideal community build ideas together and learn from one another ‘oh yes I also read that paper and thought…’
Mental capacity
also referred to as capacity. The ability to retain and understand information needed to make a decision.
research which does not use comparison to test cause and effect.
objective (facts/ not influenced/ impartial/ unbias) vs subjective (personal/ opinions/ bias)
Peer review
a common practice in good quality journals whereby submitted articles are reviewed by subject experts for their accuracy. Peer review is usually undertaken without the identity of researcher being disclosed to the reviewers, to avoid bias.
Prospective vs retrospective
Prospective: going forward in time.
Retrospective: going back in time
the amount of similarity between a study sample and the population from which it is drawn.
Sensitivity vs Specificity
Sensitivity: the ability of a test to correctly identify patients with a disease
Specificity: the ability of a test to correctly identify people without the disease
Types of evidence
Systematic review
a review of literature on a given topic which is undertaken using a defined process covering a predetermined number of years of the literature.
Qual: Tacit knowledge
knowledge so deeply embedded, they often forget they have it. It is known to people within a group and does not need explanation within the context of that group, but may be unknown to outsiders.
Qual: Bracketing
researchers opinion put to the side- self-awareness to not impact study results.
Qual Terminolgy
Individual perspective
Critical appraisal
Are the findings credible
Qual: Emic vs eTic
Emic: Seeing something from an insiders point of view eg. student nurses point of view of their course
Etic: outsiders point of view
Qual: Empirical
Something proved/ discovered by experience
-lots of student nurses drop out
Grounded theory would be why do they drop out ^^
Qual: Ethnography/ethnographic study
how people behave in a certain context or culture (eg. ward vs community nursing ). Getting immersed into a community to get a better perspective than being a stranger in a room eg. being a student nurse at ACE for 3 months vs head lead teacher popping in for 20 mins you will have a better portrayal of the participants reality. Glasgow HIV paper
Qual: Gatekeeper
helps gain access to a group to be studied eg. ward manager agreeing for nurses to be involved with the study and help select who is going to help
Qual: Hawthorne effect
Bias – people respond in a manner in which they believe they should because researcher present
Qual: InDuctive
develop a theory from data eg. for the last 5 summers I have seen fireflies in my garden so this summer I will see fireflies in my garden
Qual: Interpretive phenomenology
Interpreting and understanding human experience
Qual: Iterative process
data analysis starts before data collection has finished because data saturation is reached eg. all 5 student nurses thought that they don’t get enough support. Common theme so most student nurses think they don’t get enough support
Qual: Narrative inquiry
stories are collected, analysed and presented
Qual: Narrative analysis
why do people tell the story that way? What was emphasised? Where was eye contact present and not present ? etc.
Qual: Paradigm
the philosophical position that is taken within the research.