Revision: hip and thigh muscles Flashcards
anterior flexor muscles of thigh and innervation
iliopsoas: psoas M., iliacus
sartorius, pectineus
all by femoral nerve apart from psoas M which is innervated by anterior rami of lumbar nerves
pectineus innervation and action
femoral nerve
adducts and flexes thigh

iliopsoas parts, innervation and action
psoas major: anterior rami of lumbar nerves
iliacus: femoral nerve
both flex thigh at hip and stabilise hip joint

sartorius innervation, action
femoral nerve
flexes, abducts, laterally rotates thigh
also, as it inserts into the sup. med. surface of tibia (it is the longest muscle in the body), it also flexes the leg at the knee joint

anterior thigh extensor leg muscles action, innervation
quadricep muscles: -vastus medialis, intermedius and lateralis
-rectus femoris
all extend leg at knee, insert into quadriceps tendon to base of patella (also indirectly via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity) and are innervated by the femoral nerve
the rectus femoris is unique of the four as it also crosses the hip joint, so it stabilises the hip as well as assisting the iliopsoas in flexion of the thigh
[in the picture, vastus intermedius is deep to the rectus femoris]

medial (adductor) muscles of the thigh, innervation
Adductor: longus, brevis, magnus
obturator externus
all by obturator nerve apart from hamsrting part of adductor magnus (innervated by sciatic nerve)
[in picture, gracilis is located on top of adductor magnus]

Adductor longus innervation and action
obturator nerve
adducts thigh

adductor brevis innervation and action
obturator nerve
adducts and to some extent flexes thigh

adductor magnus innervation and action
adductor head: obturator nerve, hamstring head: sciatic nerve
action: adducts thigh; adductor part flexes thigh; hamsrting part extends thigh
between the two parts is a gap - the adductor hiatus - that allows through the femoral artery and vein from the adductor canal to the popliteal fossa

gracilis innervation and action
obturator nerve
adducts thigh, med rotates and flexes leg

obturator externus innervation and action
obturator nerve
laterally rotates thigh, stabilises head of femur in acetabulum

posterior thigh muscles, their general action and innervation
semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris
extensors of hip and flexors of knee
first two by tibial division of sciatic nerve, latter- short head (common fibular) and long head (tibial division)
semimembranosus innervation and action
tibial division of sciatic nerve
extends thigh; flexes leg and med. rotates leg when flexed; when leg and thigh are flexed it can extend the trunk (all are shared by semitendinosus, first two by biceps femoris)
[in picture, a lot of the semimembranosus is hidden by the semitendinosus]

semitendinosus innervation and action
tibial division of sciatic nerve
extends thigh; flexes leg and med. rotates leg when it is flexed; when leg and thigh are flexed it can also extend the trunk (these functions are all shared with the semimembranosus, and the first two by the biceps femoris)

biceps femoris innervation and action
(long head) tibial division of sciatic nerve, (short head) common fibular nerve
extends thigh; felxes leg and med. rotates leg when it is flexed (these functions it shares with the semi- tendinosus and membranosus)
[in picture the short head is on the right and long head on the left]

what is this muscle and what is its innervation?

biceps femoris, long head on left and short on right
sciatic nerve
muscle and innervation?

semitendinosus, sciatic nerve
muscle and innervation

semimembranosus, sciatic nerve
name these muscles, which is the compartment and what is the other (and where is it located?)

anterior extensors of knee
vastus intermedius, underneath the rectus femoris

name these muscles, what is the compartment, what is the other muscle, where is it located?

adductor muscles of thigh
gracilis, above the inferior part of adductor magnus

muscles of gluteal region, general actions and innervation
gluteus: maximus, medius, minimus, tensor fasciae latae, obturator internus, sup and inf gemelli, piriformis
adductors and rotators of thigh
g. max. by inf. gluteal nerve, g. min, med and TFL by sup. gluteal nerve, piriformis by nerve to piriformis, inf. gemelli and quad. femoris by nerve to quad femoris, sup. gemelli and obturator internus by nerve to obturator internus

gluteus maximus innervation and action
inf. gluteal nerve
extends, steadies and assists in lat. rotation of thigh, also assists when rising from a sitting position

gluteus minimus and medius innervation and action
sup. gluteal nerve
abduct and med. rotate thigh, keeps pelvis horizontal when opposite limb is weight bearing (raised)
both innervation and action are identical to the tensor fasciae latae

tensor fasciae latae innervation and action
superior gluteal nerve
abduct and med. rotate thigh, keep hip horizontal when opposite limb is weight bearing
both inn. and act. are identical to gluteus medius and minimus
quadratus femoris innervation and action
nerve to quadratus femoris
lat. rotates thigh, steadies the femoral head in the acetabulum

sup. and inf. gemelli innervation and action
sup: nerve to obturator internus, inf: nerve to quadratus femoris
action: lat. rotate extended thigh and abduct flexed thigh, steady femoral head in acetabulum

obturator internus innervation and action
nerve to obturator internus
lat. rotates extended thigh and abducts flexed thigh, steadies femoral head in acetabulum

piriformis innervation and action
nerve to piriformis
lat. rotates extended thigh, abducts flexed thigh, steadies femoral head in acetabulum

name muscles, compartment, muscles missing

also, gluteus minimus is top right, stretching from between ant and inf gluteal lines of ilium, and piriformis is below left of this, from ant. surface of sacrum
muscles of gluteal region
gluteus maximus and medius (cut through at top), tensor fasciae latae (to right side of picture)

name muscles

name muscles, compartment of the right muscles, muscles missing

gluteal muscles (obturator externus is an adductor muscle), gluteus maximus and medius

name muscles, compartment of muscles, missing muscles

flexing of thigh -> muscles -> innervation
gracillis, adductor l, b, m (adductor part) -> obturator
iliopsoas -> femoral (iliacus), sciatic (anterior rami of lumbar)
pectineus, sartorius, rectus femoris -> femoral
tensor fasciae latae -> sup. gluteal
extension of thigh -> muscles -> innervation
hamstrings: semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris (long head)-> sciatic nerve
gluteus maximus -> inf gluteal nerve
adductor magnus (hamstring part) -> obturator nerve
adduction of thigh -> muscles -> nerves
Medial Adductor compartment: gracillis, obturator externus, Adductor b, l, m -> obturator nerve, apart from hamstring 1/2 of adductor magnus -> sciatic nerve
pectineus -> femoral nerve
abduction of thigh -> muscles -> nerves
gluteus medius and maximus, tensor fasciae latae -> sup. gluteal nerve
sartorius -> femoral
lat. rotation of thigh -> muscles -> nerves
gluteus max. -> inf. gluteal
sartorius -> femoral
quad. femoris, inf gemilli -> nerve to q.f.
obturator internus, sup gemelli -> nerve to o.i.
piriformis -> nerve to piriformis
obturator externus -> obturator nerve
med. rotation of thigh -> muscles -> innervation
ant. parts of glut min & med., tensor fasciae latae -> sup. gluteal nerve